Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 138 The Cursed Ones

Damien found out that team members can send each other distress signals during the competition in case they need help.

But he understood one fact that if one wanted to steal a flag from the rival team, they would have to steal their wristband but not destroy it. If it gets destroyed no team will get the flag and will only eliminate the owner of the destroyed wristband.

But obviously if one tries to destroy their own wristband, they will automatically surrender their flag to the other team if they had one.

Through the wristband, Damien found his other team members. The other three members also approached Damien and Fynn. Two of them were girls who looked sixteen, and the third one was a boy who looked seventeen.

Damien recognized him as Cedric Clive, one of the candidates who received high praise from the invigilator. His cultivation was at the Spirit Ethereal Realm Level Ten.

Cedric had a disdainful look as soon as he laid his eyes on Damien and Fynn.

He wrinkled his nose and said cynically, "Tch, why do I have to get stuck with two trash like you two. Now I can only hope the other team also has weaklings like you. Hmph, don\'t think that you two can hug my thighs and get carried along. Better listen to my orders, or you two can stop dreaming about even getting past the gates of the Xeton Ethereal Foundation."

Damien looked at him indifferently and didn\'t even respond as it was not worth his time to argue with someone who was too arrogant and had less IQ than him.

Previously, he at least admired him for his talent, but now he lost whatever respect he had for him. Damien reckoned that his ethereal cultivation might have been forcefully stacked up by using his family\'s resources.

Based on his supercilious demeanor, Damien could guess that he must be coming from a reasonably wealthy family.

Cedric then turned to the two girls and said with a saucy smile, "Pretty ladies, please stick close to me, and I can assure you we will have a smooth win. May I know your beautiful names?"

The two girls seemed like friends and were at the Spirit Ethereal Realm Level Five and Six, respectively. They nodded with a fawning smile and said, "I am May, and this is Julia. We are pleased to be in your care, Sir Cedric."

Fynn\'s face flared with anger as he muttered to Damien in an indignant tone, "He didn\'t have to be so rude like this. Even if he called me trash, Brother Damien does not deserve to be called like that. If Brother Damien had the same resources as him, I am sure you would have higher cultivation than him."

Cedric\'s complexion became black as he said in a bitter tone, "What did you just say, you little mutt? Why don\'t you say it again for me?" Cedric was angered that a weakling dared to mock him in front of the girls.

Fynn\'s expression turned pale as he unconsciously shrunk back. Even though Fynn had said in a low voice to Damien, Cedric was too near not to hear his words.

"No, I-I didn\'t mean to…" Fynn knew that Cedric was coming from the reputed Clive Family, located on the eastern side of the empire. He even heard that the members of that family were in prominent positions and had a say in decisions that affected the empire.

The last thing he wanted was to get on the bad side of people like Cedric, who could make things difficult for him if he managed to pass.

His background was only a disadvantage for him in this place. He had come here alone as the only hope of his family and to pursue his dreams just like many other people. How could he dare to make enemies with influential people right before he even entered the Xeton Ethereal Foundation.

The only way he could earn prestige for his family was by becoming someone of importance to the empire. He was aware of his circumstances and regretted muttering those words on the spur of the moment.

However, Cedric knew that the place he was currently in was not a place to stir up trouble blatantly.

He said with a cold snort, "You better hope you don\'t pass with me. Otherwise…" His lips curled up into a malicious smile.

He then squinted his eyes as if he suddenly remembered something, "You are from the Clayton Family, right? The Zirian dogs who threaten our empire\'s peace. Hmph, be thankful that the empire is still keeping you dogs alive and even giving you the chance to gain entry to this foundation. If it were me, I would slave and kill all Zirian dogs," Cedric spitefully said as he poked Fynn\'s chest.

Fynn clenched his fist with his head downturned. His lips were shaking as he gritted his teeth in anger.

He wanted to retort but didn\'t dare to as he knew that in the end, he was of the Zirian lineage and would be ostracized for it in the whole empire.

Damien noticed how even the two girls showed a nasty expression when Cedric said the word \'Zirian.\'

He had read about the Zirians from the books in his villa\'s library. All he knew was that the Zirians were a race of humans who lived in the Xeton Empire for thousands of years, and they were also known as the \'Cursed Ones\' because of the strange grey mark on their forehead.

The mark would only appear when they use their cultivation.

He knew that they had once almost rebelled and overthrew the Xeton Empire to place themselves in power but failed because of the Xeton Emperor, who was in power thousands of years ago.

And the grey mark on their foreheads was proof of their rebellion and something to remind them of their mistakes. It was something the Xeton Emperor of that time did to make sure they never rebel again as, if they ever held a single thought of rebelling and tried to act on it, then their cultivation would be immediately crippled.

The grey mark would also pass to their descendants, and there was no escape from it. They also wouldn\'t be able to mix themselves with the Xetonians and have children.

He had learned that many Zirians had died during the war. Still, those who were left were granted mercy by the Xeton Emperor and allowed to live among them as long as they don\'t commit the same mistakes again.

But he didn\'t understand why they were still hated upon for something their ancestors did thousands of years ago.

Damien stepped forward and calmly pushed away Cedric\'s hand, "That\'s enough. We are a team. How do you suppose we win when you are already harassing your teammate?"

Although Damien was confident in himself, he had no idea what criteria the judges would judge their performance. Just to be on the safe side, he wanted his team to win. He also had no idea how the power levels would be distributed in the rival team.

Cedric frowned and glared at Damien. He grabbed Damien\'s collar and said in a malign tone, "Are you a Cursed One as him?"

"Let go," Damien slowly said as he gave a death stare at him.

Cedric felt a chill down his spine as he saw Damien\'s pitch-black eyes, which made him feel as if his surroundings were becoming gloomy and dark.

Fynn grabbed Cedric\'s hands and pleaded, "Please let him go. He is not a Cursed One. He is from the Rong Empire."

Cedric felt the elderly man\'s gaze and snorted as he took his hands off from Damien\'s collar, "Hmph, vermins surely keep each other company. But remember, I am not done with you two yet."

He didn\'t look at them anymore and started flirting with the two girls. Flynn let out a sigh of relief, seeing that Cedric didn\'t cause any more trouble.

He looked at Damien and said, "Brother Damien, you need not have defended me. Cedric might make things tough for you if you pass and get admitted. I am used to these sorts of things anyway. I don\'t want to offend him anymore lest I am unable to stay here. My family depends on me, and I can\'t let them down."

"Why should we be scared of him? His status can only bring him so far, and his performance in this institute would depend on only himself. We shouldn\'t let people like him bully us as if we bow before them once; then we would have to bow forever. If you don\'t want to be scared, work hard and surpass him. Don\'t let anyone tell you what you can\'t do. A stupid mark doesn\'t decide your worthiness. Only you can." Damien said with a smile.

Fynn\'s face brightened up as he heard Damien\'s words. He now felt admiration and a bit of gratitude and said with a vigorous nod, "Brother Damien is right. I will prove to everyone that we Zirians can also be of importance to the Xeton Empire. I wouldn\'t let the mistakes of my ancestors bring me down."

Damien nodded with a smile. He then asked curiously, "But why do these people still hate you all for something that happened thousands of years ago?"

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