Villain Cultivator

Chapter 20: Qi Hong (1)

Chapter 20:Qi Hong (1)

Chapter 20 – Qi Hong (1)

Out of 700 outer disciples, 500 of them belonged to the Joyous Yin School. Not many women in Silver Phoenix Sect were virgins, who could cultivate the Virgin Yin techniques.

Qi Hong gathered 500 disciples in front of a square stage, which was normally used for sparring matches between disciples. The girls picked the closest spot to sit and listen to the lecture.

The newbies, Jiang Lan and Miaomiao were slower than the rest. Both of them sat the far back of all disciples since everyone had already taken available spots.

The elder, Qi Hong, began her lecture.

"Last week, we talked about the ice-related skill tips. This week, we will review about digestion techniques, so we can cleanse and filter impure Qi and turn them into Yin Qi more efficiently."

Qi Hong didn\'t wait for any disciple to question her about their problems. She talked on her own without caring if anyone could understand her or not.

After noticing Qi Hong\'s teaching style, Miaomiao believed that he wouldn\'t be able to understand anything. He asked the system if it had a record feature.

\'System, can you record that elder\'s lecture from the beginning?\'


Miaomiao rubbed his chin, happy that the system might be a bit more useful in the future.

As Miaomiao got sidetracked, the lecture continued.

"5 Milligrams of an ordinary man\'s semen usually contains about one to two strands of unfiltered Qi. However, a first stage cultivator\'s semen only contains five to ten strands, and the second stage has double that amount. But we can\'t predict the Qi volume for 3rd stage cultivators or higher ranks since their Qi\'s quality and quantity differs, depending on their upbringing, foundation, and their cultivation techniques."

When the lecture came to this point, a few girls that were sitting in front of Miaomiao turned around and glanced at his crotch.

Miaomiao didn\'t have to guess what they were thinking. These naughty girls were guessing how many strands of yang qi that he could produce.

"However, there are exceptions! Occasionally, talented cultivators can form their dantians when they are still at the first stage, so their semen contains more Qi than usual. These people always progress through their ranks slower than the others, but their combat potential and their strength are far stronger than cultivators at the same ranks. Thus, whenever these male geniuses ejaculate, their semen contain double or triple the amount that I have said."

Qi Hong grinned and pointed her finger at Miaomiao.

"For example, our young master Xu Miao has that kind of constitution. A few days ago, our mistress has gauged his strength, and she found at least 300 strands of Yang Qi in his dantian."

At this point, everyone turned around to look at Miaomiao. They were astonished that the seemingly weak young master had a rare constitution.

"Young master Xu Miao. Could I ask you to come over on this stage?"

Miaomiao\'s face twitched, "Can I say no?"

"If you cooperate, I\'ll allow you to pick a cultivation technique in the core library. You haven\'t visited the library yet, right?"

Hearing that Miaomiao would get to pick a technique from the core library, the girls murmured.

"Core library? I want to enter, too! That\'s so nice!"

"Uwaaa, I\'m envious of young master Xu. That library is for the core disciples!"

"Heaven is unfair! We get stuck with the shitty old techniques, but he gets to pick a technique from the core library!"

"Say, if young master Xu has a girlfriend, will he share his cultivation manual with her?"


Miaomiao could hear the conversations. When the girls started gossiping if they could learn a core technique by being his wife, he was concerned about his future.

\'I already have Jiang Lan and that thot, Zheng Liqin. I don\'t think my balls and my kidneys can handle more girls.\'

Miaomiao ignored the gold diggers and walked onto the stage.

Qi Hong peered at Miaomiao with the corner of her narrow eyes. She grinned and continued her lecture.

"Listen closely, there is a way to check your customer\'s Qi in his dantian. All of you should have practiced one of the basic techniques, Succubi Sense, so you should know how to manipulate your sixth sense. Has anyone not learned the technique yet?"

Qi Hong surveyed if there was anyone that hadn\'t learned this technique yet. As Succubi Sense was a common technique that its manual could be found in the outer library, any outer disciple could visit them and learn them. Therefore, Qi Hong rechecked how many newcomers hadn\'t picked the skill.

Five disciples raised their hands. Jiang Lan was one of them.

"Okay. Five of you should come with me to the library and learn that skill after class. For now, listen to the lecture."

Qi Hong turned to Miaomiao. She placed her hand on his abdomen and explained the skill.

"Succubi Sense is normally used to appraise other cultivator\'s ranks and levels from a distance. However, if you touch your customer by his abdomen and gaze into his eyes, you will be able to sense the amount of Qi that he has. For example, young master Xu currently has…"

Qi Hong froze when she discovered Miaomiao\'s Yang Qi and Yang Essence. Her eyes shifted up and down twice in disbelief.

"Young master Xu. You haven\'t even reached the 3rd stage. How did you acquire so many drops of Yang Essence? Are you a…"

Again, Qi Hong fell into deep thought as she stared into Miaomiao\'s eyes even though her narrow eyes barely opened.

Miaomiao gulped. He was afraid that Qi Hong would find out about his dual cultivation abilities, and she might suspect that he had done something to both Jiang Lan and Zheng Liqin.

"Are you a yang cultivator, young master Xu?"

Miaomiao almost slipped and fell from the stage, but he regained his composure and coughed, hiding his embarrassment.

"Yes, senior."

Qi Hong grinned. Her smug expression and her closed eyes reminded Miaomiao about smart characters or villain sidekicks in anime.

"Alright. You can go back to your seat."

"T-Thanks, senior."

Miaomiao was surprised that Qi Hong didn\'t do anything or have him strip in front of these thirsty wolves. He rushed back to Jiang Lan\'s side and sat down, pretending that nothing had happened.

The lecture went on, but Qi Hong seemed to hide something from her disciples.

"In the case that you\'ve encountered a customer with a high amount of Qi like young master Xu, be sure to contact your elders for precaution. These customers might be yang cultivators or demons in disguise. Having sex with a demon will make your yin qi go berserk, and your memory can be rewritten."

The girls gasped when they heard that demons could brainwash them.

"In summary, always inspect your customer\'s residual Qi by touching their abdomen and use your sense technique. Do not give service to suspicious customers with an abnormal amount of Qi. This applies to any stage 3 or stronger cultivators."

The girls took notes. After all, they were dual cultivators, and most of them also worked as prostitutes at night.

The lecture continued, but none of them entered Miaomiao\'s ears as he could not understand anything, and none of them related to his Yang Qi.


At 5PM, Qi Hong stopped teaching. She glanced at Zheng Liqin, who stared at her in a daze. The elder\'s eyebrows frowned as she found this top prostitute odd.

Zheng Liqin\'s blank eyes reminded Qi Hong a condition that evil dual cultivators or demons usually used to corrupt their partner\'s mind, a Yin Cauldron.

Yin Cauldron referred to a Yin container, which was a victim of evil cultivators. They transformed their sex partners into a special tool to gather Yin energy from its surroundings, so the master of this cauldron could dual-cultivate with her, harvesting the collected Qi. However, the corrupted victims wouldn\'t gain any benefit from the dual cultivation.

In the past, evil sects that practiced dual cultivation arts always captured female civilians to transform them into Yin containers, but those sinful men had been eradicated long ago.

"E100, when was the last time that you\'ve dual cultivated?"

Qi Hong suspected that Zheng Liqin\'s mind might be corrupted, judging from her blank state.

"Today, elder."

"Good. You can still talk. Then, when?"

"This morning, elder."

"With whom?"

"Young master Xu Miao, elder."

Qi Hong\'s closed eyes opened a bit as she gave Zheng Liqin a meaningful look. Knowing the latter\'s personality, Qi Hong could guess that this prostitute took advantage of Miaomiao.

"Aha, by chance, did young master…"

Again, Qi Hong stopped her speech mid-sentence. She almost questioned Zheng Liqin out loud, "Did Young master use dual cultivate techniques and turn you into a Yin Cauldron?"

Qi Hong\'s smile grew wider when she came up with this theory. Although it was a crime for practicing a brainwashing technique, she didn\'t mind seeing Zheng Liqin in this state.

Zhen Liqin was known as a delinquent tyrant among outer disciples who had killed too many customers on her bed. Because of her greed for Yang Qi, the brothel had to spend more resources cleaning up after her messes.

The elder laughed in her mind, \'Well, serve you right, E100. It\'s nice a see a troublemaker like you getting turned into a mindless tool.\'

Qi Hong recalled the event yesterday when Xu Xiuying specifically ordered her son to stay in Zheng Liqin\'s room. At that time, Qi Hong thought that Xu Xiuying wanted to punish her trashy son by throwing him into the mouth of this nasty disciple. But by putting dual cultivation techniques into the picture, everything changed.

\'Does Mistress Xu plan to sacrifice E100 to be her son\'s toy? Well, I don\'t mind. I\'m sure everyone in my department and the service department will be overjoyed when they heard that E100 has been turned into a doll.\'

Qi Hong decided to turn a blind eye on Miaomiao\'s deed. She closed her eyes and ended the lecture.

"Young master Xu and everybody that hasn\'t learned Succubi Sense, follow me. As for the rest of you, you\'re dismissed."

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