Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 363 Who Told You To?

Nathasia\'s face lit up as a new surge of energy coursed through her veins, allowing her to follow him.

Damien wasn\'t just blindly walking but knew that no one would be coming for him for a while. Not till they calculate their next best move instead of losing more men.

Since he destroyed quite a few military safehouses, he also got information of various locations that were blindspots that were good enough for him to hide at.

Nathasia had no idea for how many hours she was walking as the skies had already become dark.

She had felt like collapsing on the ground a few times but didn\'t out of fear that Damien might get out of her sight.

Her lips were chapped, her expression looked wan as traces of dried blood were still on her face.

Fortunately, Damien seemed to slow down when he reached an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. But the region where this warehouse was located was quite dusty location and all the buildings around it were rundown.

One could notice that this was one of the places which were subject to warfare because of which nobody else was in this place.

There were forests a few hundred meters away on either side.

However, not only Nathasia was feeling very fatigued, but Damien\'s steps faltered as crimson streaks crossed his face like veins.

His expression twisted as if he was feeling unbearable pain and somehow opened the door of the warehouse before falling down on his knees.

He tried his best to get up, but the sudden wave of fatigue and pain from the depths of his soul made him feel difficult to even lift a finger.

Nathasia\'s brows pulled together, seeing that something was wrong with him.

She felt that he must be really exhausted after using his powers for an extended time without a break.

Even though she was not in good shape, she dragged her legs forward to help him out.

"Are you okay? I c-can help," Nathasia anxiously said as she tried to grab his arm to pull him up.

"Don\'t touch me!" Damien coldly said as he turned his face riddled with crimson streaks to glare at her.

Nathasia was frightened as she stumbled back and fell on her bottom. But seeing the strange crimson streaks on his face, she was worried, wondering if he was suffering too much inwardly.

She had never seen such streaks in her life nor heard about it and so couldn\'t help but wonder if it was a symptom of him overusing his powers.

But before she could think any further, she saw Damien collapse on the floor, completely unconscious.

She felt extremely worried and quickly crawled towards him to check his breathing and let out a sigh of relief, seeing that he was just unconscious.

She then looked around at the almost empty warehouse and saw that there were chairs and even sofas and some other stuff that one usually won\'t see in a warehouse. She felt that some people might have hidden out here in the past.

She decided to put Damien on one of the sofas so that he could rest properly. But when she tried to pull him by his arm, she couldn\'t even move him for more than an inch before she fell on the floor out of extreme fatigue.

She felt her senses and vision dull as Damien\'s face continued to become obscure in her vision.

"No...I have to help him up…" Even though her mind had other plans, her body did not listen to her as her eyes slowly closed.

After an unknown number of hours, Nathasia stirred awake and saw that Damien was still lying unconscious on the cold floor, but the crimson streaks were still all over his face and body.

She slowly tried to get up and couldn\'t understand what was going on in his body and wondered if things were very serious for him not to wake up before her.

If he had any visible injuries, she could have at least treated him based on the techniques she learned from her father. But Damien looked completely alright on the outside except for the crimson streaks that stood out like veins.

But since she knew she didn\'t have enough strength to put him on a sofa, she gently rolled his body to make him lie on his side and tilted his head to let him breathe more comfortably.

She then spotted a quilt and decided to cover him with it to keep him warm till he woke up.

She decided to find something to eat and drink since she didn\'t want to blackout again while Damien might need her help.

Fortunately, she found some canned food and a box full of supplies which even had bottles of water, a first aid kit, and many others. She wondered if Damien already knew about this and decided to come here.

She, however, decided to take as little as possible so that Damien wouldn\'t be angry at her for taking his stuff.

She knew right now he was not exactly the same person she had interacted with for the past month.

From the coldness of his eyes, she could see that he wouldn\'t trust anyone, including her, and even the fact that he freed her seemed surprised when she thought about it now.

She now decided to somehow become stronger and help Damien in his mission since now they had a common enemy.

She wished she could at least give him some water to drink, but since he was unconscious, that didn\'t seem possible.

She still felt soreness and pain in different parts of her body, and mentally also she was exhausted and felt depressed whenever she thought about her parents.

But she decided to stay strong and not let their deaths be in vain. Even though she knew Bella was killed by Damien, she still didn\'t feel as happy as she expected, especially when nothing changed for her.

An entire week passed when Damien finally stirred awake, his eyes including his body seeming languid.

\'Uhh...how long was I out…\' He thought as his eyes quickly surveyed his surroundings.

But the indoor bonfire quickly caught his eye as he saw a girl fanning the flames near him.


Nathasia\'s eyes lit up when she heard Damien exerting himself to get up. She had been feeling extremely worried, and her unease only increased as days passed.

But now that he got up, she felt as if her heart got lighter.

"You woke up! Here, let me—"

"Stay back!" Damien said with an irked expression as he slowly got up, his face no longer having any crimson streaks but looked quite pale and sickly.

Nathasia bit her lips as she slowly receded her arms. Even though she felt a prick in her heart, she stifled that feeling since she felt that Damien had every right to be angry at her.

But he was finding it relaxing and soothing to receive some heat from the bonfire and wondered when she did all this.

"I have kept some canned food and water for you," Nathasia said in a low voice as she pointed towards the food and water kept on a table near Damien.

"Who told you to?"

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