Villain Cultivator

Chapter 626 - Pangu Online 2 Sneak Peek

The three victims of the soup rested at Miaomiao\'s Sacred Water Stellar Planet. They cleaned their stomachs and mouths by drinking the holy water.

After having their fill, the group gathered.

Miaomiao stared at the two sentinels of Kang Yan.

"Since when has her cooking skill become so terrible? She was good at cooking before."

Yin Monarch shook his head, "Probably since she comprehended something from that weird scroll with music. She likes eating purple liquid and food for some reason."

Yang Monarch nodded and sobbed, "She said that purple food always contains medicinal effects and they are good for our bodies. But we know that she\'s just punishing us."

Miaomiao still remembered Kang Yan\'s remarks. He questioned the two, "What did you do? Also, what is Mithril Element?"

Mithril was a type of fantasy ore in fantasy or gaming novels. Miaomiao still couldn\'t believe his ears that this type of element existed in the wuxia world.

Yang Monarch confessed, "She evolved a metal planet into a mithril planet after she had learned about your past memory. She might have gotten inspiration from you, benefactor."

"I see. Has she created the Oriharukon Element yet?"


"Never mind. It seems that she hasn\'t reached that level yet."

Miaomiao was aware that Kang Yan was a sword freak, and her primary elements were swords and metal. It was a matter of time before she came up with that legendary metal.

"Anyway, now that we get to talk, I wish to consult you guys."

"Ask away, benefactor! You used your body to help me, so I will help you the best I could!"

Yang Monarch was impressed that Miaomiao sacrificed himself to help him earlier even though he failed. As an upright immortal spirit, he also wanted to return the favor.

"Do you know a way to increase Origin Yang Providence quickly? I need to balance my universe, but Yin Qi takes over almost everything now."

"Oh, simple! You just need to create more stellar stars with Yang-based Qi. Try to create multiple suns. Fire and Light Element also help. If better, get more Holy or Sacred Element."

Yin Monarch chimed in, "If you are feeling creative, you should fuse yin-based elements with yang-base elements, but you add more Origin Primordial Yang Qi into it. Then, you will get a unique compound element with yang-based Qi."

"Do you have a recipe or an example?" Miaomiao was interested.

"If Yin Flame can exist, why not Yang Ice? For starters, try to add "Yang" in every basic element, such as Yang Wind, Yang Lightning, Yang Earth, etc."

Miaomiao pondered. It was a nice idea.

"I\'ll try. Thanks."

"You\'re welcome, benefactor!"

After gathering enough information, Miaomiao began his experiment. He converted Origin Yin Providence Qi into Origin Yang Providence Qi directly first.

The result was disappointing. As soon as the Yin Qi turned into Yang Qi, more Yin Qi was generated and replaced the lost Qi. As for the Yang Qi, it was suppressed and consumed by the Yin Qi after it hadn\'t been used within 10 seconds.

Miaomiao tried again. He converted Yin Qi into Yang Qi. Then, he used the Yang Qi to enhance yang-based elements, such as the Holy Flame of Life Element.

It worked. Although the Origin Primordial Yin was replenished, the Yang Qi increased the stellar star\'s size and enhanced its quality. Unfortunately, this method was too slow as the element couldn\'t produce enough element Qi to contest against the Origin Primordial Yin Qi fast enough.

Then, Miaomiao tried Yin Monarch\'s method. He randomly created basic element continents and planes by combining Origin Primordial Yang to change its characteristics.

Seven Yang Elements were born. Yang Fire, Yang Water, Yang Lighting, Yang Wind, Yang Metal, Yang Wood, and Yang Earth were created.

Still, these elements were unstable. As it was forcefully created, it lacked essence and mastery. Thus, it couldn\'t grow fast enough.

Miaomiao hadn\'t given up. He turned to his Element Providence next.

Flame Element Providence Qi that he had absorbed from the tower had already been condensed into a stellar star, and it had been producing new moons.

Since flame was yang-type energy, Miaomiao tested his theory by converting more Origin Yin Providence Qi into Origin Yang Providence Qi. Then, he fueled everything to the Flame Element Providence Qi.

A new moon was created, and the pre-existing moons evolved into planets.

The trick worked!


Unfortunately, as Miaomiao had been absorbing Xu Chu\'s Qi, she came to warn him.

"I know that you need to stabilize your universe, but could you please be moderate? My succubi are complaining that the Qi on their planets got thinner randomly. Some of them fell sick because they lacked Yin Qi."


Alas, nothing good came for free. Something had to be sacrificed.

Once again, Miaomiao came back to the drawing board. He needed a new method that wouldn\'t trouble everybody in here.

Miaomiao glanced at the Heavenly Dao\'s chain quest menu.

Heavenly Dao Quest: Preparation for Pangu Online 2 (4)

Although everything didn\'t go exactly as planned, you achieved your basic goal regardless. Now, it\'s time to introduce you to the cookie and butter of Pangu Online 2 Game\'s attraction.

In this game, three types of cryptocurrency tokens will come into play, and you need to know what they are for. Therefore, this quest will get you familiar with cryptocurrency technologies and the system shop, which will be open for every player!

This quest is simple. You have a Dao Stone, so you can either exchange it into 100 PACT tokens or buy something from the system shop. You know what a system shop is, right?

Mission Objective: Purchase any item from Pangu Online 2\'s System Shop

Reward: Unlock New System Feature.


Miaomiao was not into the cryptocurrency businesses, and he had no idea what it could do.

In Devil\'s memory, he didn\'t even know what Bitcoin or blockchain was!

Still, Miaomiao understood the term "System Shop". He navigated the system menu to see if there was anything new.

He had been ignoring the system shop for so long that he had forgotten that it existed. Upon browsing it again, he discovered so many new items.

Unfortunately, the quality of items was up to sky-grade. No heaven-grade or divine-grade items or weapons appeared again after he had concocted divine pills.

Miaomiao glanced at the right corner of the screen. A new tab appeared and glittered in golden light.

Miaomiao pressed on it to see what it was. And many strange items appeared.


Adventurer 30-Day Subscription – 399 Dao Stones

Adventurer 90-Day Subscription – 1,099 Dao Stones


Miaomiao cursed out loud as the price was too high. Regardless of what the item effect was, Miaomiao couldn\'t even buy it.

He kept on looking. He soon found that there were more sub-categories on the screen. The PROMOTION tab only listed discounted items and expensive items.

Miaomiao checked the categories one by one.

Premium Items



Pets / Horses / Mounts

Carriages / Wagons

Ships / Warships

Fashion / Decoration


The Premium Items, Warehouses, Pets, Ships, and Carriages seemed to be important in the game as everything cost a lot of Dao Stones. Only the consumables were a lot cheaper as some only cost a few PACT coins each.

Miaomiao checked for the cheapest one first.

Resurrection Scroll – One Dao Stone

Instantly resurrect you to full health. You may choose to resurrect at the current location or at the latest saved point.

Miaomiao\'s finger was drawn to this item right away, but he managed to stop it before he hit the purchase button.

He remembered that he needed to stabilize his dantian\'s Yin and Yang. He continued to browse if there was anything useful.

And he found interesting items.

Tear of Forgiveness – One Dao Stone

Upon consumption, your negative karma will be decreased by 10,000 points.

Tear of Honesty – One Dao Stone

Upon consumption, your positive karma will be increased by 10,000 points.

Miaomiao stared at the teardrop icons of the items.

\'What is karma in the game? Dion, Heavenly Dao, do you know something?\'


<Karma of Pangu Online 2 is the value of the player\'s trustworthiness. If the person\'s negative karma is high, they will not be able to access any town, purchase NPC\'s items, or cross a checkpoint. On the other hand, players with high positive karma may enjoy various privileges from villages, towns, and cities. The exact content of the game is still confidential.>

Hearing the answer, Miaomiao rejoiced.

\'Can I use the Tear of Honesty to create a Positive Karma Element Crystal?\'

<You can. One element crystal requires 1,000,000 points of karma.>

Miaomiao\'s shoulders drooped. Again, he was disappointed.

\'How the hell can I get positive karma, then?!\'

<Kill red-named players, do random good deeds for other NPCs, do quests, or kill evil NPCs.>

Miaomiao regained hope, \'How can I identify if the NPC is evil?\'

<Evil NPCs have dark purple names on top of their heads. Most of them come from a Chaotic Evil Faction, which is hostile to every faction in the game.>

<By the way, be wary of your current alignment. It reflects your past decisions, actions, and deeds. If you fall to the dark side, you might be considered someone from an evil faction.>

Miaomiao frowned. He rechecked his status menu.

Unfortunately, his status menu no longer displayed or revealed his alignment as Devil\'s default system was deleted.

\'What is my alignment, Dion?\'

<Chaotic Neutral. You are a selfish mofo that do everything for the sake of your goal. You disregarded the consequences of your actions, and you never hesitate to harm the environment and other people if necessary. Fortunately, you held yourself back and didn\'t discriminately massacre all your foes or allies.>

<Sexual wise, Chaotic Evil. You pretty much fucked everything that can move, including cats, you sick bastard.>

Miaomiao giggled. He was proud that he went back from being lawful to chaotic once again.

He had enough information. Now, he knew what he should proceed from here.

Since Miaomiao could not condense Positive Karma Element with only 10,000 points of game karma, he went back to the consumable tab and purchased the resurrection scroll.

Being safe is better than being sorry.

After all, Miaomiao needed to fight again soon.


<You have purchased a resurrection scroll. The item has been stored in your system inventory.>

<You have completed the Heavenly Dao Quest: Preparation for Pangu Online 2 (4).>

<New System Feature has been unlocked.>

<You have received a new quest from Heavenly Dao of Zenith Heaven.>

Miaomiao closed the menus. He had another inspiration and questioned Dion.

\'Dion, one more thing.\'


\'Where and how do I save my respawn location?\'

<You have the system skill of Liu Yan. You can use it wherever you want.>


Miaomiao woke up and went to the King Chamber, which was Xie Fan\'s room.

Currently, Xie Fan was with Ma Xingjuan and the other girls.

Since nobody was there, Miaomiao activated the skill to save this location.

Then, for insurance, Miaomiao brought out Killer Queen.

"Killer Queen. Can you really use [Bite the Dust]?"

Killer Queen transformed into a woman and sat on the bed, "I\'ve marked Xie Fan at the moment. If you want to use this ability, you have to activate it through her."

"So, Xie Fan must live. Will she remember everything if I go back in time?"

Killer Queen narrowed her eyes, "Yes. But remember. Going back in time means you will reset Heavenly Dao Universe like how Kishin Douji and Devil always did."


"Don\'t use it unless you want to kill your wives."

"I\'ll keep that in mind."

Miaomiao decided that he would not use this ability unless he was truly desperate. For now, the resurrection scroll was OP enough.


A million kilometers away from Eden Garden Initiate Planet, where Miaomiao was, an army of 200,000 immortals and ten deities marched through the miasma.

The general of this army was a titan in medieval full-plate Greek armor. He held a divine-grade short spear and a divine-grade round shield.

As the general and his army got closer, Adam and Fu Daotian came out and confront them.

"Ares, what do you think you\'re doing?"

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