Villain Cultivator

Chapter 665 D-Day Last Prep

Local people of Golden Heavenly Goose Planet now acknowledged Miaomiao as their new god. They swore allegiance to him, offering their luck to become his vessel.

In exchange for the allegiance, they were eligible to convert a few strands of his Life Providence Qi into Life Essence, strengthening their cultivation base and foundation. Their lifespan also increased, but Miaomiao gained half of their luck in exchange.

While the Golden Heavenly Goose Planet generated a passive luck income for Miaomiao, he didn\'t laze around.

Miaomiao managed to bring out his Life Providence, Death Providence, and Twilight Providence galactic stars to the Chaos Realm. The three foundations of Qi stars filled the universe with Miaomiao\'s Qi.

As the Qi in the Chaos Realm became thicker, Miaomiao\'s luck star grew larger and forced Miaomiao to adjust the orbit path of Golden Heavenly Goose Planet every hour.

In exchange for the trouble, Miaomiao\'s Life, Death, and Twilight Providence Qi inside his dantian universe multiplied. Six brand new galactic stars were generated to replace the three lost galactic stars, which doubled his strength.

His newly acquired luck also fed him enough luck to recreate a new Luck Star in his dantian universe. Now, he didn\'t lose out anything, but he gained free energy from his stars in the Chaos Realm without cultivating.

Unfortunately, Miaomiao couldn\'t bring out the same star to the Chaos Realm. He could only contribute the stars that he hadn\'t shared with the real world yet.

As Miaomiao was busy pushing and shoving galactic stars away from each other and avoiding random collisions, Mu-Nyang\'s voice reminded him of the important event.

\'Yo, my kitties! Gather at my planet, munya! I\'ll bring you to the event site to get you ready, munya!\'


Miaomiao widened his eyes. He had lost the track of time.

"Today? Already?!"

\'Obviously, it\'s today, munya! Why? Do you think you have a few years to play, munya?!\'

"But I haven\'t done anything worthwhile other than bringing out my stars!"

\'Blame that to your incompetency and the sages, munya.\'


\'Anyway, you come to the planet first. I\'ll give you one more gift before the fight.\'


Miaomiao left the galactic star and rushed back to the home planet of Mu-Nyang.

Upon arrival, Miaomiao found Meng Xin, Mike, Joshua, and the others there. There were also a few unknown faces, such as deities that Miaomiao had never seen before and a small child with the same aura as Meowmeow and Nya-Nya.



While they were waiting, a thousand star-sized cats with long tentacles flew by. They meowed like Mu-Nyang, but their power seemed a lot weaker than him.


A deep sound like a blowing horn was audible, and giant humanoid beings that were bigger than the Cathulhus surrounded the planet.

Miaomiao brought out all his wives, Xie Tian, and the local population to witness the event.

Devil and Lilith didn\'t hide their astonishment when they found several giants and cathulhus in a flesh.


A normal-sized cat blinked and landed on top of Miaomiao\'s head. Mu-Nyang appeared once more.

He sat there, looking at everybody.

"I see that everybody is excited, munya!"


Nobody uttered a word. They were tense as the upcoming event would decide their future reincarnation and their next life after the reset.

Mu-Nyang smirked. He wiggled his tail, and a massive portal appeared. A thousand small crimson orbs came out of the warp gate.

"These are your karmic souls. I\'ll return to you all."


Miaomiao\'s wives were not surprised as they had already merged with the karmic soul and created a new physique. However, Xie Tian, Meng Xin, Susano, Mike, Joshua, and archangels didn\'t have them.

Their karmic souls merged with their owners\' bodies. Even Miaomiao got his.

However, the soul merely rested inside his dantian universe. It didn\'t merge with his body.

Everybody was also the same. Their souls hid in their dantians, not improving anything to their physique.

Mu-Nyang closed the portal. He patted Miaomiao\'s head with his small paw.

"Have you tested your new system and the new cultivation method yet, munya?"

"I was busy bringing out my stars to the Chaos Realm. I haven\'t looked at it yet," Miaomiao pursed his lips in frustration.

"I see, munya. Well, I have a piece of good news and bad news for you all, and I have a piece of good news for you, little kitten, munya. Which one do you want to hear first, munya?"

Miaomiao shrugged, "Bad news first. High expectations always bring me disappointment."

"So do your intelligence, munya. Your idiocy never disappointed me, munya."


"Anyway," Mu-Nyang coughed, "The 100,000 beta testers of Pangu Online 2 have entered the universe, and they have formed an alliance with Hongjun and his cronies, munya!"

Everybody\'s faces turned dark, especially Joshua and the archangels.

Now, it was them versus the entire universe and the players. The next fight wouldn\'t be fair.

"What about good news for everybody and for me?"

Mu-Nyang laughed, "Because of this alliance, all sages can participate in this game regardless of the restrictions and quota, munya! But I and Pangu can\'t join, munya."

"Isn\'t that bad news?!" Miaomiao was shocked.

Mu-Nyang turned toward several gigantic beings. He waved his paw at them.

"Let me introduce a few servants of mine, munya!"

The nearest giant slowly turned toward the planet and gazed at them.

The giant was a naked grey humanoid being that was taller and larger than Miaomiao\'s Luck Star. He had no hair, no eyebrow, no face, and no genital. However, his toned muscle and refined skin looked like a bodybuilder model.

Moreover, he had the aura of a sage!

Sensing the aura of a sage, Miaomiao widened his eyes. He turned to look at other gigantic beings.

They had the same face and features as the guy next to their planet. Moreover, they were all sages!

"Who are they?"

Mu-Nyang puffed his chest, "Chaos Demon Gods, munya!"


"Oh, by the way, they are actually Unrestrained Sages. Don\'t be fool by their suppressed aura, munya!"

"… Wow."

Miaomiao and everybody were relieved that they still had powerful allies. Then, they gazed to the sky, looking at the cheerful Cathulhus, who had been playing catch with each other.

"What about them?" Miaomiao pointed at one of the Cathulhus.

"Those are my strongest descendants, munya. They are sages, but they have an NPC system like you, munya!"

"… Hou?"

"Anyway, leave the fight between sages to us, munya. You only need to worry about pseudo sages and the players."

"Wait. What about the participant quota? So, sages aren\'t included in the 1,000 spots?"

"Exactly, munya! Sages are free game since there aren\'t many sages in this realm, munya."

Everybody regained hope. They glanced at Miaomiao, who had been waiting for another piece of good news.

Miaomiao also noticed their anticipation. He asked for the last good news.

"What about my good news?"

"Pangu has banned you from participating, munya!"


As if lightning had struck upon everybody here, they were frozen from the shock.

"Since you can\'t participate, your wives also can\'t participate, munya!"


Miaomiao lost his cool. He grabbed Mu-Nyang by the neck and glared at him, "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!? WHY?!"

Mu-Nyang brightly smiled and flickered his finger, lightly hitting Miaomiao\'s forehead.


Miaomiao was sent flying and shuttling to space with because of the strong impact. His skull was cracked, and his brain shook, suffering from a concussion.

Still, Miaomiao instantly recovered from the injuries and teleported back to Mu-Nyang\'s world. He stomped toward the small cat.

But Mu-Nyang blinked and reappeared on Miaomiao\'s head. The cat suddenly got heavier, and Miaomiao collapsed to the ground.

Mu-Nyang licked his finger as if nothing had happened, but he was suppressing Miaomiao from going berserk.

"Before you rampage, you\'d better hear me out, munya!"

Miaomiao grumbled and let out a long sigh, "What? Speak."

"There is a chess rule in play, munya. My king piece cannot move from headquarters, so you can\'t leave our HQ when the game begins, thus you can\'t go out and hunt others, munya!"


Miaomiao and others refuted in unison. Mu-Nyang\'s playfulness and pranks annoyed them.

Mu-Nyang laughed, "Gotchu, bitches!"

"Not funny, my lord," Miaomiao rolled his eyes and changed the topic. "Anyway, who is Pangu\'s King Piece?"

"Remember Pan Mei, munya?"


Miaomiao narrowed his eyes. He felt like he had come across Pan Mei at one point, but he couldn\'t remember. His existence seemed insignificant and trivial that Miaomiao didn\'t pay attention.

"Who is Pan Mei? Is this person a relative of Pangu or something?"

"Pan Mei is Pangu\'s son in the Divine Theocracy Earth, munya."

"He has a son?!"

"It\'s not his son in this realm, munya. That guy\'s real body has been living in DT Earth for years, and its time flowed differently. Think of your dantian universe\'s time dilation between your world and outside world, munya."

"How is the time dilation calculation?"

"I have no idea either, munya. It flowed erratically, and I can\'t figure it out as well, munya."

Miaomiao clicked his tongue, "Then, another important question. Where is this Divine Theocracy Earth located?"

"Primordial Chaos Realm, munya. Pangu owns it."

Miaomiao and others clicked their tongue. If Pangu\'s real body was there, Mu-Nyang would be at a disadvantage in this fight.

"Where will the battle take place, my lord?"

"Primordial Chaos Realm, munya! Oh, right. Let me explain about the game before we get too sidetracked, munya. Forget about what DT Earth is and how the time dilation works since it\'s unrelated to this fight, munya."

Mu-Nyang explained how the game worked.

First, both Pangu and Mu-Nyang would gain one stellar star as their headquarters. Players would get one extra star as their homeworld.

The game was simple. The sides whose world was destroyed first would be the losers, and the one surviving would be the victor.

Players could gain levels by killing their friends or cultivators from both sides. And when their levels reached at least 1,000, their strength would be comparable to a sage. At level 5,000, they would be as strong as Unrestrained Sage. And at level 10,000, they would be on Hongjun\'s level.

Level 10,000 was the cap at the moment to prevent mishaps. Also, none of them could attack DT Earth as it was the homeworld of all players.

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