Villain Cultivator

Chapter 639 Chaos Demon God In The (Baby) Making

However, after unloading another shell inside Mao Xueyan, Miaomiao paused to catch his breath. He brought out a canteen of clean water and gave it to Xueyan. Then, he brought a new one for himself to drink.

Mao Xueyan didn\'t move, but the canteen and the water moved by themselves. She drank the water by using her Qi.

"Can you still talk, Xueyan?"

Mao Xueyan slightly nodded, but her pupils were dull as she was still high on sexual pleasure.

"Do you feel anything odd?"

She slightly nodded. Of course, the sexual experience was superb and special. She wanted to keep doing it, but she couldn\'t move her hips anymore. She could only wait for Miaomiao to use her body as he wished.

Miaomiao frowned. He sensed something from inside her.

He touched her back and injected a strand of Qi to inspect her dantian.

As soon as Miaomiao\'s Qi strand touched her soul dantian, he immediately pulled his Qi strand out!

"What the hail?"

Miaomiao swore with a Chinese-Engrish accent.

There was a karma string of existence coiling inside her, which didn\'t connect to the Blood River of Minghe\'s planet!

He traced the karma string. It led him out of the wooden house. Miaomiao got out of the house to follow the karma string.

At the end of the string, it was connected to a fetus inside a bubble.

Miaomiao also found his wives there, surrounding the bubble and inspecting it.

Meowmeow gave Miaomiao a disapproved look and grumbled, "Naughty Miaomiao, munya!"

"What did I do?" Miaomiao was confused.

"This neck-biting dual cultivation technique is the ritual of the Cathulhus when we mate, munya!"

"But Cathulhus don\'t have a neck…"


Meowmeow raised his head and showed a small area between his tentacles and his large head.

Indeed, he had a neck, but it was so small.

Meowmeow continued, "When a couple does it in the real world, the female will get pregnant for sure. But if we do in our dantian universe, the male can bestow the good soul genes to the female and strengthen them, munya!"

"Isn\'t that the same as what I had been doing in the past?"

"No, munya. You only gave your Qi to your partner. You didn\'t improve their soul, potential, and foundation, munya!"

"I can improve my partner\'s soul?"

Xu Chu, Wei Yuan, Diaochan, and the girls perked their ears, eavesdropping on the conversation.

Meowmeow pointed at the fetus in the bubble, "When you perform this ritual to some extent, you form a soul connection between you and your partner, munya. When you have a firm bond between you and your partner, you fulfill the harshest condition to create a new karmic soul for your partner, munya!"


Miaomiao and the girls shouted in unison.

This was huge.

As karmic souls only existed in the Blood Planet of Minghe, they always felt that their lives were in the palms of the sages. However, if they could create new karmic souls, they might be able to host the karmic soul crystals here and become immune to the karmic power of the sages.

Still, Miaomiao had so many questions.

How would the system create karmic souls?

And why sex? What did the feline-style sex have to do with the ritual?

Meowmeow read Miaomiao\'s expression. He smirked, "Our sex position conforms to the Law of Alpha and Nature, munya! An alpha male must mate to preserve their genes while the female must obediently bend over and accept our seeds, munya!"

Nya-Nya and the girls backed away from Meowmeow. They looked at him as if they were seeing a disgusting perverted weirdo.

"Just kidding, munya! This karmic soul creation method is actually the way to create Chaos Demon God with your hidden bloodline, munya."


"Anyway, munya. The condition of this dual cultivation technique is – One, one of the parents must have the Chaos Seraph Bloodline. Two, you mate in your dantian universe while your real body is in Chaos Realm. And three, you must have Mu-Nyang\'s permission to use this method, munya! Now that every condition is fulfilled, you can continue mating and creating a second karmic soul for your female partner, munya! They can move their original karmic soul here and merge with the new one to gain new talents and improve their cultivation potential, munya!"

Miaomiao\'s brain cells died after listening to the explanation. He didn\'t understand a thing.

Xu Chu laughed at Miaomiao. She patted his back, "You don\'t need to understand how a wind blows. You just need to know that if you continue having sex with Mao Xueyan, she can discard her old body and use the new one that comes with the fetus of this karmic soul. Am I right, Meowmeow?"

"Not exactly. You still need to get Lord Mu-Nyang\'s permission to merge Mao Xueyan\'s original karmic soul with her new karmic soul, munya. Otherwise, the new Mao Xueyan will come out as a stranger, and she won\'t have the previous conscience and consciousness, munya."

"I see. So, it\'s like reincarnation, but we get a better soul a new body."

"Correct, munya!"

The women nodded as they understood the gist of it. On the other hand, smoke came out of Miaomiao\'s ears.

He didn\'t understand a thing.

Xu Chu ignored the silly husband and continued to probe for more info, "How do we grow the fetus in the bubble?"

"Simple, munya. More sex! More seeds! And more sex, munya!"

Diaochan raised her hands, "How many times do we have to do it until the new karmic soul is completed?"

"Roughly, a million times is enough to form a completed baby soul, munya. A baby soul is all you need to acquire the bloodline of Chaos Demon God, munya!"

Chang\'e figured out something. She asked Professor Meowmeow next, "Are you, by chance, a Chaos Demon God, too?"

"NYAHAHAHA! You\'re sharp, munya! But, sorry. I\'m not a Chaos Demon God yet, munya! I need to become an Unrestrained Cathulhu Sage first before I can walk the path of Chaos Demon God, munya!"


The girls heard something interesting, and they had a new inspiration.

They turned toward Miaomiao, who was still in a daze.

Everyone called Miaomiao in unison.


Miaomiao blankly looked at his wives, "Yeah?"

"Bring your real body to a safe place and tell the others that you will enter seclusion for a few years… no, a few decades. We\'ll do nothing but milk you from now on!"


"Get your ass back to that house and finish what you\'ve been doing! Get Xueyan to evolve first, so we can study how this system works!"

Xu Chu grabbed Miaomiao and inject loads of aphrodisiac gas into his mouth. Then, she threw him back into the house and sealed all exits.

Ma Xingjuan, Xie Fan, and Kang Yan opened a portal and went out to the real world as they didn\'t want to stay there to listen to Mao Xueyan\'s moaning voice. Once they came out, they dragged Miaomiao\'s real body toward a secluded place to hide.

From that day onward, Miaomiao didn\'t get to do anything other than have sex with Mao Xueyan in the dantian universe. As for his real body, the three wives protected him from outside harm.

A day in the real world went by, but a hundred years in the dantian universe had passed. However, Miaomiao lost the track of time as his wives locked him in the house with Mao Xueyan.

Miaomiao and Xueyan kept on going until their mind went blank once more.

200,000 rounds

500,000 rounds

900,000 rounds

Had it been other men, he would have grown tired of sex and cut it off. However, Miaomiao and Mao Xueyan were so focused on the deed as if they were born for this activity.

After a million rounds, Miaomiao finally heard Mu-Nyang\'s voice in his mind.

<Well done, Mr. Chadmiao, munya. You\'ve completed the first tutorial, munya!>


<Congratulations, you have completed Dual Cultivation System, Mu-Nyang Style, Tutorial Quest (1).>

<Mu-Nyang has given you a new quest.>

Dual Cultivation System, Mu-Nyang Style, Tutorial Quest (2)

Now that the fun part is over, it\'s time for some serious soul cultivation technique, munya!

Mao Xueyan\'s new karmic soul is completed. It has absorbed enough seeds and generated the necessary blood essence of a Chaos Seraphim, and its soul shell is in a good condition. You are now ready for the next step, munya!

I\'ll move the karmic soul of Mao Xueyan to your dantian universe soon, munya. Once the soul is delivered, bring that soul inside the bubble and let them merge, munya.

Oh, don\'t forget to get Mao Xueyan back to her senses, munya. You don\'t want to see a broken sex-crazed White Tiger Chaos Demon God among my descendants, munya!

How to – Step by Step

1. Get Mao Xueyan back to her senses, munya.

2. Restore Mao Xueyan\'s strength to her prime, munya.

3. Bring Mao Xueyan\'s old karmic soul crystal into the bubble, munya.

4. Let the two karmic souls merge, munya.

5. Let Mao Xueyan watch how her karmic souls merge. Make sure to support her when her heart devil tries to take over the souls, munya.

6. Help her kill the heart devils if there is any, munya.

7. Once the souls merged, destroy Mao Xueyan\'s physical body and let your dantian universe system respawn a new one, munya.

8. ???

9. PROFITS, MUNYA. Your wife can either inherit the White Tiger Chaos Demon God Bloodline or the Qiongqi Chaos Demon God Bloodline, depending on her choice and preference, munya!

10. If everything is done right, Mao Xueyan\'s innate talent will become better than regular weak-to-strong protagonists\' innate talent, such as Xie Tian and Meng Xin, munya!

Quest Objective: Let Mao Xueyan inherit one of the Chaos Demon God Bloodlines.

Quest Reward: None, Munya!

Failure Penalty: Mao Xueyan will perish forever, and she won\'t be resurrected after the next reset, munya!

"Oh, boy."

Miaomiao and Mao Xueyan stared at the screen, reading the new quest content.

Upon learning that Mao Xueyan was at risk of being deleted forever, both of their faces lost color.

They were instantly sobered.

"Mu-Nyang. What are you planning to make me do?"

<Your wives need upgrades ASAP, munya! Your strength is fine, but your wives won\'t be able to keep up with your growth at this rate, munya! Do you want to part with them after the reset, munya?>

"Of course not."

<Then, sacrifice a bit of your time to cultivate them, munya! You won\'t lose anything since you will merge your dantian with theirs anyway, am I right, munya? Having stronger wives means your foundation gets stronger, too, munya!>

"… You\'re right."

Miaomiao stopped worrying about other matters and concentrated on recovering his stamina and vitality.

Meanwhile, after being sober, Mao Xueyan drank some sacred water, which she acquired from one of Miaomiao\'s planets. Her stamina was quickly recovered, and her body condition got better.

It took her a week before she got back to her peak condition. She took a bath, put on a new set of clothes, and got out of the house.

Miaomiao put on his clothes and followed after her. They flew toward the bubble, where the fetus had grown into a small child.

As soon as Mao Xueyan saw the baby, she didn\'t feel like she was looking at her child. On the contrary, she felt like she was looking at herself when she was a baby.

"Is this my new karmic soul?"

Miaomiao shook his head, "Not yet. We need to merge your original karmic soul with this soul to make you a Chaos Demon God."

"What can a Chaos Demon God do?"

"… Its innate talent and foundation are definitely stronger than sages. As for the cultivation base, you might need to recultivate from scratch since we don\'t know anything about it."

"Recultivate from scratch? A better innate talent? Why haven\'t you told me this earlier! I\'m in! Make me a Chaos Demon God!"

Miaomiao nodded. He looked at the baby in the bubble as he waited for Mu-Nyang to bring the true karma soul of Mao Xueyan here.

Outside World, Chaos Realm

Xie Fan had been counting fingers as she calculated how many days Miaomiao needed to complete the deeds.

Averagely, he ejaculated every five to ten minutes. Only when he was truly in heat, he fired a bullet every two minutes.

But lately, he got better at sex and lasted longer than usual. Fortunately, he maintained his standard of 10 minutes per round.

"Let\'s say, he finishes his deed once every ten minutes. Every day, he can do it 144 times. Every year, he can do it about 52,000ish times. So, it takes less than 20 years to finish the deeds… Not too long. Not too shabby."

A day in reality was equal to a hundred years in there. They had so much time to finish up everything they needed.

Ma Xingjuan and Kang Yan overheard Xie Fan\'s calculation monologue. They also grinned.

"So, 20 years of having Miaomiao for myself? Hehehe."

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