Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 280 Targeting The Wrong Person

Much to the astonishment of Dennisa, Damien\'s lips curved into a smirk as jet black streaks of lightning covered his eyes and danced across his body, singing the chains around his hands to dust.

How could such mere chains handle the power coming from someone whose combat prowess already crossed the middle levels of the Earth Ethereal Realm?

Veiled Mamba only used such chains since Dennisa and Roy wanted to toy with them to their convenience.

Roy was equally shocked as well when Valentina\'s eyes became cold enough to make Roy feel chills passing through his blood.

And within a split-second, simply with a jerk of her arms, the chains easily snapped, letting her free.

"No...how…" Roy and Dennisa mumbled in their own ways of expressing their shock and apprehension as they stumbled backward.

Jet black lighting bolts were still streaking through Damien\'s body, his aura seemingly spine-chilling just enough to make Roy and Dennisa feel as if a devil\'s claws were clutching their hearts.

And with Valentina\'s bloody aura permeating the room, they felt as if their blood was trembling with fear!

Forget about the strange jet black lightning. They were even more shocked at the fact how these two got free, especially when their cultivations were supposed to have been sealed.

Valentina was about to use an ethereal attack on Roy and Dennisa, but a soul transmission from Damien made her stop.

"Surprised?" Damien asked with a grin as the lightning streaks around his body ceased. He very much wanted to fry the two ugly pigs before him, but he already had other plans set in stone so that everything he was going to do here would never trace back to him in any way.

He already activated the ethereal barrier the Rong Ancestor gave him just to be safe.

Dennisa\'s finger trembled as she pointed at Damien, "This cannot be! No! What trickery is this...Veiled Mamba wouldn\'t betray me…"

Damien curved his brows, "Oh, she indeed did not. But that doesn\'t mean we didn\'t fool her, haha. Misty, come!"


The walls of the entrance of the building came crumbling down as a huge winged ethereal beast came in with a bloodied figure in its mouth.

With a thought from Damien, Misty hurled the bloodied bag of bones in its beaks towards Damien.

Roy and Dennisa\'s eyes became as wide as saucers since, despite the blood, they easily recognized the clothes Veiled Mamba was wearing. Apparently, she seemed to be in a semi-conscious state with long lacerated wounds evidently from the talons of the scary, ethereal beast before them; its eyes eerily jet black.

Damien had no doubt that Misty could easily carry out a surprise attack on Veiled Mamba since Luna told him that her cultivation was only at the High Levels of the Sky Ethereal Realm.

If Veiled Mamba was attacked by Misty out of nowhere, she could have at least used some tricks to run away.

But because of Misty\'s specialty of hiding in the skies, Veiled Mamba never took notice of it following her like a shadow. Not only that, Damien always had Misty keeping watch over him from the skies, just in case somebody made a surprise attack on him.

"Unhh...." Veiled Mamba\'s voice seemed feeble, and her eyes only half-open, unable to believe how she got compromised. Her shock and fear were no less than Roy and Dennisa\'s. In fact, the last time she felt such fear was too long ago for her to remember.

Over the years, her feelings and heart had become indifferent to such feelings that even if she were being chased, her trained mind wouldn\'t let her feel fear. But now, since the clouds of death were looming over her, she couldn\'t help but feel her mind crumbling.

Her confidence in her perfect track record of assassinations was not for naught since her victims would never even remotely suspect her until their death. And by that time, she would have already long escaped.

Only this time, she was forced to make an exception and do a kidnapping of sorts. And she indeed had some apprehensions about it since it was not her usual way of doing things, and she would have to improvise on the way.

But since she was an assassin, she didn\'t consider adapting to the situation would be much of a hassle, and in her perspective, her plan did work out flawlessly by poisoning the plates from which Damien and Valentina ate their food.

The plates were replaced beforehand by using someone from the inside without the knowledge of the staff.

She also ate from it, but she already took an antidote for it beforehand so that it wouldn\'t affect her.

The poison was named \'Silent Touch\' since one needs to only simply come into contact with it to have their cultivations sealed after a certain period of time. It was supposed to be extremely undetectable since the poison was derived from a very infamous poisonous ethereal beast.

But how could it escape the detection of someone like Damien, who was highly knowledgeable about the various types of herbs, medicines, and poisons he had researched for alchemy.

He wasn\'t a prodigy in alchemy for nothing. Every time he ate outside, he would unconsciously have a quick check of the food he was eating to know if it was safe to eat.

His years of trying to survive had made his mind like that, not to trust anything at face value, even if it was food from a so-called trusted premium hotel.

And this time, unfortunately for Veiled Mamba, she tried to poison the wrong guy. The reason she even told Dennisa that she wouldn\'t kill Alchemist Azrael was because of this exact reason.

She knew such a genius alchemist would surely figure out her poison, and there was no way she could kill such a figure silently.

Her main expertise wasn\'t only infiltration but also poison. She had already used countless types of poison for various situations, and even Damien would be impressed with the extensive knowledge she had regarding toxins.

That\'s why despite her cultivation not being too powerful; she was able to finish off many people way more powerful than her easily. Since her victims would lower their guards before their trusted people, she took advantage of that.

If she knew Damien was such an expert in alchemy, she would have used her secret stash of poisons to go up against someone like him if she had to be desperate.

But how could she know that a kid like Damien could be so talented in alchemy? Even if Damien revealed his alter identity, she wouldn\'t dare to believe it since such a case was unprecedented and seemed impossible.

However, Veiled Mamba was destined to fail in every way since even if Damien didn\'t notice the poison, Luna could easily warn him with her eyes closed.

Even if Veiled Mamba dabbled in poison arts for eons, her actions would never be able to escape Luna\'s eyes.

If Veiled Mamba knew about the existence of Luna, at least she would feel better, thinking that a mortal like her lost to somebody who housed a divine being instead of feeling indignation.

At first, Damien had doubts whether he would be able to catch Veiled Mamba because of the barrier which Misty might not be able to pass through. But fortunately, like most barriers, it only barred living beings from entering, and Misty was obviously an undead.

Even if Misty weren\'t able to enter, he wouldn\'t mind Veiled Mamba escaping if he can take care of Roy and Dennisa at the same time.

Even if Veiled Mamba came to know about what happened to Roy and Dennisa, she wouldn\'t do anything about it unless she wants to put herself in needless trouble as it would be none of her business.

All she cared about was the mission, and after finishing it, none of it would matter to her anymore. She was a professional in every way, and even Damien was impressed by the way she impersonated Yara to the point that even he could hardly point out any flaws in her behavior.

Even in his previous world, he had never come upon such a person who had high-level mastery in impersonating others. It was quite obvious that Veiled Mamba always did a thorough study of the target she was going to impersonate, and over the years, she became quite good at it that by just observing a person for a while, she could learn most of their mannerisms.

Roy and Dennisa felt their backs going cold with sweat and tried to run!

They both didn\'t care about thinking further since they obviously knew if they stayed any longer, their deaths would be set in stone. No matter how hopeless it seemed, they couldn\'t help but try running away to set their hearts at ease.

Because of the disease, they practically lost their cultivation, and it wouldn\'t be wrong for someone to call them cripples.

Damien scoffed at their desperate act and said, "Valentina, it\'s okay to pulverize them with your fists."

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