Corrupt Creations

Chapter 7 - Spirits

"To your right, about 300 meters, I want to see that place!" Lexi suddenly picked something that interested her.

She could "smell" the places with high concentrations of spiritual energy from far away.

Seth stopped and thought. "What the hell, just like a dog, no, wouldn\'t that leave even dogs jealous? What a nice nose!"

"Grrr! I can hear your thoughts! Pervert!"

"Oops, I\'m sorry, my bad, there is nothing alike. You\'re such an angel!"


"Lexi. You are a spirit, right?"

"That\'s for sure, a very beautiful one!"

Seth hesitated a bit, but he then asked. "Aren\'t spirits born from weapons and artifacts? Can they appear inside living beings?"

He has always asked himself this question.

Lexi thought for a moment and answered. "I don\'t know either, but there is no doubt I am a spirit like those you mentioned. Usually, spirits are born with just a strong enough will. An example would be a sword that was used to slaughter thousands of enemies, may give birth to her own will, thirsting for more blood. So basically, they are born to do whatever their purpose deems fit and even simple wills are super hard to form, not even saying the huge quantity of spiritual energy needed for that."

Seth then proceeded to ask the question that bothered him the most.

"Then... Then why did you appear inside me? And to top it off, right after I got that seed? Are you perhaps the spirit of that thing?"

"Seth, I-I don\'t know, but I don\'t have any relations with that seed! Please, believe me!"

An awkward silence and then a sigh.

"Alright I\'ll trust you. I already have my hands full, why bother?!" There was no point on doubting someone you may live your entire life with. Answers could be given with time.

"Thank you."

"As for a spirit appearing inside a living being... Even I, the spirit in question, can\'t believe it has ever happened." Lexi couldn\'t explain the situation.

Seth and Lexi would have to understand it later. They felt like they didn\'t know anything at all.

"As a spirit what are your other abilities now?" Seth already knew some, but not them all.

"Outside of identifying treasures, other spirits and help you with the seed. I can find beautiful places!!!"

Seth rolled his eyes. "You mean places filled with spiritual energy, right? Only that?"

"Yes. For now!"

"For now?"

"I noticed some memories appearing when I absorb the energy of these beautiful sceneries. It\'s like they trigger something. With those memories I may even remember some abilities."

"Hmm, that\'s cool then. Let\'s not waste any more time and go ahead. 300 meters, right?"

"Yeah, let\'s go, let\'s go!" Lexi hurried him.

For Qi practitioners at the same plane level as Seth\'s, 300 meters is a distance that could be covered in a few seconds or so.

Approaching the place, it was already possible to hear the sound of water.

Seth got there and Lexi could finally appreciate the view.

Vivid green, marking a circular area where the vegetation was completely different from the forest. Scattered around that area, lots of flaming flowers, like they were crowns, announcing their mighty orange shade.

This kind of flower would usually boost flame cultivators progress on their understanding of the element of fire. Like a candle, constantly burning, those flowers were a good material for studies and cultivation.

They seemed like they would never extinguish.

What made this place unique though, was a waterfall at the background, giving birth to a wide lake, where green, blue and orange could paint a real masterpiece.

"What a view, it is indeed refreshing to see something so beautiful."

The fresh spiritual energy here was a bit heavier than in other places. Unknown to them both, Lexi was drawing a bit of this spiritual energy and unconsciously absorbing it.

Spiritual energy was not Qi. It was a particle of energy that could fuel spirits. Either restoring their power or even sometimes making them stronger. This energy was directly related with spirits birth and death, and was really scarce and difficult to absorb, making the process so slow it would take hundreds of years for a spirit to evolve.

While Lexi was immersed on her worship, Seth looking around, found something at the edge of the lake. Getting closer he finally could see what it was.

"Some pieces of light armor, gauntlets, greaves and chest piece." Seth, observing those white pieces, with beautiful golden lines already knew only someone rich could afford such fine pieces.

At the side neatly folded a red cape, a red one piece and a really sexy set of underwear. Probably the owner would be a mature woman, one completely secure and confident as she was probably swimming naked right now.

Seth quickly started searching for her silhouette on the water. He wouldn\'t lose this opportunity!

There was a sword a bit farther, nailed on the ground, like it took root there, the sheath at its side. Suddenly it started sending some heat signals, as if trying to do something. The blade getting hotter and redder.

The strangest part of the situation was that Seth wasn\'t aware of its existence there. It was understandable though; his concentration was at the lake now.

"I remembered!" Lexi came back to reality, screaming and scaring Seth on the process, because he was in deep concentration at that time.

"Wha... Do you want to scare me to death!? Totally at the wrong time!"

"You should try focusing on what is important. Do you see that sword?"

"Which sword?" Seth didn\'t even see it before.

Lexi made him take notice on a sword a bit further away.

"You would be dead now if it weren\'t for me!"

"How is that even possible?" Seth didn\'t believe it.

At that moment all the heat started receding from the sword. The color returning to the normal one.

"That sword is not simple at all. It contains a spirit! A young and lower one, but still capable of doing lots of things."

Lexi continued. "It was connecting with all these flowers on the area around here and it was drawing their power to build a trap. Some 10 more seconds an everything here would blow up, along with a certain voyeur."

"What? And I didn\'t even notice it!"

"Hmph! Keep trying to peep!"

Seth got awkward. "Alright, thank you for that. But how did you stop it?"

"Fufufu! I remembered one of my abilities as a superior spirit! The lower ones can\'t keep up with me. I can somehow control them, fooling their senses. Taking advantage of that I stopped it from activating this entire formation."

"What? Isn\'t that a really incredible ability?"

Weapons with lower spirits could recognize a person as their owner, denying any other person and even considering them as an enemy. They weren\'t complete sentient beings. But they could actually follow some orders and accomplish lots of tasks.

If Lexi could control them, wouldn\'t that mean Seth could be the new owner? The only case scenario that it would work for any other practitioner was, if they killed the previous owner and then bind the weapon for them.

But now Seth could steal them permanently!

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