Villain Cultivator

Chapter 669 Airdrops


The cannon fired a tube. Then, it transformed back into a radar disk.

Miaomiao also came out of the radar tower. He flew toward the launched beacon to see how it worked.

A few seconds later, the tube beacon landed 10 kilometers outside of the city wall. As soon as it landed, it sent a sound wave, and the hidden natural resources appeared.


<Your beacon has been activated. The beacon\'s effect will reveal all hidden resources and intruders within 10 kilometers for one hour.>

<A new building has been unlocked.>

Miaomiao glanced at his building list. A new structure was added to the list.

Beacon Outpost (1,000 Dao Stones)

Can only be built on top of the radar beacon. This building will make the beacon\'s effect permanent and enable the city wall extension upgrade if the outpost\'s territory is connected to the city wall.

Miaomiao was satisfied. Now, he knew what the beacon was for. In addition, the description hinted that the outpost would detect stealth enemies within its range.

Now that Miaomiao had built everything that he could today, he turned his attention to the new resources. He flew toward the nearest gas cave near the beacon.

Upon checking the gas, Miaomiao sensed thick Connate Qi. He was delighted.


Like Devil and others, Miaomiao sat inside the cave and absorbed the natural Connate Qi into his dantian right away. While he was at it, he tried to bring out a spare Fire Providence Stellar Star to the Primordial Chaos Realm for an experiment.

He wondered if he could advance to the 5-star immortal sage during the war game. Since Mu-Nyang and Pangu would never answer him, Miaomiao could only experiment with it.


An hour later, the beacon disappeared, and the revealed natural resources vanished.

Miaomiao slightly raised his brows in annoyance. He stood up and returned to the city, going back to find another gas cave to cultivate.

As soon as he returned, he discovered troubles.

"Hey! This place is mine!"

"I\'ve occupied this cave first! Find somewhere else!"

"This entire crystal mountain belongs to my family! Scram!"

Because the resources were limited, sentinels of Adam\'s subordinates began fighting among themselves for the rights of the natural resources.

This type of conflict always happened when they discovered a valuable immortal cave or a ruin. These greedy cultivators that had been sucking up to their gods tried to fight for cultivation resources to get ahead.

Miaomiao gazed at the other gods.

Fortunately, Miaomiao\'s wives and his sentinels were united. They picked a Divine Qi cave and a mountain of PACT crystals as their own. Joshua and the Trumpet Alliance group also controlled one of the Divine Qi sources.

Adam and Venti took one each. Ma Moxi, Ku\'er, and dragonewts shared another gas cave.

As for the rest, the minor factions and clans tried to seize them as their own. Fights broke out, but no gods helped the immortal sentinels or their underlings as they were not a representative, who held greater power.

The real representatives, aka Cathulhus and Chaos Demon Gods, ignored the commotion and gathered in front of the portal, waiting for their seniors in the medium realm to return. These guys were all sages, and they had no interest in the quarrel for pointless territory.

Miaomiao shrugged, letting all warmongers and idiots kill each other for the resource. After all, when he had enough Dao Stones, he would convert those Divine Qi sources into Divine Qi Refinery to generate Dao Stone income. Then, they would lose the cultivation resource in the end.

"Dumbasses," Miaomiao shook his head and returned to the radar tower\'s control room.




A platoon of 300 Cathulhus scanned the medium realm, searching for the promised airdrop or treasures. They meowed and hovered in the sky, spreading their long tentacles to the ground while their heads were 1,000 feet in the air.

Because they moved together in a pack, the army of big-head cats with tentacles emitted the terrifying pressure of sages. Their unrestrained sage leader was even worse.

The leader of all Cathulhus was a black Maine Coon Cathulhu Unrestrained Sage. Her thick white fur below her head and between her tentacles was fluffier than sheep wool.

Mir was her name. Mu-Nyang had entrusted her to take care of her juniors, which were all sages.

Mir\'s eyes shifted from left to right, scanning the realm with her superior detection skill.

Soon, she discovered 10 packages with a bunch of balloons, falling down from the sky. Each of them appeared in a different direction.

Three of them were nearby. Another three appeared on the opposite side, where Heavenly Dao Universe\'s gate was. Two was in the southern area. As for the last two, they flew toward the northern gate, which belonged to the player.


She accidentally meowed like a kitten because of her habit. But she pointed at the east and south.



The Cathulhus salivated. They jetted toward the three nearest airdrops and two other crates, south of the Medium Continent.

A few cats eyed at the north and the east crates, but Mir\'s tentacles pulled them back. She shook her head, warning them not to pursue those crates.

The slow Cathulhus was dejected. They sulked and flew back into the gate, giving up on the catnip treat.

The group of pioneering cats soon rushed back toward the Chaos Realm\'s portal. Five of them competed to be the first to offer their crate to Miaomiao while the others slowly floated toward Mir, disappointed by their defeat.

Mir dryly laughed and consoled these dejected cats by licking their forehead and patting them.





Mew-mew Mew!




Nobody could tell what they were talking about, but all dejected cats recovered their spirits. They returned to the gate and hummed.

Just like that, Miaomiao\'s friends managed to secure five out of ten supply airdrops on the first day.

Meanwhile, Jieyin was sidetracked by the falling crates. Instead of charging toward the Player\'s Gate, they collected the nearest three crates and opened them.

In there, each crate contained a bill of 1,000 Dao Stones, a bill of 10,000 PACTs, a building gacha ticket, a random myth-grade gacha ticket, a one-cubic-meter chunk of red crystal, and a sealed box.

Jieyin ordered his men to bring the Dao Stone, PACT bills, and tickets to Hongjun. However, he kept the red crystals and seal boxes to himself.

He also told the errand boy.

"Don\'t tell Hongjun that there are other items! REMEMBER, THERE IS NOTHING ELSE!!"

The deity reluctantly nodded. Then, he rushed home.

Jian Xian frowned and looked at the red crystals.

"Senior, shouldn\'t we submit those crystals to Lord Hongjun?"

"Ha! Do you even know what these crystals are?" Jieyin scoffed.

"What are they?"

"After you reach the sage realm, Connate Qi will become meaningless to you. The only way to advance to the Sage Realm is to break the karmic ties between your karmic soul and the Heavenly Dao. To do that, sages merge their karmic soul with their dantians. Then, their dantian universe will become a karma universe. And these ores are precious items that the sages need to get stronger."

"… Ah."

Jian Xian and the gods were astonished by the lecture. They hadn\'t reached the sage realm yet, so they had no idea how they cultivated to the other level.

Upon realizing that they had to merge their karmic souls with their dantians, everybody looked dismayed. They knew that Mu-Nyang had stolen the Blood Star of Minghe and kept the karmic souls of Heavenly Dao Universe cultivators as hostages.

No matter what they would do, they could never ascend to the sage realm!

Jieyin read Jian Xian\'s expression. He smirked.

"And these crystals, Jian Xian. They are the origins of karmic souls. All karmic souls are born from one of these red crystals."

"W-What?!" Everybody widened their eyes and stared at the three pieces of large gemstones.

"Even though you can\'t merge with your karmic soul, pseudo sages like you can use a piece of this crystal as a substitute. I only need to refine them a bit, and all of you can become sages without the need of the sacrificial altar!"


"It might take a while though. I haven\'t refined any Entity Ore for a long time. My skill might have rusted."

"Then, why don\'t we bring it to our headquarters? This place isn\'t safe. Do you see the massive cats on the horizon, senior?"

Jian Xian pointed at the army of Cathulhus in the west. They meowed and scoured for something on the ground, but they couldn\'t figure out what they were doing… until one of them slowly crouched and dropped a large pile of turd from their butt.


Everyone ignored the cats and turned their attention to the Entity Ore that Jieyin had mentioned.

Jieyin coughed, "It is actually safer here."

"How, senior?"

"If we were to bring everything home, Hongjun would have confiscated everything and refined the ore himself. Of course, he could have refined it faster and more efficiently than me, but he would have distributed the refined entity crystals to someone else."

Jian Xian narrowed his eyes, "Who do you think he would give the crystals to?"

"Probably a few bootlickers around him. But for sure, though, none of you won\'t get it."


"Therefore, work with me. Don\'t tell Hongjun about the crystals, okay?"

Everybody nodded in agreement and smiled.

But then, Jian Xian gazed at the three small sealed boxes.

"What are those, senior?"

Jieyin grinned. He unsealed one of the boxes.

Inside was a silver pearl, but it emitted intense Qi. Even Jieyin sweated profusely because of its pressure on the soul.

As for the deities and Jian Xian, they collapsed to the ground as they couldn\'t withstand the magnitude pressure of this strange pearl.

Jieyin laughed and swallowed the pearl. It instantly melted and merged with his body.

After the pearl became one with Jieyin, the others could stand again. They gazed at their boss, wondering what it was.

"What do you think it was," Jieyin laughed.

Jian Xian narrowed his eyes. He pondered and counted his fingers for a moment.

Suddenly, he thought of something. His cracked voice didn\'t hide his shock.


"You\'re smart, Jian Xian."

Jieyin tossed one of the boxes to Jian Xian, "You eat one. The other one will be given to the best performer of this hunt!"

Jian Xian\'s hands trembled as he received the pearl box. He opened the box and swallowed the pearl inside before it crushed his physique.


Something exploded in his stomach after Jian Xian had eaten the pearl. At the same time, something inside him snapped.

Jian Xian frowned for a moment. He sensed that one of his karma strings had been cut.

"Just now, your existence karma string has been cut. You karmic soul has died."

"W-WHAT?!" Jian Xian was astonished once again.

"And that\'s why you need the entity ore!"

Jieyin cut a finger-sized crystal from the one cubic meter mass. He injected the red ore with his Karma Qi and shaped the crystal into a grain-sized gem.

He flickered it toward Jian Xian, "Here is your new karmic soul. Throw it to your dantian and let them slowly merge. You will become a sage before you know it!"

Jian Xian brightly smiled. He knelt and cupped his fist, saluting Jieyin as if he was paying respect to his parent.

"I, Jian Xian, will never forget this kindness! No matter what you tell me to do, I will get it done for you!"

"HAHAHAHA! Remember your vow, Jian Xian. I will need your aid, soon!"

"Of course!"

North Gate, Medium Realm

A dozen level-500 players hopped out of the portal and explored the area. Some of them brought out golden clouds from their inventory and rode on them.

The front-most player looked around for a while. Soon, he discovered the two falling crates of airdrops.

"Over there!"

"Let\'s go!"

A dozen players brought out sci-fi-looking rifles and rode on the gold clouds. These nimbus clouds rushed forward like modern fighting jets, leaving behind sonic booms.

The team of players grabbed the two crates before they reached the ground. Without looking at what inside was, they turned around and returned to their portal.

One of their teammates looked behind. Their system map showed many red dots in the medium realm, pinpointing the locations of their enemies.

"Should we fight them, captain?"

Their leader scoffed, "Not now. Let the base team collect the "Mineral" first. Once the craftsmen team figures out what they can do with them, we\'ll be on the offensive later. For now, we\'ll turtle."

"Ah. Let them fight with each other first?"

"They are spawned with sages, unrestrained sages, and great dao sages. We are merely ants compared to them. Let\'s build our army and increase our EXP using our future structures before the big war."

"Oh, sure. We have professional RTS players among the testers, right?"

"Yeah. The Void King is with us."

The group laughed as they were confident in their victory.

But as they were about to enter the portal, faceless naked giants emerged. The team of dozen players were stomped and crushed.

A Chaos Demon God canceled his stealth skill. He collected the two crates and inspected the content.

Then, he smirked.

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