Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 438 - Learning To Shield Each Other

\'What is she up to? Why did she knock him out?\' Damien was feeling baffled since he could sense that Tristen\'s consciousness was sleeping right now. 

Another fact that surprised him was that his undead slave was knocked out when normally any drugs or pills shouldn\'t knock out an undead unless something happened to its master.

"What is it? Why does your expression look as if somebody stole your dog?" Luna asked with a head shake as she woke up from a short nap after enjoying all the Kale drama.

"Because somebody did something similar to it just now! That Farah...she knocked out Tristen. How is that possible?"

"Oh," Luna uttered in astonishment and said, "Ah...I see.. She must have used something that affected the soul instead of the body. Tristen\'s soul is empty, but his soul plane has a part of your soul essence that literally powers him up. And coincidentally, what she used to knock him out must have temporarily sealed the connection between his soul plane and his body which would pretty much put him in a coma," Luna said in a thoughtful tone.

"Shit...what should I do now? I have no idea what is going on inside there since Tristen is not awake, and if I try to take control of him, I might be putting my own soul at risk," Damien said in a grave tone.

He couldn\'t help but think of the possibility where Farah might use something that prevents his consciousness from returning to his body. He just couldn\'t take that kind of risk without knowing if it was worth it, just to save his slave.

"You can\'t do shit unless and until Tristen wakes up. So till then, think of contingency plans instead of worrying about a situation you can do nothing about. Still, as expected, I always knew that Farah was a cunning cow. You should always be double careful when dealing with women like these," Luna said while taking the pose of a wise master in her Shard of Essence.

Damien rubbed his forehead as he asked, "Why do you seem like you are not worried about this? I mean, what if she uses Tristen against Kale or me to ruin our plans? By now, she would surely know that I am a part of all this and target me as well."

"Instead of thinking about solving this on your own, why don\'t you ask for help from your wives? They are always ready to support and fight with you, not only for exchanging lovey-dovey moments or fighting in the bed, hmph."

"Wait, I—"

"After waking up, I noticed how you men have this annoying tendency of sidelining women from anything important or men like you who think their loved ones shouldn\'t involve themselves in anything dangerous. By doing this, you are only handicapping them while turning them into helpless, beautiful vases the moment you are not near them. Do you want them to end up like that?"

"What? I never want them to turn out like that. Besides, I had taught them both how to fight and—"

"It\'s not that, silly head! There has to be a good synchronization between you and your wives in everything, including making plans or fighting together. You have to include them in everything you do, and only then would you realize that things could be so much easier than just thinking with your own head."

"But I—"

"I know you have involved Valentina in some things, but I still sense that you are holding back whenever things become dangerous."

Damien rolled his eyes, seeing how Luna was interrupting him while continuing with her lecture.

Still, he couldn\'t help but admit that there was truth in the words she was saying.

"But it\'s time you learned to clear your mind and stop worrying about them needlessly and only worry when it\'s necessary. I know you lost precious people in your past life, but this time the people you love are stronger and can fight for themselves. It\'s time you let them fight for you as well instead of always the other way around," Luna asserted as Damien silently listened.

Damien sighed and said, "I just lost too much, and right now, I can say I have never been happier since the time I lost everything. I never expected I would be able to smile again, and the thought of again losing reasons to smile is what makes me afraid the most. But I know you are right. It\'s time I let go of my fears instead of letting them hold my wives and me back."

Damien knew he couldn\'t forever act as a shield for his wives, and instead, he and his wives should learn to shield each other.

\'Wives huh…\' Damien then suddenly realized that he had already begun to think of his lovers as wives even though officially they were not married.

\'Silly Luna…\' Damien shook his head with a smile, making Luna ask, "Hey! You think something funny about me?"

"Of course not. I was trying to see if Tristen woke up or not. But it seems like a no-go."

He still couldn\'t get hold of Tristen and immediately walked over to the tent where his lovers were.

He sneakily entered their tent and saw Yuria petting Valentina in her cat form. Apparently, Yuria had taken a liking to pet Valentina in her cute cat form, and Valentina also seemed to enjoy her soft caresses.

However, their eyes gleamed when they saw Damien coming in, and Valentina immediately got down and turned into her human form as her blood-red dress immediately took form around her curvy body.

"Damien, is something troubling you?" Valentina asked in concern as she hugged his arm.

Yuria had a confused look, wondering why Valentina asked him something like that.

Damien wasn\'t surprised since he knew because she imprinted on his soul, she would be able to sense whenever there were sudden fluctuations in his soul.

Still, Valentina didn\'t feel that Damien was in trouble, so she decided to wait for him.

"Damien, is there a problem?" Yuria asked as she got off the bed as well.

"Well, there has been an unexpected problem, and I need both of your help," Damien said as he looked at the two.

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