Villain Cultivator

Chapter 163: Ju Shoufens Doubts

163 Ju Shoufen\'s Doubts

Zhang Junyi and other onlooking cultivators left. No one came after Cao Mao\'s company again since the tribulation reward was no more.

Jia Wenhe and others managed to catch their breath. Ju Chen reverted back to a glutton carnivore beast, going back to eat some more raw meat.

White Album and KQ secretly looted the dead bodies when they were talking. They secretly collected a dozen of spatial rings from the dead experts, but they didn\'t return them to Cao Mao yet. They were afraid of Ju Shoufen, so they chose not to return to Cao Mao\'s side yet.

The crisis was over. Everybody was happy, except for Ju Shoufen and Cao Mao.

Ju Shoufen dragged Cao Mao and Jia Wenhe along with her, so she could have a private conversation with them. There was something serious that shocked her.

"Alright, nobody should be able to hear us over here. Now, Mao Miaomiao. How did you communicate with my Dao God!? How did you make a deal with Zhang Junyi and Yuan Hua!? What is your relationship with them!?"

Jia Wenhe was also interested in the topic. He stared at his son-in-law, "I also have other questions, my boy. How the fuck did Ju Chen turn into that!? No, how did you tame that girl!? I know that evil arts make people go crazy, but how is she following your commands with that state of mind!?"

Cao Mao sweat profusely. Getting bombarded with questions from two 6th-stage experts was not a pleasant experience.

"It\'s a long story. I\'ll slowly explain, okay? For now, can we leave this place first? We should bring the girls out of here ASAP."

"Answer the important questions first. Who are you exactly?"

Jia Wenhe and Ju Shoufen locked their killing intent on Cao Mao. The pressure was enough to make his legs wobble.

"Haiz," Cao Mao sighed and used the same lie. "Yuan Hua tried to recruit me as her vessel. I postponed my decision. Then, the Sun Crow found out about my relationship with Ju Chen…"

Cao Mao stopped. He gazed at Ju Shoufen, "Before I continue, I need a confirmation from you. Are you Ju Chen\'s relative?"

Ju Shoufen snorted and revealed the truth, "I\'m her grandmother. And this man over here is her father."


Cao Mao had a pokerface. Although he guessed that Ju Shoufen might be Ju Chen\'s relative, he was shocked when he heard that Jia Wenhe was Ju Chen\'s father.

"Now, what\'s so special about you that Yuan Hua and Sun Crow pays attention to you?" Jia Wenhe sounded like he was an interviewer in a job interview while Cao Mao was a desperate examinee.

"… I can dual-cultivate."

"For that, we know. What else?"

"My dual-cultivation partners get stronger after we dual-cultivate."

"We are also aware. What else?"

"My dual-cultivation partners can get pregnant."

"… Obviously. What else?"

"… What else?"

"Dual cultivation sessions make my wives happy."


"My seed contains a bit of my Qi. My wives always find it delicious."


Jia Wenhe facepalmed while Ju Shoufen gave Cao Mao an odd look as if she was looking at a weirdo. They doubted if their in-law was an upright human or a lustful ape.

At first, Ju Shoufen wanted to know who her grandson-in-law really was. But after listening to him, she regretted entrusting Ju Chen to Cao Mao. As for Jia Wenhe, he confirmed that his son-in-law was an idiot genius.

Jia Wenhe gave up interrogating Cao Mao since he had been watching the latter in secret for almost a year. This in-law could cultivate faster than others and learn many techniques without proper training, so there was only one conclusion he could come up with - Cao Mao might be a vessel of another Dao God, and he didn\'t want to talk about it.

However, Ju Shoufen\'s tolerant and flexibility wasn\'t as good as Jia Wenhe. She refused to give up until Cao Mao revealed the truth, "Who is your master? Who taught you the dual-cultivation skill?"

"… I picked up a book and learned from it."

Obviously, that was a total bullshitery.

"Mind if I see that book?"

"Ah, it was too old, and I burnt it as firewood a few years back. I\'m sorry. I don\'t have it with me anymore."

Nothing that came out of Cao Mao\'s mouth made sense. Ju Shoufen didn\'t believe in him, "I\'m going to be serious. If you keep on bullshitting, I\'ll kill you."

Ju Shoufen activated her golden core power and summoned a fire crow avatar. A 10-meter-tall bird manifested behind the old lady.

Cao Mao took a step back and raised both hands in a panic, "I give up! I give up! I\'ll tell you the truth!"

"I\'ll ask you again slowly, one question at a time. Now, who is your master!?"

"I don\'t have one."

"Where did you learn the dual-cultivation skill!?"

"I was just born with it! It\'s my bloodline!"

"What bloodline!?"

"I have an orc bloodline! The gods are interesting in my bloodline!"

"Orc has already migrated from our continent many hundred years ago! You liar!"

Frustrated by the fact that she got kicked out from the sect, Ju Shoufen raised her hand and was about to beat Cao Mao.

Jia Wenhe stepped in and stood between Cao Mao and his mother-in-law, "That\'s enough. The boy is trustworthy, and he\'s telling the truth. Do you remember what pills he can make? It contains a bit of orc smell, so the bloodline should be the reason why his Qi turns ordinary healing pills into aphrodisiac pills! Say, boy. If you have anything else to say, you should say it now, or I won\'t be able to help you."

Cao Mao glanced at Jia Wenhe, who seemed to figure out something since he was rubbing his smiling face. Although he didn\'t want to tell everybody about his skills, he decided to reveal a bit of his secrets.

"I get stronger when I\'m sleeping. Whenever I fall asleep, I always have a dream that I\'m practicing various martial arts or fighting various experts from everywhere. When I wake up, I usually remember what I experience in my dream and use it in real life… Just like this."

Cao Mao punched empty air to demonstrate a system skill that he had never used in real life.

Huangjin Vajra Fist

It was a punch technique from a Buddhist cultivator from the Huangjin Sect. When Cao Mao sent out a punch, a strong shockwave force rippled in the air, demonstrating its strength. The lightning element crystal also danced within his dantian as if it was resonating with the technique.

Experimenting with the lightning power, Cao Mao circulated a strand of lightning Qi into his fist and used the same technique again.


The shockwave was stronger than before, and it released a thunder crack sound. A lightning branch came out from Cao Mao\'s fist and extended randomly. It landed on the ground as there was no target.

Jia Wenhe raised his eyebrows while Ju Shoufen\'s furrows deepened.

"Isn\'t that a fist technique from the Huangjin Sect? How did you learn that!?"

Cao Mao pointed at his head, "As I said, I have some sort of odd dreams every night. Every time I go to sleep, I get stronger. I dual-cultivate, and I also get stronger. I have an orc bloodline, so my physique and vitality are a lot better than ordinary people of my age. Is that enough to answer why the Dao Gods interest in me?"


Jia Wenhe nodded in satisfaction, but Ju Shoufen was still skeptical with the explanation. It didn\'t make sense, but she couldn\'t figure out how Cao Mao learned a complete move from the Huangjin Sect.

Seeing that Ju Shoufen couldn\'t be convinced easily, Jia Wenhe dragged his mother-in-law to one of the carriages to show her the half-orc babies.

"Come here, mom. You need to see this."


Ju Shoufen followed Jia Wenhe to the carriages. When she saw the green babies and the half-oni child, she was speechless.

Jia Wenhe laughed at her expression, "See? The brat is trustworthy. He just wants the best for all of us."

"… I just can\'t believe it. This is unbelievable. How is he an orc!?"

"You\'re too pessimistic. Have faith in your grandson-in-law a little."

Ju Shoufen sighed and glanced at Cao Mao. She frowned at him again before she shook her head in resignation, "Fine."

"For now, let\'s forget about your grudge. Come on, we have to keep moving."

Only when Jia Wenhe persuaded Ju Shoufen to stop thinking about revenge, the caravan managed to continue their journey. Cao Mao was also relieved that he survived another ordeal, and he got both seniors on his side, for now.


During the journey, Ju Shoufen brought out her immortal-grade fan and allowed her daughter\'s soul to communicate with Ju Chen.

Unfortunately, the inner consciousness of original Ju Chen was too exhausted from the previous battle, and she didn\'t have enough strength to fight back for the control of her body from her vampire self. Ju Chen ignored Ju Shoufen and the fan, focusing on her food.

Ju Shoufen and Ju Jia saddened. Still, they stayed by Ju Chen\'s side and kept talking to her, telling her how they cultivated in the past.

Hours after they chatted, Ju Chen yawned and fell asleep. The grandmother and the mother\'s soul finally gave up talking to her.

They didn\'t notice that Ju Chen shed a tear while she was sleeping. She mumbled to herself in an inaudible sound.

\'I\'m safe, mom, grandma. Don\'t worry about me. I\'ll recover one day, and we\'ll be together soon.\'

As for Jia Wenhe and Jia Shan, they were still curious why Cao Mao could contact so many Dao Gods. Although they wanted to continue interrogating him, the two elders left Cao Mao alone out of respect.

In the holy land, there was an unspoken custom. Cultivators never asked their friends about their affiliated Dao God or their dao to show respect to their friends\' privacy. Both Jia Shan and Jia Wenhe adhered to this rule, and they respected Cao Mao\'s life choice. After all, they could speak to their sponsors at the grand holy land tournament event, and they would find out about Cao Mao\'s secrets eventually.

Cao Mao managed to get peace of mind when all elders stopped pestering him about his secrets. Because of stress, he planned to summon someone into his ITS tonight.

After traveling west for half a day, Cao Mao went to sleep.

The elders gave him an odd look once more. Ju Shoufen and Jia Wenhe were confused with his action, but Jia Shan got used to it.

"Say, Wenhe. When one reaches the essence gathering realm, don\'t they stop sleeping at night?"

Jia Wenhe shrugged, "He said that he gets stronger in his dream, right? Leave him be. Also, technically, he\'s a half-step essence gathering rank. He hasn\'t consolidated the essence pond yet."

"He should have spent the night cultivating and refining his essence core. What a lazy bum."

"Simulation training and visualization training has more benefits than raising one\'s cultivation base. If his dream training is so good, then it might be better to leave everything to him."





In the Isolation Training Space, Cao Mao was staring at his old room in awe.

It was supposed to be an empty white cubic room with nothing inside. However, after all the breakthroughs and upgrades, the room changed.

Floating in the air was a large thunder cloud and a pond of clear water. Yellowish gas enveloped the room. They had the fresh smell of earth, and the gas didn\'t harm Cao Mao.


\\u003cWelcome back to the Isolation Training Space.\\u003e

\\u003cAs the system has given you full control of your own dantian, your Isolation Training Space has expanded and changed due to your mastered elements.\\u003e

\\u003cYou have mastered wood Qi and lightning Qi, so please don\'t mind the yellow fog and the loud thunder noise.\\u003e

Cao Mao had a wry smile on his face.

"What the hell is happening here?"

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