Villain Cultivator

Chapter 385: What Supposed to be Xie Tian’s Feud

Chapter 385: What Supposed to be Xie Tian’s Feud


Fang Yanxu stopped speaking. He closed his eyes as he had a private conversation with his former rival.

The bystanders patiently waited for Fang Yanxu in silence. None of them knew what this immortal was doing, but they didn\'t dare to interject or intervene with his business.

They made the right decision. After all, the conversation between Nero and Fang Yanxu wasn\'t pleasant.

\'Hand me that bastard, black dragon!\'

\'Pfft. You wanted to kill your own daughter, but once she has a family, you want to kill her husband and ruin her happiness? How abusive can you be? Are you taking after Kishin Douji now? I thought you were as righteous as Samsara.\'

\'That\'s none of your business! The exile tribulation will cleanse her soul of her previous life\'s sins! Now, because she has sowed familial karma with your disciple, I need to kill him to sever that tie!\'

\'Bullshit! You only want to sell your daughter to the Meng Clan for their votes in the next Yama Council Election! Sever their karma? What a load of bull! I bet the Meng Clan demanded your daughter to be a virgin when you made the deal!.\'

\'It doesn\'t change that your disciple ruined my girl\'s soul purity! Not only her memory was tampered with, but her soul also connects with his soul now! Unless his soul is destroyed, Meifang\'s next life will always be tied with him whenever she reincarnates!\'

\'Hah! Get used to it! It\'s your fault for throwing her to a mortal world for the sake of your idiotic tribulation! She\'s exiled, so she\'s free! She can do whatever she wants!\'

\'You have no right to tell me how she lives. She belongs to the Fang Clan!\'

\'Said the father who treats his daughter as merchandise! Again, she\'s an exile. She no longer has any connection with you!\'

\'I guess I have to kill you again.\'

\'Said the loser who begged me to spare your sorry ass when I last fought you. I only lost to your god!\'


As the conversation escalated to provocation, Fang Yanxu\'s killing intent exploded again.

Yuan Shaoqing, Ma Moxi, Ju Shoufen, Wen Chou, Yan Liang, Fogan, and everyone nearby vomited a liter of blood. They felt like their soul was about to shatter to pieces.

The weaker cultivators had it worse. Most of them fainted while the stronger ones suffered internal injuries. If this pressure continued for 10 seconds, their dantians would be destroyed!

The world guardian\'s avatars, aka the Tribulation Eyes, rushed to Fang Yanxu\'s side and begged him.

"Your Excellency, please cease your anger. At this rate, this mortal world will collapse, and they will die! You will violate the Providence Convention!"

Providence Convention, the law that restricted all immortals, world guardians, and gods not to destroy the lower worlds had been enforced for a thousand years. This also prevented high-ranked immortals from killing mortals in the lower worlds directly, except for the authorized world guardians. Demons, beastmen, demi-human, humans, and other races had agreed to follow this law to prevent war-of-extinction scenarios. Any violator would instantly become the enemy of all gods.

Fang Yanxu clicked his tongue as he took a deep breath, controlling his temper.

After the killing intent subsided, the pressure was gone.

Still, the damage had been done. No mortal nearby could continue fighting, let alone standing. Even Fang Meirong had collapsed from the killing intent of her father.

As Fang Yanxu was no longer mad, he took his time to think and scan the weak mortals below him. As look looked around, he noticed the presence of Yuan Shaoqing, Wen Chou, and Yan Liang.

Learning that Yuan Shaoqing and the hateful husband of his daughter were enemies, Fang Yanxu had an inspiration.



\'Your disciple and the mortals here, are they at war?\'

\'Yeah, so?\'

\'Let\'s make a bet. Let\'s settle this in a duel.\'

\'Fuck you! My cultivation is fucking suppressed while you are at your prime! Unseal me and I\'ll fucking fight you whenever you want!\'

\'Ha! Who told you that we have to fight?\' Fang Yanxu pointed at Yuan Shaoqing\'s troops, \'I\'ll choose my representative among the goons over here. You pick your representative from this weak city. Let them decide the fate of the war in death matches while we shall make a bet.\'

\'Oho? Still crafty as ever. What do you want to bet? My disciple\'s life?\'

\'Exactly. If my side wins, I want your disciple dead, body and soul!\'

\'What if I win?\'

\'He gets to live.\'

\'Ha! Bullshit! Since you demand my disciple to die, how about I ask for something of equal value! I want that girl\'s freedom! She will no longer be tied to your stupid clan whatsoever! You will sever karmic ties with her and let her be free!\'

\'That\'s beyond the value of the trashy mortal you\'ve been protecting.\'

\'Then, no bet. No deal!\'

As Nero was aware that Fang Yanxi wanted to take advantage of Miaomiao, he instantly turned down the gamble even though Siren City was at the mercy of the immortal.

\'You want me to destroy the city of your disciple, then?\'

\'Fang Yanxi, if you want to violate the Providence Convention, go ahead and kill them. They will be reincarnated and returned to my disciple\'s side in a decade. But you dumbass will be hunted down by your clansmen and your precious Meng Clan. Do it! I dare you.\'


Fang Yanxu gritted his teeth, frustrated that Nero had called his bluff. He had the urge to kill someone right now, but he couldn\'t do anything with all the spectators from the immortal realms watching him through the Tribulation Eyes.

\'I will never sever the karmic ties with my daughter. However, if you win, I\'ll convince your disciple\'s enemies to leave this city alone for a year, and I will let him live!\'

\'Make it 10.\'

\'Only one year!\'



\'Five or no deal.\'

\'Tsk. Fine. Halfway, five it is.\'

\'Hahaha! Alright. Since you\'re the challenger, do you mind if I make the rules?\'

Fang Yanxu snorted, \'Your disciple must participate in this game or the deal is off!\'

\'You cheeky brat is so obstinate on killing my boy. Very well, I\'ll tell those spectators about the rules, so they can announce to those guys.\'

The suspense and silence were killing Yuan Shaoqing and Zhao Bao from the inside.

Fang Yanxu had been quiet for 30 minutes. Yet, his dark expression and malicious air revealed his murderous intent toward everybody here.

No one could utter a word when their lives could instantly end if this immortal wanted them dead.

Wei Yuan and the yin slaves were confused as they glanced at Fang Meirong, who was internally injured by her father\'s soul pressure. Everyone wanted to ask her, "Aren\'t you his daughter? What kind of father treats their daughter like this?"

Suddenly, Fang Yanxu snorted and carried Fang Meirong with him. Then, he declared.

"I shall be middle-man for your puny dispute. First off, all sides must withdraw their troops back to your camps!"

Yuan Shaoqing shut his eyes and knitted his brows. As he had expected, the immortal came to save Siren City.

"BUT!" Fang Yanxu hadn\'t finished yet, "It won\'t be fair if I simply save this city because of my personal connection. My prestigious Fang Clan isn\'t someone who favors a mortal clan because my daughter favors them!"

Wen Chou, Yan Liang, Yuan Shaoqing, Huang Hansheng, and others raised their eyebrows. They wondered which side this immortal was on.

"A month from now, both sides shall select eleven representatives from your side to settle the war in dispute-solving deathmatches. All your representatives must be under the 8th-stage! You can\'t suppress your cultivation base to join the match either!"

Yuan Shaoqing revealed a faint smile as he was confident in this set of rules. Even if he couldn\'t use Yan Liang and Wen Chou, he had many capable allies to be used in this event.

Meanwhile, Ju Shoufen and Zhao Bao\'s faces turned dark. They started counting the heads of their top fighters, whose cultivation base was under the 8th-stage.

Jia Shan, Ma Ping, Mao Xueyan, Fogan, and Zhao Bao\'s abbot were the only reliable nascent soul realm representatives here. As for the rest, they were too weak or inexperienced to join an unknown death-game of this immortal.

Moreover, most of the representatives might even be 6th-stage cultivators as Jia Shan\'s group would never return on time!

They were outnumbered!

Fang Yanxu glanced at the battleships of Sun Wentai. As he was aware of the latter\'s betrayal, the immortal imposed another restriction, "The defending city\'s representatives must be its citizen or the current residents. Outsiders, such as newly defected organizations, are not allowed to join dispute-solving matches."

Ju Shoufen and everyone from Siren City clenched their fists. Now, Fang Yanxu made it clear that he was biased against Siren City\'s side.

"The detail of this contest shall be revealed on the game day. The battle site shall be this place. And also," Fang Yanxu sneered at the people of Siren City. "The brat by the name, Mao Miaomiao, must participate in at least three of the death matches!"

Hearing the imposed rules of Fang Yanxu, Yuan Shaoqing burst into laughter.

It was confirmed. This immortal had a grudge against his enemy!

An enemy of my enemy is my friend – Yuan Shaoqing believed that he could get the favor of this immortal by killing his sister\'s nemesis.

Thus, Yuan Shaoqing boldly spoke to the immortal, "Your Excellency, what are the rewards of the victors and the punishment for the losers. Every dispute-solving match must have a wager."

Fang Yanxu caught the hint. He laughed, "If your side wins, this city, what does it name? Siren City and its people must surrender to your force unconditionally!"

Yuan Shaoqing\'s allies cheered and started making noise. With this condition, they could safely enslave everybody, including the rumored beauties in the city.

Despite being seriously injured, many cultivators drooled and stared at Siren City in greed and lust, wanting a piece of the yin slaves and the elixir.

While Fang Yanxu had shown a clear favor to Yuan Shaoqing\'s side, one of the Tribulation Eyes descended and revealed the rewards for the other side.

Zhao Liang, OG-Buddha\'s Apostle, sent his avatar to encourage Zhao Bao and his allies.

"However, if Siren City wins, Yuan Shaoqing and his allies must withdraw your troops and never step foot in front of Siren City for five years. In addition, you must compensate for your aggression by giving Myriad Cauldron Sect\'s Dryad Plane to Siren City!"

Fang Yanxu clicked his tongue while Yuan Shaoqing\'s expression turned stiff.

Five years of non-aggression pact was not long. However, losing the herb plane was a critical blow to Yeet City and Myriad Cauldron Sect – They would lose their primary source of pill ingredients, and their pill production would take a hit, resulting in the loss of major income.

Without income, the Yuan Clan couldn\'t afford to pay their soldiers, elders, alchemists, and mercenaries. They would even lose their reputation and authority!

No merchant and cultivator would want to do business with them had it happened. The Yuan Clan would be reduced to a second-rate clan at best without their money!

Yuan Shaoqing\'s eyes were bloodshot. He stared at the lone Tribulation Eye, which clearly took side with Siren City. He spoke through his teeth, "Fine. I accept that condition!"

Fang Yanxu snorted and carried Fang Meirong to the sky. His echoing voice resounded as he departed from here.

"Again, I\'ll be back here in a month as a judge. Any confrontation in the meantime is prohibited! Now, scram!"

The immortal and the tribulation eyes faded to nothingness along with the dark cloud.

Just like that, the pressure was lifted and everybody could freely move again.

Wei Yuan was frustrated, "I thought Meirong\'s father was reasonable, but he\'s an overbearing asshole!"

Ju Shoufen were also mad, "We have been na?ve. Because of Miaomiao\'s supporting gods, we forgot that immortals and gods can be overbearing and selfish. That girl Fang was also at fault for not telling us her entire background."

"That\'s probably Miaomiao\'s fault for turning her into his yin slave. He might have accidentally erased some of her memory to maintain her loyalty to him, and she really forgot who she was."

"… You\'re probably right."

Wei Yuan, Ju Shoufen, and the girls sulked. There was nothing they could do other than recuperating and preparing for the unknown game of Fang Yanxu.

Meanwhile, Yuan Shaoqing ate a healing pill and got up to his feet. He shouted, addressing Ju Shoufen, "Shoufen, I know you\'re in there! Next month, I\'ll come for you!"

Hearing the provocation, Ju Shoufen bellowed, "Oh, sure! In 30 days, make sure you\'re one of the representatives! I\'ll be the one to kill you!"

"Oh, sure! I heard that you\'ve regained your youthful self. I\'m planning to make you my prime concubine as I did to Han Wenjie! You know what? I\'ve prepared a shell for Ju Hu as well! I\'ll take both of you as my new wives!"

"You fucking lunatic pedophile! I swear I\'ll cut your dick and feed it to the geese!"

"Hahahaha! Let\'s go, men. I have enough Rejuvenation Dans, Limb Regenerating Pills, Internal Blood Recovering Pills, and many sky-grade pills we can use to heal ourselves. Everyone get each pill for free!"

Yuan Shaoqing\'s troops regained their morale instantly. They cheered and laughed even though they could barely walk back to their camps.

= Metal Dragon Cave =

Nero shook his head and sighed. Then, he gazed at Miaomiao, who was eager to return.

"I manage to buy a month for you. You will have to participate in three death matches against Yuan Shaoqing\'s top 7th-stage experts."

Miaomiao faintly smiled and heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank god, and thank you, master. If I have to fight an 8th-stage freak, I would have had no chance."

"You seem confident. Have you killed a nascent soul cultivator before?"

Miaomiao chuckled, "I\'ve killed so many that I\'ve lost count."

"How and when?"

"In my sleep."


Nero rolled his eyes, thinking that Miaomiao was overconfident.

"By the way, master. Can I take a long nap, like 10 or 20 days? I need to send my consciousness to my Doraemon\'s 4th-dimension pocket dantian to train."

"But won\'t you gain a lot more if I continue to give you guidance?"

Miaomiao shook his head, "I\'ve learned enough theories from you. Now, I need to put it into practice and stabilize my foundation. How am I going to get used to the new techniques and my current power without using it."

Without waiting for Nero\'s response, Miaomiao picked the corner of the room and lied down, falling asleep instantly.


[You have returned to Isolation Training Space.]

[Warning, due to your recent advancement, dantian expansion, and your new primary elements, the Isolation Training Space\'s environment has changed!]

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