Villain Cultivator

Chapter 511 - Loser Mentality (Half Edited)

Even though Uriel was a high-tier deity that could defeat 90% of the gods, he was not Samsara\'s match. The power of Karma was the bane of his existence as he could be instantly killed if one of his existence karma threads was cut.

Yet, he turned to face the incoming supreme god. He disabled the gas physique to save the last bit of his power for the fight.

His true form appeared in the void, but Miaomiao and Xu Chu were not in the mood to look at him.

Uriel\'s handsome face, sharp eyes, and Asian features looked the same as Devil in his true form! Also, it resembled Miaomiao in his original appearance!

He took a deep breath and summoned a billion golden weapons from a million portals behind him in advance. Spears, swords, sabers, axes, polearms, lances, hammers, maces, and metallic balls floated in space, facing the charging god.

Sensing so many divine-grade weapons, Samsara stopped flying toward Miaomiao. He paused and glared at Uriel.

"I should have figured this out long ago. First Generation War Marionettes are nothing but mass-produced copies of Devil! I was so dumb back then that I didn\'t notice the strange karmic knots between you and devil. Now that I get to see you up close, I can tell that you have the same karma signature with that brat! I should have known!"

Uriel pointed his fingertip at Samsara, getting ready to launch every skill, technique, Dao, and secret power upon Samsara at any moment. Yet, he attempted to negotiate first to buy time.

"Devil and I have been working for the sake of protecting this universe from the law-distorting god\'s ability, the power of dimension distortion of Kishin Douji. Every time Kishin Douji died, the dimension collapsed, and everybody, including you, were destroyed along with it. Only Kishin Douji got to cross dimensions to a new parallel universe. Please do not interfere with our job, or this dimension will be destroyed."

"I don\'t give a shit about what you\'ve been doing. You, Devil, and Mao Miaomiao\'s existence are taboos of this universe. None of you is supposed to exist together in one universe! You might not have been charged or arrested during the War Marionette Calamity because the real culprits were someone else. But this time, I won\'t spare you and Devil!"

"Don\'t you understand that we are protecting you? Why are you trying to harm your benefactors?"

"Benefactors? Don\'t make me laugh. I don\'t need your protection. I AM THE LAW, AND YOU PESTS NEED TO BE PURGED!!"


Uriel felt like they were speaking in a different language.

Since nothing could get through Samsara\'s head, Uriel prepared to launch everything at Samsara.

Fortunately, he had bought a few seconds for Devil to catch up.


Devil caught up. His black katana turned into a dark flame, and his familiar spirit emerged.

A half-naked grown woman with purple skin, black sclera, red pupils, two short oni horns, and sharp fangs came out. Her appearance also looked similar to Killer Queen, but she seemed to be more refined.

The familiar spirit cackled as she launched herself toward Samsara\'s back in an instant.

Unable to react, the spirit of black flame entered Samsara\'s body. He began to uncontrollably convulse.

"Cripple him, Shuten Douji!" Devil bellowed.

\'Aye, aye, master!\'


The flame inside Samsara\'s body detonated and incinerated him into dust. Yet, a wisp of Samsara\'s soul escaped from the blast.

A split second later, Samsara self-resurrected and reappeared a thousand kilometers away from Devil and Uriel. He coughed and clenched his chest as if he had just suffered a heart attack.

"You… Devil! How did you use the Chaos Flame?! I thought only Kishin Douji can use it!"

"That\'s none of your business. Since you obstinate bitch wants to kill my boy so much, I must kill you now even if my plan will go awry. I don\'t care about this timeline anymore. You selfish son of a bitch can rot in Hell while I and my boy will find a way to end Kishin Douji\'s regression power in the next timeline!"

"W-Wait! Hold on! What timeline?!"

"See? You never listened to me. Now, on the verge of death, you want to hear about it? Well, fuck you. GO TO HELL, YOU THIRD-RATE VILLAIN!!"

Samsara was ignited by the black flame again. He widened his eyes in confusion as this flame also burnt every distant planet and constellation inside his soul dantian.

The black flame rapidly spread, using Samsara\'s karma threads as a medium. Instantly, the flame reached the other end of knots, which belonged to Samsara\'s followers, vessels, subordinates, worshipers, and planets that were born from Samsara dantian space.

The manifested planets, mortal worlds, and planes on the universe were instantly burnt to ashes. Even his followers, worshipers, vessels, and slaves were incinerated as well.


Without constellations, worshipers, vessels, and followers, Samsara\'s existence ceased to exist. He vanished from the void along with his karma.

A speckle of black flame returned to Devil\'s side, and the familiar spirit of purple woman reappeared.


\'You\'re welcome. Say, master. You could have killed this asshole several million years ago. Why did you keep him alive?\'

Devil sighed and facepalmed. He crouched, lamenting to himself.

"I needed his Karma Sovereign Dao to disable Kishin Douji\'s Invincible Dao. Now that he\'s dead, no one can cancel that stupid infinite resurrection power anymore. Even if Xie Qingtian miraculously resurrected Xie Tian, none of them would be Kishin Douji\'s match."

Devil thought of the previous runs that he had fought against Kishin Douji. So far, he could easily overpower the oni god, but the latter couldn\'t die – He always self-respawned just like the Players.

Devil also consulted this matter with Mu-Nyang, but the Cathulhu God also failed to disable Kishin Douji\'s power.

Strangely, only Xie Tian in his final form could put an end to Kishin Douji\'s resurrection power and truly kill him. Unfortunately, this protagonist couldn\'t stop Kishin Douji from crossing into other dimensions and destroying the entire universe in the process.

25 million runs always ended up in a failure. One way or another, Kishin Douji continued to survive.

Fortunately, Devil managed to seal Kishin Douji\'s memory during his previous run. Otherwise, the oni god would have discovered the Devil\'s threat and proactively hunted him down.

"No Samsara, no Xie Tian… Welp, this universe is done for. I\'ll just use this dimension as a test run for Miaomiao before I seal his memory again."

Devil turned to Uriel and gestured him to hide his true appearance.

Uriel covered himself in gas like usual. He heaved a sigh of relief that the original copy of himself swiftly and decisively dealt with Samsara before he had to fight.

The threat was gone. Now, he could continue protecting his JUNIOR, who accidentally absorbed his luck and made it mistake him as the new master. Soon, Miaomiao\'s amount of luck energy would rival First Generation War Marionettes.

While Devil was sulking, a hurricane of negative karma strands gathered around him. They were from the mortal worlds that he had destroyed.

The penalty for killing mortals and immortals reached him. However, Devil only glanced at it.

He clicked his tongue and waved his hand.


Just like that, the countless tornadoes of karma tribulation were dispersed and the tribulation ended. Remnant of karmic energy flowed into him as the rewards.

Devil grumbled as he forcefully ejected the power of karma out of his body. He waved his hand again and sent everything toward the bundle of negative karma threads, which had enveloped Miaomiao and Xu Chu.

The karmic energy merged with the negative karma, multiplying the bundle\'s size.


Uriel stared at Devil in confusion. The latter could have digested the karmic energy and increased his strength, but he chose to give it to Miaomiao.

Before Uriel could ask Devil anything, Lilith arrived. She looked around and grinned.

"You\'re done?"

"Yeah, we\'re DONE! We\'re freaking screwed."

"Oh, so this is the end of this dimension, right?"

"Yeah, no key item. We failed."

Lilith shrugged, "Welp. Then, do you mind if I go talk to Xie Qingtian and surrender to him? I\'ll force him to fight Kishin Douji in our stead."

"Go ahead. I already tried that several times."

Lilith was curious how the future would unfold, based on Devil\'s experience, "What will happen? Rather, what happened in the failed dimensions?"

"If you lead Xie Qingtian to Kishin Douji, that oni will die three million years later. Both will end up fighting to the death. Xie Qingtian will put a curse on him and temporarily seal Kishin Douji\'s resurrection power, but Xie Qingtian will be killed since Xie Tian is not there to help him. Then, Kishin Douji will suffer from Xie Clan\'s curses for a million years until his auto self-resurrection ability wears off permanently."

Lilith frowned, "Then, we can kill him. We can use Miaomiao\'s abilities to seal his regression ability by then, no?"

"It\'s too late," Devil sighed. "200,000 years before that can happen, Clem will break free from the netherworld prison and start another Calamity Age. She will evolve into the second Yamato-no-Orochi, but she will be stronger than her predecessor. Kishin Douji will also go berserk and wage war against every god. It will be total chaos."

"But can we make Clem and Kishin Douji fight each other?"

"Yeah, I tried that also. Clem always refused to cooperate, and Kishin Douji attacked me on sight."


"If I leave them alone, everyone in the universe will become either Kishin Douji\'s slaves or Clem\'s livestock, but both Clem and Kishin Douji will eventually turn against each other. Once the dust settles, Clem will win at the cost of the destruction of this dimension."


Lilith pinched her fingers to deduce the future, using Devil\'s story as a base.

Her face changed.

The chance of defeating both Clem and Kishin Douji was slim, but it was not impossible.

The key player was none other than Miaomiao, the irregular entity of this dimension. Also, a weird fellow, Brocell, could potentially change the future as well. However, the dungeon lord would become the initiator of the next Calamity Age instead of Clem.

Devil continued to whine like a loser, "Yup. Game Over. By that time, I\'ll seal Kishin Douji\'s regression memory and commit suicide. Then, I\'ll try again in another run."

Uriel and Lilith frowned. The Devil only mentioned his Plan B, but he didn\'t mention what would happen to them.

Lilith crouched in front of Devil and stared into his eyes, "What about me?"

"You can\'t come with me. You have no regression power."

"Then, you\'re gonna leave me to die along with others?"

"I can\'t protect you anymore."

At this point, Lilith believed that Devil completely gave up on everything. She rolled her eyes.

"Just sit there and suck your thumb or go home and cry to your mama. I\'ll just grab all pieces of time-and-space murals and comprehend the Chrono Element. I\'ll go to the past and kill Kishin Douji before he gets the regression power!"

"That\'s also impossible. Killing him before he was born will also destroy the entire universe."


Lilith had enough. She punched him in the face.

Devil was sent flying backward for several thousand light-years in distance. He didn\'t even protect himself, allowing his body to fly like a broken kite.

Lilith spat. She turned around, facing Miaomiao and Xu Chu, who were still in the middle of karma tribulation.

She took a deep breath. Then, she turned to Uriel.

"When that moron comes back, tell him to go fuck himself if he wants to commit suicide to start over and abandon everybody here. I ain\'t giving up without fighting! Also, go tell Joshua to shut down the DaoTube businesses! From now on, Mao Miaomiao belongs to the Netherworld Realm!"


Uriel nodded. He glanced at Miaomiao for a moment before he turned back to Lilith.

"What about his family members?"

"They belong to me as well."

"Haiz. Alright. Please send another bodyguard to protect them. They\'re being targeted by local immortals."

"Tsk. You guys are a bunch of useless wusses."

Lilith snapped her fingers, and a hundred magic circles manifested around her.

A hundred female creatures came out of the summoning circles. Each of them had the cultivation base of the immortal emperor realm.

The women turned around and knelt toward Lilith.

"Reporting for duties, Your Majesty."

The leader of the hundred immoral creatures was a giant gorgon. Her body was a thousand meters tall and her tail was long enough to coil around the mortal world.

As for her cultivation base, she was a lesser deity, a major realm above the pinnacle immortal realm.

"I want Golden Heavenly Goose Planet. Go talk to that fat goose and have her hand over the planet obediently. If she resists, tell her that I want it, and I\'m currently staring at it right now."


The gorgon shrank to a human-size and disappeared into the planet.

Lilith snorted and turned to the rest of the crew.

"Listen, ladies! From now on, I want you to protect that boy\'s family, especially his wives! One of his wives is my daughter, another is my granddaughter, and another is my great-fucking-granddaughter! Well, shit. He fucked so many of my descendants so well that I want him and his family to join our forces! Protect them and coax them to join us no matter what the costs! I don\'t care if you violate the cliché mortal protection laws to get it done. If your cultivation base is crippled, I\'ll fix it for you! If you\'re haunted by negative karma, I\'ll fix it for you! If you\'re hit by whatever it is, I can fix it for you!"

The women\'s eyes were burning in anticipation. It had been a while after they last raided a mortal world with their army of 100 elites.



The immortals vanished and entered the planet.

Oblivious to the chaos that he had initiated, Miaomiao peacefully and calmly digested the negative karma in his pupils and his body.

After being bound by the dark karmic strands for several minutes, Miaomiao started to get used to it.

It wasn\'t hurt anymore. Instead, it felt like he was in the middle of a bondage act.

He had a hard-on.

As if the threads reacted to his erected wood, they coiled around it and tightened.

"Oh, shit. That feels good."

Behind Miaomiao, Xu Chu stared at Miaomiao, speechless.

"You\'re supposed to focus, Miaomiao. Keep digesting the karma."

Miaomiao rolled his eyes, "You\'re the one to talk! Why don\'t the other you stop moving your hips? You\'re about to crush my other soul\'s balls!"

"I can\'t help it. I need your luck energy to recuperate."

Xu Chu giggled while she created an empty space around Miaomiao in the middle of the bundle of dark threads. The Dao Avatar body of Xu Chu condensed into a touchable sculpture of a naked woman, and she shifted her position to hug him from the front.

She removed the threads around Miaomiao\'s wood and put it inside hers.

"Now, let\'s dual-cultivate with both our bodies. Should I say, we are now truly DUAL-Cultivating?"


Miaomiao shrugged. He placed his hands on her hips and began moving while his eyes slowly absorbed more karma strands.


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