Villain Cultivator

Chapter 676 Day 2

Miaomiao didn\'t sleep all night. While he was satisfying his wives, he had been building bases.

10 beacon towers and 11 Pylon Towers had already been built, which revealed so many natural resources everywhere at the headquarters plane. In addition, seven Divine Gas Refineries had already been actively producing resources for Miaomiao\'s kingdom.

500 catopuses were always busy, carrying either Mithril or crystalized gas back to the Command Center. Despite working nonstop, they cheerfully meowed and wagged their tail as if they were happy with what they were doing.

The two core disciples that Miaomiao had created were also popular among the Cathulhus. They mingled with the cats well even though they were recently born.

As for the local cultivators and other representatives from Adam\'s faction, they were still clueless about Miaomiao and Tlaloc\'s deal. They secluded themselves in the new gas cave, cultivating and minding their businesses.

Miaomiao looked at his kingdom-building menu, checking his assets.

Dao Stones: 9,451

PACTs: 100,540

The kitties had been working hard. Even though Miaomiao built so many structures, he still had over 9,000 Dao Stones and many PACTs to use in the future unit summoning.

So far, Miaomiao had built most of the basic structures. Now, it was time to aim for the advanced ones.

Death Pylon Tower (500 Dao Stones)

This basic pylon tower increases your population cap by 50 and enables the construction expansion.

Twilight Pylon Tower (500 Dao Stones)

This basic pylon tower increases your population cap by 50 and enables the construction expansion.

Pagoda of Mao Miaomiao (10,000 Dao Stones)

This facility is the symbol of Mao Miaomiao, the King of Chaos Realm. By having this facility, you may research technologies to boost your unit\'s combat prowess and unlock new structures.

Dual Cultivation Chamber (5,000 Dao Stones)

This house is filled with aphrodisiacs, Life Providence Qi, and Connate Qi. By dual-cultivating here, you and your partner\'s strength will improve leap and bound.

Require five Life Pylon Tower to function.

Graveyard of the Ancient (20,000 Dao Stones)

You may purchase corpses of ancient fallen cultivators, immortals, gods, and even sages here. The price varies, depending on the origin of the corpse. However, the corpses cannot be sacrificed to the Sacrificial Altar.

Require two Twilight Pylon Towers to function.

Great Wall of Chaos (20,000 Dao Stones)

By purchasing this structure, all city walls will be upgraded to the Great Wall of Chaos. The wall is strong enough to block a full-strength attack from a sage.

By building this structure, you will unlock sage-level defensive structures.

Require ten Life Pylon Towers to function.

Mithril Pylon Tower (50,000 Dao Stones)

This pylon tower automatically generates Mithril Ore to its surroundings and increases your PACT income by 10,000 PACT per day.

Unlock Mithril War Marionette Factory.

Death Machine Factory (10,000 Dao Stones)

You may recruit mechanical units and siege engines with this structure.

Require two Death Pylon Towers to function.

Everything was so expensive that Miaomiao wanted to punch his system panel. However, many structures looked promising and useful, especially the Mithril Pylon Tower and the Great Wall of Chaos. Even the graveyard was ideal for building an army of death knights, liches, and many legendary creatures that Miaomiao didn\'t know.

While Miaomiao was humping Hopea to water her, Pangu\'s sound transmission interrupted him.

\'I see that so many representatives managed to survive the first day. Good job!\'

Miaomiao pulled out his semen gun from Hopea\'s socket port to focus on listening. However, Hopea slowly crawled toward Miaomiao and put the gun into her mouth, cleaning it for him.

He caressed the face of the dryad queen, who had recovered her former appearance. Unfortunately, she returned the favor by massaging the thick gun and the sack, milking him for more seeds.

"Hopea, I need to concentrate."

"It\'s okay. Just relax and let me clean you up."


Miaomiao sighed. It seemed that he had either spoiled or broken her.

Pangu continued with his global announcement.

\'Here is the update from yesterday\'s battle. Aside from the Heavenly Dao Universe, both Chaos Realm and Player suffered a catastrophic casualty. I will not tell you the exact number, but many sages fell yesterday. There are also some changes since I was forced to remove Player\'s Great Dao Sages from the picture to make the game fair.\'

Miaomiao clicked his tongue as he didn\'t like how Pangu revealed the result of yesterday\'s battle to the public. Now, the Heavenly Dao Faction would learn about this sensitive information and might take advantage of it.

\'I also detect that every faction\'s king has built so many system structures. I must say, you did a very good job.\'

Again, Pangu indirectly hinted to his minions about the movements of their rivals, but Miaomiao scoffed at it. This intel didn\'t matter much since everybody would eventually build all structures to produce combat units as cannon fodders anyway.

\'Currently, considering each faction\'s military strength, the Player Faction comes out on top. As for the number of resources harvested yesterday, surprisingly, the Chaos Realm Faction is in the lead. And lastly, the faction with the strongest technologies and structures is the Player Faction.\'

"Oh, come on!"

Miaomiao cursed Pangu out loud as he didn\'t like the announcement or comparison between forces. This intel would soon put a bounty on his kingdom, and it might entice the players and sages from the Heavenly Dao Universe to attack him.

\'Of course, it won\'t be fair if I downright give out sensitive information of your faction to your rivals. To compensate for the trouble, I shall summon two airdrops to the winner of each top-ranking faction. The Chaos Realm gets two bonus supply drops. The Players get four, while the Heavenly Dao gets none. The daily airdrops will be spawned on the medium realm as usual, but there will be only four since the other six are already taken!\'


Two crates suddenly appeared in the sky and slowly dropped to Miaomiao\'s floating island.

Miaomiao narrowed his eyes as he didn\'t like it. Now, Pangu indirectly encouraged the other factions, who didn\'t get either of the rewards, to compete against the other faction. Now, Miaomiao had to be prepared for a full-scale war or small skirmishes at all times.

Also, everything was the same as Miaomiao had predicted – The Players had a huge advantage over the Heavenly Dao and Chaos Realm. Miaomiao had the urge to send someone to propose an alliance with Hongjun, but he disliked the idea.

"Strategists… I need military experts for this task!"

Miaomiao suddenly had an inspiration. The current situation made him think of Sima Yi and Guo Jia, who were the counterparts of the legendary military experts!

But for now, he continued to listen to Pangu.

\'The daily Dao Stone distribution is done. Every faction gets their 1,000 Dao Stones and bonuses from the number of their Divine Qi refinery. Chaos Realm gets 7,000 extra Dao Stones, Player Faction gets 20,000 Dao Stones, and Heavenly Dao Faction gets none.\'


This revealed a lot of information about their bases and their current development stages.

It seemed that Player had been building a lot, but they didn\'t have enough harvesters to extract resources manually. Otherwise, they would have gathered more resources than Miaomiao\'s faction and toppled the ranking.

As for the Heavenly Dao Faction, they were lacking in both firepower and development. And now, they would soon make a move because they were now the weakest in military strength, technologies, and development.

Even so, this information also spooked Miaomiao\'s allies. Now, all cultivators from Adam\'s planet might have found out that Miaomiao had enough funds to build the Sacrificial Altar. Soon, they would come to him and demanded one.

While Miaomiao was thinking about how he should deal with the troublemakers, Tlaloc returned. The latter glanced at Miaomiao and clicked his tongue.

"Still vulgar as always. Can\'t you just cultivate like normal cultivators?"

"This is what I do to get stronger, senior. Every time I ejaculate, a stellar star is born in my dantian universe. As for the girls, they get to absorb some of my unused Providence Qi to expand their dantian size."


Tlaloc was speechless. He facepalmed.

"I\'ll guard the main hall. Get dressed up and build the Sacrificial Altar. We\'ll need it soon."

"I know."

As they chatted, Pangu continued.

\'Now that I\'ve finished announcing the general stats, it\'s time for the main course. You see, I\'ve noticed that every faction has been developing smoothly, and it will be very boring if we let you build your bases and chill forever.\'

Miaomiao and Tlaloc\'s expressions were solemn. They steeled their mind, preparing for a piece of bad news.

\'For entertainment and excitement, we shall add some spices into the game. Every day, we will create a roaming NPC army on the medium realm, and they will randomly attack one of the factions, depending on their needs and traits. Well, since this is the first time that I\'ll spawn random mobs, I\'ll give you a hint.\'

Pangu coughed, but Miaomiao sensed a tinge of his killing intent.

\'I\'m going to spawn your worst nightmare, Yamata-no-Orochi!

"… Crap."

Miaomiao widened his eyes and turned around to look at Clem.

Currently, the aspiring Orochi was still enjoying the tentacle genital of Miaomiao. She didn\'t even pay attention to the voice transmission. Levy was also the same, not caring about Pangu\'s message.

\'But since Orochi is merely a pseudo-sage, it wouldn\'t be fun if I let him be as it is. I\'m going to increase his cultivation base to the sage realm and create extra clones with him as the base. How about a thousand pseudo sage Orochi as a starter while the original one is a completed sage?\'

Miaomiao glanced at Tlaloc. The latter scoffed and held his arms, not worrying about the dragon sage.

Seeing how confident Tlaloc was, Miaomiao was relieved.

\'That will be all for today. I hope to see as many survivors tomorrow. Oh, wait. Tomorrow will be Mu-Nyang\'s turn. Well, you\'ll hear Mu-Nyang\'s announcement tomorrow, and I\'ll be back the day after tomorrow. Good luck, everyone!\'

The announcement ended.

Miaomiao sighed, but he shoved his semen gun into Hopea\'s throat and fired a load. He also pulled back all the tentacle dicks from his wives.

The MILF dryad swallowed everything before she slowly release Miaomiao\'s little brother.

The fun time ended. Miaomiao cleaned his body with the sacred water element providence Qi. Then, he put on his clothes, preparing for the visitors.

His new black robe was plain but dignified. With his long black hair, golden pupils, black feather wings, dark sclera, and ominous aura of the sect\'s environment, Miaomiao now looked like an evil cultivator.

It didn\'t take long before Adam, Joshua, Uriel, Metatron, and many familiar faces showed up at the floating island\'s courtyard.

Miaomiao walked out of the sect\'s main hall, staring at the visitors.

Without waiting for them to ask, Miaomiao opened his kingdom building menu and constructed the Sacrificial Altar. Then, he spoke in a clear voice.

"All representatives other than Cathulhus, catopuses, Adam, Trumpet Alliance, Joshua, Fu Daotian, Meng Xin, Ma Moxi, Ku\'er, Venti, dragons, and dragonewts, show yourself! I want to see you."

Joshua, Uriel, Metatron, Venti, and the people on the list raised their brows. They wondered why Miaomiao wanted to see Adam\'s representatives.

It didn\'t take long for the 60 deities, which consisted of elves and humans, to present themselves to Miaomiao.

Miaomiao tallied the number, but he was disappointed. Most of the cultivators here were sentinels and vessels of these 60 gods, and they were useless here.

He turned to Adam and revealed his agenda with his voice transmission.

\'Adam. Do you mind if I kill your people?\'

\'You what?! WHY?!\' Adam was shocked.

\'I\'m preventing mishap. We need unity over selfish gain, but these guys are on the way.\'

\'Hold on, Miaomiao! Don\'t kill them! Listen to me!\'

\'I\'m sacrificing them to boost our combat strength.\'

Adam widened his eyes. He counted the number of his representatives again.

\'60 sacrifices aren\'t enough to promote someone to Great Dao Sage Realm, Miaomiao! At best, we can only create 6 sages! We have enough Cathulhu Sages, and we don\'t need more of them! Please reconsider!\'

One deity could be sacrificed to promote another deity into a pseudo sage.

Ten deities were required to make a pseudo sage a sage.

One hundred deities could turn a sage into an unrestrained sage.

And one thousand was enough to turn an unrestrained sage into a Great Dao Sage.

As Adam had said – 60 people weren\'t enough to do anything worthwhile other than turning six pseudo sages into six sages.

Adam also wanted to suggest that Miaomiao could easily sacrifice the Cathulhus to create unrestrained sages to increase their military strength, but he was aware of Miaomiao\'s relationship with Mu-Nyang. He didn\'t dare to provoke them.

Miaomiao smirked. He pointed at the portal.

\'Then, here is my first order as a king, Adam. I know that this might sound cruel and heartless, but I want you to lead your men out and bait Orochi here. I want them to attack our headquarters so that we can capture them as sacrifices!\'

\'W-Wait. You what?!\'

Their roles were reverse. Adam used to be an almighty figure. But now, Miaomiao was in charge of this place because of his connection with Mu-Nyang and his status as the King of Chaos Realm Faction. Thus, Adam\'s status as a pseudo sage didn\'t mean anything here.

Fuxi and Nuwa glared at Miaomiao as they disliked his order. But considering their needs, they agreed with this move.

Baiting 1,000 pseudo sages here might be a good idea. They might be able to create many Great Dao Sages by using them as sacrifices!

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