Villain Cultivator

Chapter 712 Creator’s Hypocrisy

Miaomiao took his time, savoring the taste and the pleasure of simultaneous deeds as the senses from the organs overlapped.

Five minutes later, a hundred minions turned into catopuses and vanished into Miaomiao\'s dantian. He also gained 200 billion years\' worth of lifespan and a million stellar stars from the girls.

However, it was far from enough.


<Required new souls (Today): 112 / 666,666.>

Mu-Nyang left behind a guideline for Miaomiao to use as a reference. However, Miaomiao was not happy with it as he had no time to enjoy the deeds.

He looked at the newly spawned minions. In just five minutes, 480 freshly spawned virgins stood in formation, waiting to get their turn.

Miaomiao turned to the former player\'s base. That place was more packed than here as Miaomiao hadn\'t removed touched that side yet.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Miaomiao went all out. Instead of using only one hundred tentacles, he increased them to a thousand. Moreover, he extended them to the player\'s base and grabbed the girls from there as well.

Five minutes later, a thousand girls vanished as he finished another full session.


As if Mu-Nyang pranked Miaomiao, the spawning rate was increased. Two thousand girls gathered on each base and waited for their turns.

Miaomiao\'s eyes were bloodshot.

Mating with a thousand girls at once and forcing ejaculation was not fun anymore. It was a chore!


Five days had passed. Miaomiao\'s dantian universe was overflown with cats and mama dryads. New souls came in, and the local cats took his semen from the stars and gave birth to more cats.

These immortal cats soon gained intelligence. Because of the dryads and Miaomiao\'s trace on his dantian universe, the cats started a religion to worship Miaomiao.

Various statues of beefy cats became a standard city monument on the plaza of every city as they imagined Miaomiao as the god of all cats. The local population often brought dried fish and catnip ore as an offering to these statues. But as Miaomiao never took them, the local cats later gave away the dried fish to the poor or disabled cats as donations.

As more cats were born at a rapid rate, a hundred Sun-sized stars were occupied, and they created countries and civilizations, competing against each other.

Miaomiao was amazed by the growth of his new population. Only a week had passed, but these guys progressed as if they had been living here for 50,000 years.

Fortunately, the immortal cats were born imperfect. When they absorbed Miaomiao\'s energy to get stronger, the dantian universe also took some of their lifespans as a price. As such, instead of being immortal as they were supposed to be, cultivator cats lived a short life of 10,000 years on average while non-cultivator had never grown old after 50,000 years.

The contradiction of strength and short life gave birth to a new trend. Some of the cats began pursuing science instead of challenging fates and universe Qi.

Small cats stood on two legs, wearing lab coats. They began researching the secrets of the universe to overcome their flaws.

Miaomiao felt strange after he had spectated their growth. Even the dryad nannies, who had nurtured new souls, were astonished by their growth and advancement.

Today as well, Miaomiao secretly observed the evolved cats, who dressed like modern humans and traveled around the city with cars and bikes, fueled by spirit stones and essence cores.

"Wow. These guys are taking over my universe. Too bad the cultivators keep dying young."

Miaomiao turned his attention to the other planets. Several sea creatures that he had imported from Mu-Nyang\'s planet mutated and gave birth to countless descendants to survive the harsh nature. Some of them became carnivorous sea beasts. A few accidentally consumed Miaomiao\'s leftover body fluid and transformed into sea dragons while the others started cultivating Qi and transformed their hearts into monster cores.

Pigs, chickens, birds, and cows also evolved into dinosaurs or mystical beasts as they consumed various ores and natural resources to grow stronger. Children of this livestock also inherited the parents\' good genes and adapted to the extreme gravity and Qi.

Moreover, lucky creatures, such as ants, insects, or centipedes of Liu Guang managed to obtain a portion of dried semen, which Miaomiao left behind when he mated with Liu Guang. They ate them and transformed into humanoid insects, which soon created another civilization to compete against the cats.

Dwarves and dryads were not shabby either. As many creatures flourished, these local system beings established another religion, which worshiped Miaomiao as the true god of the universe. They spread their beliefs and history of Miaomiao to the cat and the insect civilizations to convert them. These beings also held the strongest influence among all civilizations as they were the only ones who exported catnip ores, spirit stones, essence cores, and various materials that no one could get their hands on.

Because of the evolving ecology system, the universe become mysterious to cats and insects that had no idea about what Miaomiao had been doing. They began to explore the universe.

The lifestyle of cultivator cats became more exciting and dangerous. Some of them ran into mutated beasts while a few managed to find ruined shacks and buildings, which Miaomiao had built as a love nest to mate with his wives. They got their hands on strange stones, which contained Miaomiao\'s DNA.

They were Miaomiao\'s dried semen and his wife\'s fluid, which got mixed with Qi, dust, and genes. Some of the cats ate them and mutated into white tigers, Qiongqis, catopuses, or antler lions. Their lifespan was increased as a result.

The nosy cats also found Miaomiao\'s abandoned storehouses, which the latter had treated as garbage dumpsters. They were filled with useless gold coins, mundane treasures, and low-graded items.

Strangely, these cats treated the discarded trash as lost-era artifacts. They brought them back to their worlds as national treasures or heirlooms. Only a few cultivators with scientist friends brought them back to study and learn the new technologies from the items.

Observing these cats gave Miaomiao a strange hope and pride. He felt like he had been watching an ant nest in a glass tank, spectating how they created their nest and reproduced.

"I have to admit. Playing god is kinda fun."

Miaomiao pulled his consciousness from his dantian universe and returned to reality. He gazed at a thousand faceless demon goddesses, who had created their genitals to breed with him.

"Two more days. I\'ll do Houtu on the last day for a good measure."


Two days later, Miaomiao brought out Houtu from the depth of the semen galactic star.

When Houtu came out to the plane, she no longer reacted to the fresh air or the new world. She simply lay on the ground, looking like a soulless doll.

Miaomiao bathed and purified her stinking semen smell. After the odor was gone, he stopped mating with the local minions and focused on her. For once, he wanted to have normal sex.

Unfortunately, seven days of dual-cultivation improved Miaomiao\'s life force suction rate and his lifespan channeling efficiency. Within an hour, an unrestrained sage\'s dantian universe was emptied. Even Houtu\'s endless lifespan and luck were reduced to zero.

The refined empress was reduced to a mummy corpse when Miaomiao was done with her. Then, the corpse dissipated into dust.


Like other cats, Houtu\'s soul latched onto his karma strands and entered his dantian. A second later, she was reincarnated as a dryad, who had sprouted from a system\'s tree seed.

Miaomiao frowned as he didn\'t want Houtu to join his universe. He sent his consciousness to the dantian world and went for the newborn dryad.

When Miaomiao got to Houtu, he picked her up. The newborn dryad came out as a baby child with bright innocent eyes.

"I know I can be heartless sometimes, but I can\'t kill a baby. Welp, consider yourself lucky. I\'ll kill you if you misbehave in the future."

Looking at the innocent baby, Miaomiao lost the urge to kill her. He returned the baby to the nearby dryad warrior and turned back.

But as Miaomiao walked away, Houtu cried. She extended her hands and reached out for him.

He turned around and stared at the baby with a deep frown. Then, he discovered something strange inside her.

Miaomiao picked up the baby and looked closer. He scanned Houtu\'s body and discovered an ethereal light in her heart, which had been collecting luck in this world.

It was a Heavenly Fate Fragment!

"I\'ll be damned. How the hell did you get that? Is this how a heaven\'s chosen genius decided?"

Miaomiao laughed at the strange phenomenon of his dantian universe as it gave birth to a Heavenly Fate Fragment automatically.

Amused, Miaomiao brought Houtu with him to the real world. He opened the dantian gate and let Houtu out.

When the baby came out, she looked around in a panic and cried.

Miaomiao brought her to his arm and soothed her. He stopped all his activities and ate a gender-swap pill, transforming into a woman. Then, he manipulated his Qi and physique, converting his blood into breast milk. Then, he fed her.

Baby Houtu\'s eyes brightened again. She grabbed Miaomiao\'s breast and began drinking the breast milk.

While feeding the crying baby, Miaomiao facepalmed. He was confused by his behavior.

"Why the hell am I raising you like I\'m your mother? Seriously, I\'m growing soft. I sent innocent catopuses to death a few days ago, but I\'m afraid of killing a baby. Haiz."

Miaomiao was confused and scared at the same time. He didn\'t want Houtu to become a protagonist in his dantian world as she might kill the local cats, who tried their best to survive in the universe.

In the end, he chose to bring her out to the real world so that Mu-Nyang and Pangu could kill her in his stead. Then, his hands wouldn\'t be dirtied, and she might be reincarnated elsewhere without troubling his dantian universe in the next life.

That was what Miaomiao had planned.

Suddenly, Mu-Nyang\'s sound transmission came.

\'Nice try, munya. But that won\'t work. She will reincarnate into your dantian universe again since her soul now belongs to you, munya.\'

Miaomiao frowned and looked up.

"What happened to Houtu? You ordered me to kill her during sex, so I did. Now what? Is she turning into a protagonist or something? Why is this happening?"

\'Nyahahaha! Everything can be easily  explained if you inspect your primary galactic core in your dantian, munya. I can guarantee you that you will be surprised.\'


Miaomiao closed his eyes and sent his consciousness into the depth of his dantian universe. His ethereal body through the largest star and reached the core of the planet.

As soon as Miaomiao reached this place, he understood everything. Inside the core, Heavenly Fate Fragments, Heavenly Fate Cores, and Heavenly Fate Crystals were everywhere!


\'Ahem. I\'ll explain, munya.\'

A wisp of Mu-Nyang\'s consciousness entered Miaomiao\'s star core. The cat\'s ethereal body floated next to him.

\'When you reach the ceiling of the immortal sage realm, every galactic-sized star will start producing them and distributing small fragments to the local population with strong positive karma, munya. And because Houtu has the largest karma knots among all innocent souls here, one of the fragments chose her as a host so that it can start growing by eating your three basic providence Qi, munya.\'

"In short, heavenly fate fragments are viruses or leeches?"

\'More like beneficial bacteria. Fate bearers will kill local cancerous beings with heavy negative karma in the dantian universe for you. But eventually, you will have to remove them before they turn into cancer cells and start stealing all your luck, munya.\'

"I get it. They can either die a hero or live long enough to see themselves become the villain."

\'Something like that.\'

"So, what should I do with Houtu?"

Mu-Nyang grinned, \'She\'s now yours. Since she doesn\'t have any memory of the previous life, you can raise her as your daughter, your loyal subject, or your domesticated wife, munya! After all, she will become a protagonist in your universe.\'

"And when should I eliminate her and how do I remove cancerous cells?"

\'Simple, nyahahahaha!\'

Mu-Nyang paused. Then, he whispered to Miaomiao with a dark expression.

\'You reset your universe before they become an entity, just like how Pangu and the sages did, munya.\'

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