Villain Cultivator

Chapter 610 - Olympians And Prisoners

This star system was none other than the Olympus, which belonged to Gaea and Uranus.

At glance, this star system was tranquil and peaceful. The silent void protected these planets while the mortals on the blue planets minded their businesses.

However, on the surface of the mountain continent, a commotion occurred.

Currently, a massive army had been surrounding a volcano at the edge of the continent. The weakest soldiers were 10-star constellation immortals and Immortal Kings.

Standing in front of the 100,000-man army was an elderly long-haired white-bearded man. He only covered himself with a white robe, but the silver cloth continuously produced the Providence aura of a Great Dao.

A long spear in the elder\'s hand was cladded with the Law of Thunderbolt of its master. The spirit in the weapon glared at the three-headed dog, who had been guarding the entrance to the Volcano Realm.


The calm volcano suddenly erupted as if it refused the elder\'s demand. At the same time, a hoarse voice of a man resounded.


As soon as the man inside the volcano gave his answer, volcano ashes in the sky transformed into a billion giant imps, flying in the sky and glaring at the army on the ground.

Their cultivation base was weak. The strongest among the hell spawns were comparable to a 20-star constellation immortal while the weakest among them was a one-star constellation.

Still, their number intimidated Zeus. Moreover, the three-headed dog in front of the volcano bore fangs and condensed its Providence Dao Domain.

Zeus was aware of the dog\'s unwavering loyalty to its master. He was also wary of its power.

As long as this dog\'s master and the Hell Gate existed, its Providence Dao Domain could not be broken. Moreover, as long as the dog\'s domain was active, it could not be killed!

The elder clicked his tongue. He used to bully this dog when it was weak. But now, it had become a deity and a chess piece of a sage.

"Tsk! Troops, stand down. Retreat ten thousand paces and set up camps!"

Zeus grudgingly withdrew before the situation escalated. He could not fight his brother in the latter\'s turf as Cerberus was invincible here. Moreover, the other generals of Hades could potentially sneak into the Olympus Mountain and destroy his home base.

Still, for the sake of getting the taste of peerless beauty and obtaining the secret of Chaos Element, Zeus could not give up on her.

"Just you wait, Wei Yuan. No matter where you\'re hiding, I\'ll get you!"

In the depth of the volcano, a pocket dimension hid another universe, similar to Miaomiao\'s dantian space.

At the center of that universe, a floating altar was protected the Providence Domain of Reincarnation and Life.

A giant muscular man sat on the throne on the altar, gazing at the burning sky.

After seeing that his younger brother retreated, he closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

"Sick bastard," The king turned toward a maid, who had been standing behind his wife. She was an oni, who had been working here for a year.

Hades didn\'t know if this maid was smart or stupid. She refused to eat anything that he and his wife had given her.

Had the maid eaten anything, her soul would have been bound to this realm, and it would have prevented Zeus from pursuing her.

"Wei Yuan, he has come for you again."

Wei Yuan looked indifferent as if she was used to it, "Your Majesty, when a dog barks at a tree, will you scold the dog? Will you ignore it? Or will you bark at the tree as well?"

"You\'re comparing my brother with a dog, girl."

"From what I see, he\'s a mutt in heat. Unless he\'s fixed, he will fuck anything that moves, including his owner\'s leg."


Instead of being offended, Hades burst into hysterical laughter. He slammed his hand on his armrest several times as he couldn\'t hold it.

While the lord of hell was laughing, the attendants and subordinates of Hades below the altar sweated profusely as they knew how Hades treasured his brothers.

This girl was courting death!

Hades laughed so hard that he cried. He wiped his tears and smiled, "You know. Why don\'t you become my concubine? I kinda like you."

Wei Yuan giggled and glanced at the mistress before her, "Please ask your wife first. Also, I don\'t want to die. Please spare me."

The wife of Hades was also a beautiful lady. However, her angry eyes sneered at her husband.

"I\'ll kill her if you touch her, hubby."

The Olympus culture was unique. Whenever a husband cheated on his wife, the wife had the right to kill the other woman, but the husband could scotch free.

Several good maidens fell victims to this unjust law. However, everybody was used to it.

Wei Yuan was uncomfortable with this culture. Although Hades never bullied her, she was afraid of his wife.

It was the wife that would kill her! Even if Hades never cheated, her life was still at risk!

Hades shrugged, "I was kidding. You know that I never cheated on you. Don\'t harm her."

"Pfft. Right."

Hades dryly laughed and shook his head. Then, he turned toward his men, who had been standing in a formation in front of the altar.

His eyes found the new subordinate, who had brought Wei Yuan here last year.

"Meng Po."

The old lady from the Meng Clan stood up and saluted to the god, "Meng Po is present."

"I don\'t want to fight my brother. Why don\'t you escort Wei Yuan out of here?"

Meng Po\'s expression turned dark. Everybody around her also gave her a sympathetic look.

Hades just gave her a death sentence!

In this Hell Realm, everybody knew that Zeus governed Olympus. Once a guest left Hell, the Olympians would always be imprisoned, enslaved, or tortured the guests as they discriminated against everyone besides their kind.

Still, there was a trick to evade these people. As long as the guests ate something from this realm, they would become vessels of Hades! Their souls would exude the air of Hell, and no Olympian would offend them.

However, Meng Po and Wei Yuan never ate anything from this world. They didn\'t have the protection of Hades, and they were still vulnerable to random ambushes and assaults.

Meng Po was on the verge of tears. She knelt, "Please spare us, your majesty! We are only seeking refuge here to avoid Lilim\'s henchmen. We do not want to cause trouble!"

Hades sighed, "But your existences have brought us problems. We don\'t want to wage another war against Zeus."

"But we will be captured once we set foot out of here!"

"Ah, that. You don\'t have to worry. Someone from Eden Garden has come here to bring you out."

"R-Really? B-But Eden Garden?"

Meng Po was puzzled. She had no relationship with Eden Garden, and no one should be coming here to help her.

Or maybe, they came here for Wei Yuan?

But Adam and their elves were arrogant. Why would they come here for an oni?

Hades nodded. He waved his hand, "Bring in the gentlemen from the Xie Clan."

Xie Clan?

Meng Po widened her eyes as she knew them. The Xie Clan was well-known in Eden Garden Sect, and they were a hostile force.

How did the Xie Clan\'s persons manage to get here?

While Meng Po\'s thoughts went to space, a portal was opened and a prison warden led two prisoners out. Their hands were cuffed by red chains, which restricted their cultivation base and Qi circulation.

Xie Tian and Xie Qingtian didn\'t panic. They gazed at the King of Hell.

Xie Tian raised his handcuffs and lowered his head, "Xie Tian greets His Majesty Hades. I\'m sorry that we cannot pay respect properly because of the restraints."

Hades waved his head, "I don\'t mind. Also, release them."

The prison warden unlocked the chains. Then, he walked back into the portal.

Xie Tian glanced at Meng Po and Wei Yuan. He transmitted his voice to their mind.

\'Mao Miaomiao has sent me to pick you up.\'

Wei Yuan\'s pupils expanded. She shed tears of joy.

Miaomiao didn\'t forget her!

\'What else did he tell you?\'

Xie Tian wryly smiled, \'He asked you to forgive him. He has new concubines.\'

\'I\'ll scold him later. Thanks for coming.\'

\'My pleasure.\'

\'But how will you bring us out? The outside world is full of Zeus\' goons and perverted gods.\'

Xie Tian didn\'t reply to Wei Yuan. He gazed at Hades and brought out a jade slip.

"As promised, the secret of Chrono Element is in here. Could you please give Wei Yuan and her friends to me and ensure their freedom?"

"Of course," Hades widely smiled and glanced at his wife, Persephone, who had been sipping wine and ignoring the politics.

"Go, Wei Yuan. You\'re fired," Persephone chuckled.

Wei Yuan walked forward and turned around. She politely bowed to Persephone and Hades, "Thank you for your kindness and your protection. Once I become a deity, I shall repay this kindness."

Persephone waved her hand to choo her, "Just go. My husband has been stealing a glance at your face several times in the past months. At this rate, you\'ll end up serving him in his bedroom one day."

"Hahaha. True."

Hades facepalmed and shook his head, "Wifey, I never cheated on you."

"I don\'t believe you."


Wei Yuan inwardly laughed as she found this couple cute. She wished that Miaomiao had half of Hades\' virtue and stop collecting more concubines.

After getting her freedom, Wei Yuan walked toward Xie Tian and Xie Qingtian. Meng Po also followed her.

Xie Tian tossed the jade slip to Hades. Then, he and his father turned around to escort Meng Po and Wei Yuan out of here.

The men of Hades also didn\'t do anything to them. They allowed the four to leave the altar and go wherever they wanted.

But before they could leave, a tall woman with huge racks ran toward them. She had two dragon horns and a long dragon tail.


The woman was none other than Clem, who had tagged along with Meng Po during the prison break.

Currently, Clem had been working as one of Hades\' attendants. She was in charge of maintaining the volcano\'s temperature as Hades needed it to torture evil Olympians whom he had captured.

Meng Po peered at Clem, "Slut, have you eaten anything from this world?"

"Err, aside from the local lava, nope."

Wei Yuan narrowed her eyes, "Does that count as food from Hell?"

Meng Po shrugged, "I don\'t know. Let\'s ask the Lord."

Meng Po and Wei Yuan didn\'t need to ask Hades out loud. The latter had already heard the conversation.

"Ah, that dumb Orochi-wannabe? Her soul has already been bound to this place. But if you want her, I can release her. Actually, she\'s a pain in the ass. Get her out of here, please."

Xie Qingtian cupped his fist and bowed to Hades, "Then, we shall take her with us."


Hades closed his eyes.

Suddenly, Clem vomited several mouthfuls of blood as if her karma had been cut.

Xie Qingtian helped her up and piggybacked her.

Meanwhile, Xie Tian glared at Clem. He clicked his tongue and warned her.

"No funny trick or I\'ll chop you into a thousand pieces and feed it to catopuses!"

Clem stuck out her tongue and sneered, "I won\'t die even if you burn me to ash. I\'m a true immortal dragon, you fool."


"Anyway, how do we get out of here?"

Hades didn\'t tell them how to leave this place. Also, he never provided them a guide or showed them the way.

Xie Tian averted his eyes from Clem. He smiled at Wei Yuan, "We have two ways of getting out of here without meeting Zeus\' men. First, we reopen the connection between Hell and the Netherworld Realm. We pay Lilim a visit and get out of there."

Meng Po repeatedly shook her head. She went through the trouble to rescue Wei Yuan for Hades, and she didn\'t want to go back there again.

"What about the next method?"

"My boss has recently learned a new summoning technique. We go to his isolated training space."

"Summoning technique?"

Xie Tian then looked at his father, Clem, and Meng Po, "But there\'s a catch."

Clem, Xie Qingtian, and Meng Po\'s expressions turned solemn. They expected to pay a ransom or do something in return for this favor.

But Xie Tian\'s words stunned them, including Hades and Persephone.

"You must swear allegiance to Mao Miaomiao and become his Dao Sentinel! Ah, father. You don\'t have to if you don\'t want to.. You can always be my Dao Sentinel, and you can enter his world just fine."

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