Villain Cultivator

Chapter 143: New Killer Queens Ability

143 New Killer Queen\'s Ability

Xie Tian had an incomplete dragon bloodline and a heaven-grade saber. Cao Mao planned to keep his corpse to refine it to get the bloodline crystal once he got better in alchemy.

As for the saber, it stopped functioning after Xie Tian\'s heart stopped beating. The ruthless katana had already absorbed all power from the heaven-grade saber.

The flame saber cracked and disintegrated into dust. It was no longer usable.

"Oi, Killer Queen, you should have spared the saber. I can still use it."

\'Nope! One weapon is enough. Say, do you know that I\'ve learned a new ability after I ate that shitty dragon saber?\'

Cao Mao was planning to repair it and give it to one of his yin slaves. None of them had a proper weapon to use other than sky-grade weapons. They needed a sentient weapon to be useful for the new campaign mode.

Annoyed, Cao Mao rolled his eyes, "What can you do? It\'s better to be worth it."

\'Hold my handle. I\'ll show you.\'


Cao Mao held KQ with his right hand as she had requested.

\'Touch something. How about that rock?\'

"Can you transform into a human, so I can touch your pussy?"

\'Fuck you! Grab a rock and do what I said!\'

Cao Mao looked around. Then, he picked a debris rock nearby.


KQ sent a strand of remnant dragon Qi into the stone via Cao Mao\'s hand.

"What\'s next?"

\'Good. Toss it away. Make sure you throw it far, far away.\'

Cao Mao tossed it away. He still couldn\'t understand what she could do.

\'Now, I\'ll send two strands of dragon yang Qi to your left fingers. I want you to press them together.\'


Cao Mao could feel burning Qi in his index finger and his thumb. Following KQ\'s instruction, Cao Mao\'s index fingertip pressed his thumb, but nothing happened.

\'Wrong! Fold all your fingers and scatter the Qi evenly inside your palm as if you\'re holding a stick. As for your thumb, condense it in the fingertip. Then, lower the thumb and press the invisible stick in your hand!\'

Cao Mao widened his eyes as he could envision what KQ wanted him to do. His trembling left hand made a gesture as if he was holding a switch.

Then, Cao Mao lowered his thumb, pressing the invisible switch.



The rock that he had touched exploded and got incinerated into nothingness.


Cao Mao\'s heart wavered with emotions. This was the ability of an anime villain, who had the Stand with the same name as this talking katana.

\'Hahaha! Do you like it? I call it Sticky Bomb! As long as you insert my dragon yang Qi into any object or your opponent, you can press the switch and detonate it into smithereens!\'

Still, the joy of having the similar ability of Kira Yoshikage was enough to compensate for the loss of a heaven-grade saber.

Unfortunately, there was a limitation of this skill. After all, it consumed something that Cao Mao couldn\'t produce naturally.

"You just used a few strands dragon yang Qi just now. How many times can I use a Sticky Bomb? There\'s a limit amount of Qi, right?"

This was Cao Mao\'s concern. Killer Queen stole remnant dragon yang Qi from the flame saber, so he figured that there would be a restriction.

\'Yeah. I can use it for about nine more times. You should find a way to generate dragon yang Qi if you can. If better, comprehend and obtain fire element Qi. I think I can create greater bombs if you have it.\'

Cao Mao now saw Killer Queen in a new light. She finally had an ability that deserved to be called by this name.

He turned to Xie Tian\'s dried corpse next. It was the time to store it in his invisible ring, so he could find a way to extract the bloodline later.


As Cao Mao was putting the corpse into his invisible spatial ring, the system flashed again. As if it was panicked, the semi-transparent screen flashed in red.

Your Sponsor has regretfully apologized to you for forgetting to mention something very important.

"Bah, what do you want?"

Upon killing a protagonist, there is a slim chance that they will reincarnate in the same world or in the lower worlds. In rare cases, they can regress into the past with their full memory. Top tier protagonists with strong plot armor power can also time-travel to the past with all of their skills and items.

Please be mindful when you kill a protagonist. Make sure to extract their souls and trap them before they have a chance to activate their hidden plot armor. Don\'t worry about Xie Tian, though. He won\'t reappear again… Maybe.

Cao Mao\'s expression turned into a smiley derp meme.



500 meters away from Cao Mao\'s location, a group of five 3rd-stage cultivators was looking at the battle site between Xie Tian and Cao Mao in curiosity after they saw the mushroom explosion.

These cultivators were scavengers and thieves. They always took advantage of other cultivators in the aftermath. After most fights, the victor\'s sides often ran low on their Qi reserve. Whenever these victors were ambushed afterward, the ambushers always defeated them and stole all war trophies.

Judging from the explosion strength, they were about the casual force of a 3rd stage cultivator.

"Wow, they fought hard. Are they stupid? Don\'t they know that we\'re under that monster tree\'s domain?"

The other thug shrugged, "They are probably fighting local monsters or something. They\'re probably desperate, too, judging from the scale of the explosion. Let\'s go check that out. If they are dumb, we do the usual."

"Yeah. If the monsters win, we take everything from their corpses. If those trashes win, we\'ll kill them and take the loots."

The thieves laughed like hyenas while they ran to the battle scene.

Upon arrival, they found a short-haired young man, who was wielding a heaven-grade black katana. The slave in front of them was staring at the empty air as if he was in a trance. Moreover, he was talking to himself.

They also spotted a dried corpse, but the young slave stored it in his spatial ring.

Seeing the weird slave, whose strength was merely Bone Refining Realm level 9, the group sneered.

"Easy target. Let\'s go."

"Yeah. Let\'s get this over with before that bitch returns."

Using their light-foot techniques, they approached Cao Mao from behind.

As soon as they got into the attack range, they circulated their Qi into their broadswords. Then, they launched sword beams.


A wooden wall suddenly erected from the ground, guarding Cao Mao against the beams. Tree roots shot up from the brown soil and coiled around their legs.

Then, all thieves were pulled into the ground.

Five dryads emerged from the ground and stood behind Cao Mao, protecting him from the thieves. As for the captured victims, they were dragged into the old prison cell, where Xie Tian had escaped from.

"Are you okay, young orc?"

These dryads were the ones who had chased after Xie Tian. They had defeated the group of 4th-stage cultivators with Emerald Hopea\'s help. And now, they came here to help Cao Mao after the big fight.

Cao Mao had already sensed the group of thieves. As he was in a bad mood because of the system messages, he planned to skewer them with wooden spikes and torture them. However, these dryads got the thieves first.

He sighed and turned to the dryads, "I was planning to kill them myself."

"It\'s our job to protect the alchemists and their guests, especially a kind man like you."

"I\'m kind?" Cao Mao found it weird to receive such a complement, "How so?"

"No alchemist or human is willing to mate with us."

Cao Mao raised one eyebrow, looking at the dryad in disbelief. If it was real, the alchemists and other cultivators either were gay or had erectile dysfunctional issues. Cao Mao was also confused about the local cultivators\' taste since these naked dryads were alluring. By looking at their face, their jiggling breasts, and their flawless skin, his Godzilla wanted to do them again.

"Oh? Why? You guys are gorgeous than the girls in town! Every man should be eager to mate with you!"

The dryads looked at each other and laughed.

Before these girls could explain, Emerald Hopea returned. She descended from the sky and landed next to Cao Mao.

"Good fight, young orc. It seems you have a good foundation. Not many people with your cultivation base can control element Qi. Even with the Chloro Heart Tattoo, a normal bone refining expert won\'t be able to handle the Qi flow without firm meridians and blood vessels."

"You\'ve been watching?" Cao Mao raised his eyebrows and gazed at her, surprised.

"Both of you seem to have some kind of grudge, so I didn\'t interfere. I was planning to jump in if things aren\'t in your favor, though."

Cao Mao appreciated that, but it didn\'t explain why these dryads were so protective of him. He felt like he was some kind of protagonists in a story, where powerful experts became his plot armors and protected him from the shadow, "Why are you girls so nice to me? Is there something you need from me? Oh, what about the mating stuff? Why do the local cultivators refuse to mate with you?"

"That\'s a lot of question. It\'ll take time to answer everything."

"I have time."

"Well, I\'ll explain. It starts a few hundred years ago before the Myriad Cauldron Sect has found this plane and our home."

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