The Ancient Genes

Chapter 656 - Patriarch Yule In Rage

Chapter 656 - Patriarch Yule In Rage

James and the middle aged man walked out of the hospital and went towards their car when the man suddenly spoke, "That certainly went easier than expected.."

James\'s lips curled up into a smile, "Now as long as Aunt and my cousin do their job according to the plan, we will succeed our House\'s years-long plan."

"Those two are foolish young people. It will definitely go as planned." The middle aged man shook his head with a laugh.

Axel on the other side was struggling to get his hand out for ten minutes. Erina really wasn\'t letting it go. He almost wanted to shake and wake her up from her sleep. But, it was not a good thing to do to a patient.

"Finally.." Axel pulled his hand out of her grasp after a struggle which seemed to last for years for him.

A frown immediately emerged on the sleeping girl\'s face as if she had lost something very precious.

As Axel turned around to leave, he suddenly seemed to hear Erina muttering in her sleep.

"Don\'t leave.. mom…Wilson...I am all… alone now…."

Axel\'s steps paused on hearing that. He couldn\'t help, but turn his head to glance at her only to see a drop of tear sliding out of the corner of her eyes.

He looked at her, and then at the door contemplating for a bit.

In the end, he turned and returned to the seat.

\'Eren will handle everything for sure..\' He muttered inwardly before looking at Erina and wiping the tear off of her face.

\'Why am I so kind?\' He sighed inwardly, surprised at his own big heart.

\'She sure does look good when she is quiet and vulnerable like this..\' He muttered inwardly before putting his palm back into her palm. And slowly Erina once again tightened her grip around it and the frown on her face eased.

Yule Family, Ocien.


A middle aged man with black hairs and beard slammed his fist on the table in anger. His eyes were glaring at the frail looking person standing in front of him. This person seemed to be around in his 50s and had a nervous expression on his face.

The man in anger was the Patriarch of the Yule family, and the one in front of him was the Great Elder.

"What is going on?!!" He shouted in anger and the Great Elder immediately began to sweat.

"Why is the artifact there with her?!! Shouldn\'t it be with Neo?!"

"Answer me!!"

The Great Elder looked at the Patriarch a bit nervously before finally speaking, "It was actually stolen…and she had gone to retrieve it back.."

"When did it happen? Why am I not aware of it?!!"

"I-It happened during the competition. Neo lost the artifact to another student.." The Great Elder gritted his teeth as he replied to him.

"Competition? That brat!! Didn\'t I ask him not to use it in public? It was strictly meant for use in private until he could unlock its true capability."

Well, his order sure had been ignored it seemed.

"And, why didn\'t he inform the person I sent to protect him and the artifact about it being stolen?" The Patriarch asked with a frown. He had actually sent the First Elder, a Grandmaster Tier Mage, for his protection as the Artifact was very important.

"T-That.." The Great Elder opened his mouth, but the words seemed to have gotten stuck into it. He knew his son had messed up for good.

"Speak!!" The Patriarch roared in anger.

"It was actually stolen by the son of the Lord.." He finally let it out with an ugly look on his face.

As soon as the Patriarch heard those words, his face twitched in anger.

It now made sense why he wasn\'t informed. These people had acted on their own and refused to seek help from the First Elder and even went as far as to keep him in the dark, it was all because they were afraid of him finding out about it.

They actually handed down the artifact to the last person they should have. It was obviously dangerous to mess with the Lord\'s family and there were even chances that the Lord might recognize the weapon to be the possession of his wife if it was presented to him.

It was a disaster all in all.

And, in an attempt to hide it, they had actually made it worse.

The Great Elder still actually hid the fact that they had failed an assassination attempt at the Lord\'s daughter. If he actually told him about it, there was every chance of his head being sliced off and presented to the Lord as a scapegoat for the incident.

"We can\'t lose the Artifact at any cost. Disguise our people as that from the Union and move all of them. Tell the First Elder to bring it back at any cost." He ordered with a grim look on his face.

"Yes, Patriarch.." The Third elder in the room immediately disappeared after receiving the order.

"As for you, I will decide how to deal with you after settling this matter." The Patriarch looked at him with a menacing gaze, and the Great Elder didn\'t dare to raise his head up.

"It sure has gone to become a full blown war.." Naze looked outside the window with an amazed look on his face.

There were explosions everywhere around the district, and screams continuously rang out. It was total chaos. The scene sure wasn\'t something you get to witness everyday in your life.

"Keep your voice down.." Max looked at him with a frown on his face. This guy sure was getting a lot excited. Something was definitely wrong with his head.

"When are we going to move?" Naze asked, looking at him with a curious face.

"Soon… we are waiting for our guests to arrive.." Max replied with a calm look on his face.

"You sure believe they will come?" Naze didn\'t know what Max had in mind, but he was sure the guests had to do something with footage they had recorded earlier.

"I am sure they will come.."

Max was confident. If those guys really knew the truth about the artifact, then there was no way they were willing to lose it. Hell, even the Ancient Families would stop this game and just deploy the Supreme Tier Mage to end this farce and grab the Artifact if they found out about it.

There was no way that the Yule Family wasn\'t panicking right now.

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