Villain Cultivator

Chapter 313: Samsara and Xian Convention Law

Chapter 313: Samsara and Xian Convention Law


Miaomiao frowned. He almost followed the flow of the conversation. Had his second brain never reminded him about the divine pills, which used souls of divine beings as ingredients, he would have believed in Xu Chu\'s words.

Last month, Miaomiao concocted four divine pills using four divine beasts\' souls. However, he distributed all of them to his allies, so he didn\'t consume any soul.

Still, nothing happened to all four soul devourers, Ma Moxi, Jia Shan, Zhao Yun, and Mao Xueyan. None of the Samsara Gods came down to find trouble with them as Xu Chu had said.

Something didn\'t feel right here. Thus, he decided to probe if Xu Chu lied.

"Back to the Samsara God\'s problem, if I eat a divine pill, will I violate his rules? As far as I know, divine pills used divine beast\'s souls as ingredients."

"… Who taught you that?"

"The devil…"

Xu Chu scoffed and shook her head, "Never believe in whatever the devil has told you. Divine pills indeed required souls as ingredients, the pill consumers will eventually reach an unbreakable bottleneck after they become immortal."

Xu Chu drew three circles on the ground. The biggest circle was on the top of the middle circle, and the smallest circle was at the bottom.

It was a reverse pyramid in a circle form.

She wrote "Mortal and Lower Planes" as the bottom circle\'s indicator. Then, she named the second circle "Immortal Realms".

As for the top, it belonged to the god realms. Then, she wrote "Samsara" at the center of the god realm circle.

Xu Chu pointed at the center of the god realm, the Samsara God.

"Samsara God might not take action himself, but his disciples, vessels, followers, knights, guardians, grim reapers, and apostles will definitely make their moves. Usually, it takes a year or two for them to issue an official warrant due to the distance, dimension stability, and official procedure. Once the warrants are officially issued, Samsara God\'s underlings always send their men to arrest the sinners in immortal worlds and lower planes. If the agents can\'t take down the suspect within a year after the warrant is issued, they will publish the bounty to the mass. The violator\'s name, cultivation base, and their last-seen location will be accessible to the bounty hunters and rogue immortals."

She wrote several lines and pointed at the immortal realm circle, showing how Samsara God\'s connections and his organization worked. However, she didn\'t point at the mortal world circle.

"However, their authority is limited to the immortal realms. Even the powerful god of reincarnation is forced to follow the Xian Convention Law and stay away from mortal realms."

"What\'s the Xian Convention Law?"

"An absolute law to prevent gods from murdering, abducting, torturing, or harming mortals in lower worlds. They can still descend to mortal worlds to expand their religions, but they can\'t bully mortals."

Miaomiao had a bitter smile on his face. Xu Chu\'s words made sense, but it wasn\'t 100% true.

"I still got bullied by those eyes in the sky, though."

"Eyes? Oh, Heavenly Eyes of Tribulations? Those eyes are avatars of 3rd-rated immortals that can\'t even cultivate luck. They\'re supposed to be protecting and guiding mortals. But if they wrongly used their authority, dao gods, especially the fanatics from the Meng Clan, will come down and punish them since they have eyes everywhere in every completed world. You don\'t have to worry about them if a few eyes attempt to kill you during tribulations. Some lunatics exist, but they usually live a short life. Just simply shout and ask for a Meng Clan\'s member to investigate if the tribulation is appropriate to your strength when you run into a nasty eye."

Miaomiao took notes as a reference, but he didn\'t believe in everything that Xu Chu had said.

"What about the devil? He has been forcing me to do his biddings left and right."

Xu Chu placed her left hand on her hip and massaged her temples with the right thumb and middle finger. She sighed.

"That son of a bitch is an exception to all rules and regulations."

"Is he powerful?"

"He\'s not that powerful… It\'s just… Haiz."


"Let\'s say he\'s as dangerous as the Samsara God when he\'s pissed. He always behaves like a dick, and his true self is even lower than a mortal scum. Still… Try not to offend him if you can."

Miaomiao\'s face twitched. The warning came too late as Jesus already forced his hands to take sides.

The devil was no longer his sponsor, and he seemed pissed.

He wanted to dig further into the matter, but Xu Chu refused to reveal any information about the devil, "I\'m tired. I\'m going back to sleep. If you want to keep on using my body, do it quietly."

"Wait, senior! Back to the brainwash topic, how the hell am I going to brainwash him? Is he a soul, a spirit, or a mortal now?"

Miaomiao changed the subject before Xu Chu could go back into her slumber mode. For now, he had to give up pursuing the identity of this sponsor and gather information on how he could turn Liu Bian into his familiar.

"Brainwash? Can\'t you just do what an incubus can do? You\'ve inherited my bloodline, right?"

"That thing is a dude. I\'m not into young boys."

"What about your domain?"

"… I haven\'t reached the nascent soul level yet. I can\'t use one of those pink gas domain thingies."

"Bullshit! The girls can use them just fine!"

"But, I\'m a man. I don\'t have a pussy that leaks pink miasma."

Xu Chu rolled her eyes. Miaomiao hadn\'t practiced using his racial domain yet, so he had no idea how powerful an ancient incubus could be.

"You know what, from now on, whenever you return here, use your incubus form. I\'ll train you how to use an incubus power."


While Miaomiao had been chatting with Xu Chu, the fetus of Liu Bian grew at a rapid rate. It instantly became a baby boy.

"But I have to warn you, I won\'t dual-cultivating with men, and I don\'t want to hear anything about buttsecc. Oh, wait," Seeing how Liu Bian had turned into a baby, Miaomiao had an inspiration, "Senior Xu, can this soul eat a mortal\'s pill?"

"Normally, they can\'t since they don\'t have a physical body, but this is your dantian world we\'re talking about. All forms of items, souls, and power are like reality illusions. Well, it\'s real and it\'s fake. Anything is possible as long as you believe in it and have the mental strength to back it up since you\'re the one creating this pocket dimension world. You can try feeding him pills if you want to test this... dream world of yours."


Miaomiao wondered what would happen if he were to feed Liu Bian sexy pills and tampered with his dantian, making his pill resistance weaker than average people.

He approached the baby Liu Bian and took out the gender-changing pill from his system inventory. Then, he crushed it and shoved the pill dust into the baby\'s mouth.

Xu Chu sensed the energy from the crushed pill and got interested, "I sense chaotic yin and yang energy from the pill. What does it do?"

"Sex changing."

"Hahaha! Can I have one? Oh, do me a favor, you eat one as well."

"… No. I\'ll never eat my pill or transform into a girl. Also, I\'m not into being screwed."

"Too bad. I want to try having sex as a man for once."

"The pill effect lasts a few minutes, and there is a dire side effect when the pill effect wears out during sex. For example, if a converted woman returns to a man during sex, the dick inside him will merge with his body and both men will become… a human-centipede-type monster."

Xu Chu laughed again as if she liked the pill more. Also, she had an inspiration.

"By the way, I sensed a lot of shadow element Qi and corrupted essence in that black hole. Have you fought against a necromancer or a shadow element user recently?"

"Yeah, this boy is the soul of that guy. I want to destroy him, so he won\'t come back to avenge me."

"Ah, I get it already."

Xu Chu inspected the newborn boy with interest. Then, she sensed the remnant of Twilight Essence, aka the corrupted yin and yang essence, within Liu Bian\'s bone marrow and blood.

"Say, brat. Was your pill made of your life essence?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Life Essence is like poison to Twilight Essence cultivators. It decreases the latter\'s immunity system and pill resistance. If Liu Bian is cultivating Twilight Essence as a core, your sex-change effect is likely to be permanent if he consumes the pills."


Miaomiao looked at the baby again. Liu Bian had already digested the pill dust, and he had become a baby girl.

A minute later, Liu Bian reverted back into a boy.

Miaomiao shoved another pill to Liu Bian\'s throat. He didn\'t even care if the baby was crying in pain.

The girl form lasted for 10 minutes, which was unusual.

However, Miaomiao had an evil smile on his face. He pulled 100 sexy pills from his system inventory and gave them to Xu Chu, "Can you keep feeding him whenever he reverts back to his true gender?"

Xu Chu shrugged, "Sure. Do you mind if I eat a few pills to experience what it\'s like to be a man?"

"Suit yourself. You will probably be immune to the pill effect after one or two pills anyway."


Xu Chu took the pills from Miaomiao and hummed. Without hesitation, she ate one and fed Liu Bian the third pill.

The baby Liu Bian cried as if he knew he was being tortured. Yet, the evil woman (Now temporarily a man) ignored his plight as she began experimenting with his soul.

Miaomiao wondered how the physical pill affected Liu Bian\'s soul. But since the matter was beyond his knowledge, logic, and understanding, he didn\'t care.

At that moment, Miaomiao remembered that he had another thing to do other than worrying about Liu Bian\'s soul.


[You have received a supply box from Tilted Hongjun.]

He needed to check the glass coffin that he got from the campaign reward. Also, the new supply box arrived at the right time.

"Huh? Oh, right. He promised to give me something."

Without hesitation, Miaomiao checked Hongjun\'s item first.

"… Are you serious?"

Miaomiao rubbed his eyes as he doubted that the item was the right one. In his system inventory, the icon of Hongjun\'s item was the same as the glass coffin from the quest reward.

Curious, Miaomiao took out Hongjun\'s item to check first. The inventory ejected another glass coffin, which contained another silicone doll inside.

Without hesitation, Miaomiao took off the talisman seals.

Fortunately, Tilted Hongjun wasn\'t a prankster or a troll like the devil. He gave Miaomiao a proper artifact without placing a trap on the container.

The seal didn\'t do anything other than protecting the doll from being damaged during the shipment. Also, the doll neither had harmful properties, such as instant Qi detonation, Qi suppression, or random shockwaves.

After the seal talismans were pulled out, Miaomiao opened the coffin lid to inspect the doll inside.

From a glance, it was a 160cm bald, naked silicone doll without a genital. The breasts were also too small to be attractive, and its three-size was mediocre.

However, as Miaomiao inspected the doll closely, he found an artificial dantian, meridians, muscle fibers, and skeleton like humans. It even an unknown crystal in its left chest.

There was a note next to the doll. Miaomiao picked it up to read it.

Prototype Battle Doll – MK. One

This doll was the outdated prototype battle doll, which had been researched and tested 3,000 years ago. It was designed by Teacher Hongjun, the Ancient Dao God of Great Balance. However, due to its physical limitation, it was useless against immortals. Thus, this prototype MK One was stored in the Battle Doll Museum, being enshrined as the mother of all famous battle marionette series in the Battle Droid Era.

But for you, Mao Miaomiao, this doll can be extremely useful since it can defeat anyone under the immortal realm with ease as long as you can handle its massive essence consumption.

Since you gave my boy, Ma Moxi, a divine pill, I shall compensate you something with an equal value. I\'ll let you borrow it for a hundred years. You can return it to me when you\'ve become a proper immortal.

PS1. Although I give you something to compensate for the divine pill, that doesn\'t mean I appreciate you breaking the Samsara Law. Since a mistake has been made, I\'ll do something about the Samsara\'s agents and the explanation about the divine pills.

PS2. Fear not, as it\'s something that the devil forced you to do, we\'ll be fine if we throw the dirt to him.

Misc Notes.

- To refuel the doll, inject your essence into the battle doll\'s artificial dantian. The dantian\'s max capacity is a trillion liters.

- Be warned. The daily energy upkeep is one million liters of essence per day during the inactive mode. As I said, it\'s a prototype, so it\'s pretty flawed.

- The doll can only equip one element crystal in her dantian.

- You can form a master-servant contract by dropping your blood essence into the doll\'s artificial heart. Her chest can be opened if you press the unlock button under her left breast.

- The doll\'s chassis can be modified if you have a proper material, such as Soul Stones or Elemental Crystals.

- The doll can\'t contain a soul and can\'t be possessed.

- The doll is preinstalled with an archery dao. It is recommended to equip the battle doll with a bow or a crossbow for its best performance.

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