Villain Cultivator

Chapter 278: Kishin Douji and Wei Clan

Chapter 278: Kishin Douji and Wei Clan

Miaomiao and Wei Yuan\'s faces distorted when they discovered several absurd conditions in the contract file.

- Wei Yuan must divorce Mao Miaomiao.

- Wei Yuan must kill the half-breed oni, which carries the bloodline of Mao Miaomiao. The Oni Bloodline cannot be polluted by an inferior race, such as humans or orcs.

- Wei Yuan must return to the Wei Clan and cultivate her physique according to Kishin Douji\'s instructions.

- Wei Yuan must agree to marry Kishin Douji as his 2,008th concubine upon attaining her immortality.

- Wei Yuan must give birth to 100 Kishin Douji\'s oni children within 1,000 years.

Miaomiao\'s speculation was correct. Kishin Douji was up to no good, and he was a cliché character that he always hated.

Even Wei Yuan was offended. She screamed and yelled in disgust, "Sincere my ass! He is chasing my pussy! What a perverted dao god!!"


[Kishin Douji warns Wei Yuan and Mao Miaomiao. If they refuse to comply, he will use any mean necessary in his power to destroy both of you.]

Miaomiao and Wei Yuan flipped their middle fingers at the same time. They yelled in unison, "Go fuck yourself!"


[Kishin Douji is displeased.]

[Kishin Douji has left the channel.]

"This motherfucker just left like that? What a loser!"

Wei Yuan and Miaomiao were still infuriated by the absurd demands of Kishin Douji. Both of them deleted the contract file and decline the offer right away.

Wei Yuan even had the urge to delete Kishin Douji\'s supply box in her inventory. She hated him now.


[Your sponsor couldn\'t stop laughing as he revealed a piece of his secret intel, "Kishin Douji is a lunatic Oni. He has already made Wei Huang, Wei Cao, and the entire Wei Clan his vessels."]

"Then, why the fuck did you invite him to your channel!" Miaomiao was infuriated.



Miaomiao was speechless. Once again, the system sponsor did something unnecessary, and it might cause a lot of trouble for him in the future.

Still, this development reminded Miaomiao of the consequences after he had killed a protagonist. Without someone to keep a villain clan like the Wei Clan in check, they prospered.

Kishin Douji might also be one of the villains that Xie Tian was supposed to kill. In addition, Wei Yuan could potentially be a heroine or a love interest of Xie Tian.

Miaomiao guessed that Xie Tian\'s storylines should be related to the engagement between Kishin Douji and Wei Yuan. Xie Tian could have influenced her during the story, causing her to fall in love with him. Then, the hostility between Kishin Douji and Xie Tian would trigger.

Another scenario was also possible - Xie Tian could have become a mindless murdering machine and slaughtered the entire Wei Clan, including Wei Yuan to end the long grudge. Because of the marriage agreement between Kishin Douji and Wei Yuan, the dao god would be offended, and he would come down to the mortal world to hunt the protagonist.

Regardless of what Xie Tian\'s story would be, it was too late to regret it as Xie Tian was no longer in this world.

What awaited Miaomiao and Wei Yuan was the rise of the Wei Clan and the wrath of Kishin Douji. They had to prepare for the worst-case scenario now.

"Dammit! Is this a part of your great plan!?"

Miaomiao blamed everything on his sponsor as everything seemed calculated. Only a shrew scum like him could do something like this.


[OG-Buddha cheers for you and your family. The help is coming soon.]

Fortunately, Miaomiao had a SIMP follower. He was grateful that someone like OG-Buddha existed here.

[OG-Buddha expects a grand donation to Huangjin Monastery when the dust is settled.]

Miaomiao took back his words and his feeling for OG-Buddha. He was a catholic.

Mountain Goose City, Mountain Goose Sect\'s Throne Room

At the top of the mountain, a grand meeting hall had been renovated into a throne room for Wei Huang. A red long carpet had been laid, and a golden throne was the only furniture here in the room.

30 elders of the Wei Clan stood in line on the west while 20 succubi of the Xu Clan stood on the east. They stared at each other, waiting for Wei Huang to talk.

Sitting on the throne was Wei Huang, who had been meditating. On his forehead, a red horn slowly protruded from his skull.

It was his third horn, which had been bestowed by Kishin Douji. It was a tool to communicate with the dao god.

The short horn stopped growing. It extended 5 centimeters from his forehead, but the tip was as sharp as a refined needle.

Wei Huang touched the tip of his horn. The tip pricked his finger, and the blood in his fingertip flowed into the horn.

"Interesting," Wei Huang opened his eyes and grinned.

[The horn allows you to cultivate Blood Element. You may use other cultivator\'s blood to replenish your demonic essence.]

"Your Excellency, thank you very much for your support."

[Don\'t forget our agreements. You must transfer all pure-blood Oni women to my realm! They must bear my children and carry on my royal bloodline!]

"Of course. It\'s such a simple task!"

Wei Huang laughed. There were not many pure-blooded female Oni left in his clan. Even if he included Wei Yuan, only 7 people were qualified.

[Also, I want Wei Yuan. You must capture her and send her to me!]

Now, Wei Huang\'s face changed. His smiling face disappeared. Blood vessels bulged and his face reddened in anger.

"The agreement said "Current Oni Clanswomen". You didn\'t mention anything about the exiles or the excommunicated members."

[When I stated "ALL FEMALE ONIS", it includes "EVERYONE" as long as their blood is pure. Of course, your granddaughter is included.]

"Your Excellency, I\'m afraid I can accomplish this task-ARGH!!"

The third horn of Wei Huang\'s forehead brightened and electrocuted him. After the torture was over, the Oni Lord knelt and clenched his head in pain.

[My order is absolute. Find her and bring her to me. I\'ve given you so many things and promoted your strength to the middle 7th-stage for several reasons, and one of the reasons is your granddaughter. I have been eyeing her since she has come of age! You\'d better be grateful that I didn\'t slaughter your entire family when that girl\'s virginity was taken!]

Wei Huang gritted his teeth. He regretted becoming Kishin\'s vessel.

Yet, the old oni turned around and kowtowed to the throne as if someone had been sitting on his seat, "This vessel acknowledged the command."

[Good. Don\'t disappoint me. Oh, I\'ve left a tracking device on Wei Yuan and Mao Miaomiao. You can track their location if you use the items that I\'ve sent you.]

Wei Huang glanced at the crates behind the throne room, which he had received from a Heaven Eye, who was also Kishin\'s apostle.

Currently, one of the Heaven Eyes was residing in his manor. He was providing aid and supportive tribulation lightning for Wei Feng and Wei Xiang. Soon, they would go through a drastic transformation and got a lot stronger to the point that they might rival the geniuses from the holy land.

Unfortunately, the price they had to pay was high. All of them became vessels of Kishin Douji by default. However, they still had a chance to upgrade their status to apostles of the Oni God, so they could still become immortals.

The Wei Clan paid the high price, but the rewards were immense. It was an equivalent exchange.

"Affirmative. I shall track Wei Yuan and bring her back."

[Oh, one more thing.]

"Yes, Your Excellency?"

[I don\'t like Mao Miaomiao\'s guts. If you can, kill him and capture all of his wives alive. Tribute them to me as well.]

"… Yes, Your Excellency."

Kishin Douji ceased the communication. The light in Wei Huang\'s forehead horn disappeared.

Wei Huang sighed as he managed to catch his breath. Then, he glanced at his clansmen and the members of the Xu Clan.

"You heard him, right?"

Among the 50 elders in the throne room, 30 of them were Wei Huang\'s underlings, and they were also Kishin\'s vessels. Everyone could hear the entire conversation.

As for the other 20, they were the Xu Clan\'s members. Xu Lanying, Xu Xiuying, and succubi elders stood in lines, staring at Wei Huang with a deep frown. They didn\'t worship Kishin, so they couldn\'t hear the Oni God\'s voice.

"Summarize it for us, Wei Huang," Xu Xiuying rolled her eyes

"Kishin Douji wants my granddaughter as a tribute, and he wants to kill Mao Miaomiao. He placed a tracking device on them, and we can track them using a gadget from the crates."

Xu Xiuying burst into laughter when she heard Mao Miaomiao\'s name, "Oh, really!? He wants to kill that brat? What did he do to offend your dao god?"

"What else? He fucked and impregnated my granddaughter."

"Well, if that\'s the case, your dao god is worse than Miaomiao. He\'s a sick perverted bastard that wants to steal someone\'s wife. Hell, he even wants to fuck his own descendants. Miaomiao didn\'t have the guts to sink that low."

"You sound like you like him a lot."

"Well, I do. I was planning to make him a yang slave. Too bad he ran away."


Wei Huang didn\'t like Xu Xiuying\'s perverted nature. He ignored the succubus queen and turned to his son, Wei Cao.

The giant oni was currently checking the items in the crates per Wei Huang\'s instruction.

"Found it," Wei Cao tossed a scroll toward Wei Huang. The latter caught it and spread it across the floor.

The scroll was the Aves Continent map, but red marks were flashing. The two dots of red marks were located on the northwest side of the continent, far west of Chick Ann City and Red Sun City.

Siren City

Xu Lanying giggled, "Oh? He\'s still around the area?"

Xu Xiuying looked at her mother, "You\'ve met him in the auction, right? Do you know anything about him and Siren City?"

"We were at Xuan City before that little prince invaded the city. Well, for more detail, you should ask Xia Dun."

Xu Xiuying looked around. She only saw Wei Huang\'s subordinates, but she couldn\'t see the Fu Clan or the Xia Clan\'s members, "Where is he, then?"

"I don\'t know. Maybe they run off somewhere. I don\'t care."


Xu Xiuying found it odd that Fu De and Xia Dun were away when the entire Wei Clan decided to submit to a dao god. Normally, those demons always stayed by Wei Huang\'s side to gather information. But now, they seemed to act on their own without caring about Wei Huang\'s authority.

Something was fishy about them.

Red Sun City, Underground Level under the Imperial Palace

"We\'ve found something."

Dong Zhongying, Li Wenyou, 1,000 Dong clansmen, and 500 mercenaries had been raiding imperial tombs and underground mazes for treasures of the royal family.

After Liu Bian went missing after the skirmish at Xuan City, Dong Zhongying had been using Liu Bian\'s 3 year-old-brother, Liu Xie, as his puppet. He put Liu Xie to the throne as the new emperor and made himself the Grand Chancellor, aka the Prime Minister of the entire Aves Continent.

With this status, he executed all Liu Bian\'s servants and political enemies. Then, he filled the imperial court with his men. Afterward, Dong Zhongying started running amok, doing whatever he wanted, including robbing the Liu Clan\'s treasures, heirlooms, and previous emperors\' graves.

Nobody could do anything about his actions. He was technically the new emperor now.

Today, Dong Zhongying and his men had been exploring the underground levels under the imperial palace. They had found the entrance in Liu Bian\'s chamber, and it led to here.

The place was protected by an underground maze, but Dong Zhongying destroyed it and plowed his way through the maze by force.

And now, the group discovered a hollowed underground area. 500 meters in front of them was a tall blue crystal tower. It hummed and released black miasma around itself.

Around the tower were skeleton warriors, ghouls, and undead beasts, loitering and wandering aimlessly in a circle as if they were patrolling. The miasma gas covered their feet and their legs, but every onlooker could still see their heads and torsos.

Dong Zhongying\'s group had to rely on their eye techniques to see in the dark. Some incompetent cultivators still used torches and artifacts to illuminate the underground area and observe these monsters from afar.

Dong Zhongying glared at the skeletons and waved his hand, "Kill them! They must be Liu Bian\'s remnant soldiers! Don\'t leave those heretic\'s underlings alive!"

Dong clan\'s soldiers brandished their weapons and charged toward the pylon tower.

As if the tower had discovered them, the crystal of the tower span and generated a shield dome, pushing back invaders.

5th-stage and 6th-stage cultivators were pushed back. However, 4th-stage cultivators were not affected by the barrier. A hundred of them entered the dome and charged at the undead army without realizing that no superior officers were with them.

The skeleton soldiers howled and turned toward the invaders, revealing their strength comparable to 3rd stage and 4th stage cultivators.

The army of 1,000 undead monsters mauled the 100 cultivators in an instant. Then, the dark miasma gas moved as if they were alive, dragging the corpses to the tower.

No one could tell what might happen to the corpses.

Dong Zhongying stared at the dark shield wall that prevented 5th-stage or stronger cultivators to get closer to the tower. He bellowed, "DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT BARRIER!! DESTROY IT!!"

The subordinates began throwing their skills and weapons at the barrier, but everything was reflected back to the casters. Chaotic explosions followed and several Dong clan\'s soldiers were killed by their own power.

"What the fuck is that thing!?"

Dong Zhongying scratched his head. He was frustrated that Liu Bian could still kill his men even though he wasn\'t here.

As the big belly Dong was yelling and screaming in anger, Li Wenyou scanned through the barrier. The latter suddenly had an inspiration.

"My lord, let\'s withdraw for now."

"What the hell!? If we withdraw, Liu Bian will come back here and use his army to attack us again! We need to get rid of all his goons before he comes back!"

"Of course, we will get rid of these undead monsters, but I have an idea how we can deal with these stupid monsters without using our people."

"Oh?" Dong Zhongying was surprised, "Tell me. What do I need to do to get rid of those monsters?"

"Ah, it\'s actually simple. Say, do you remember the Holy Land Tournament?"

Dong Zhongying\'s pupils expanded further even though it had already expanded to the fullest in the dark. Hearing about a tournament, he had an idea as well.

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