Speed Is King

Chapter 106

“Of course.” The Dark Brainwyrm immediately replied.

“Exactly. So, how about it? Do you want to be my Mameluke?” Elliot quickly pushed the question upon it as the details of the slave contract appeared on their minds.

“Uhhh, well’¦” The Dark Brainwyrm hesitated as he beheld the huge amount of information that had suddenly appeared in his mind in confusion.

“Time is ticking. Once the big Belcher absorbs all the beast cores it ate, it will become too strong for even both of us to deal with!” Elliot pressed it urgently even as he was speeding away from the battle to hide from the Belcher.

He had asked Hawk the AI earlier for an estimate on the Belcher’s possible power up to the Emperor level, and Hawk had said that it would take at least six hours, very possibly thirty six hours to complete the digestion of the cores. And another twelve hours for such a huge body to completely stabilize the growth.

Elliot had time to focus on killing other monsters and levelling up even more before returning for the Belcher. There was no great urgency in reality.

Of course the Dark Brainwyrm didn’t know that.

“Fine! I agree! I will sign your Mameluke contract!” The Dark Brainwyrm hastily agreed.

[Slave Contract successfully signed with Romulusamarok Dark Brainwyrm.]

[25,000 XP gained.]

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 222!]

It was masterful manipulation, one that was usually only effective against little toddlers.

Even Elliot was surprised that it worked so well. He only tried it as a long shot, hoping that the Brainwyrm would be easy to deceive.

He didn’t expect it to succeed so spectacularly!

Apparently the Dark Brainwyrm wasn’t an especially smart species. Ferocious and down-right power hungry, yes. But smart? Not so much.

“Excellent!” Elliot whooped for joy.

He finally got his hands on a Dark Brainwyrm!!

With it and all the information it knows, Elliot would be able to finally find out the full truth and the full situation with Planet Earth and even the Universe!

However, that was a pleasurable task for the future.

At that moment, he still had five powerful Bangtols and a Peak King Level Belcher which could grow to become an Emperor any minute to deal with.

Elliot immediately bought a Beast Full Restore potion and dumped it all into the Specter Wolf.

The power of the potion rapidly brought the Specter Wolf back to full health and its regenerating flesh pushed the Bangtol’s spikes out of its body easily.

He released the Specter Wolf and it immediately took its place next to him.

“We have to take down the Belcher before he powers up even more and break into Emperor level.” Elliot said urgently as he continued to fly away and maintain an increasingly healthy distance with the Belcher and the Bangtols.

“And to do that, I need you to give me control over the Specter Wolf. I want to sign an Apostle Contract with it.”

“I can release my control over the Specter Wolf. But you’ll have to deal with it yourself.” Romarok the Dark Brainwyrm replied. (Elliot had shortened its long name in his mind.)

[Hawk, can Romarok sign the Apostle Contract on behalf of Romulus the Specter Wolf?” Elliot asked Hawk the AI.


“Damn. Can Rom sign the contract with Romarok still in control of his body?” Elliot asked again.

[Affirmative. Rom simply needs to sign it out of his own free will.]

“Ah. Excellent. Romarok, can you release partial control over Rom? Let him regain power over speech.” Elliot ordered.

“Sure.” Romarok answered.

“AHHHH! Speech. I’ve finally regained the power of speech!” Rom said with the exact same voice as Romarok, but with a distinctly different style.

“DAMN YOU CURSED WYRM! I HOPE YOU DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH! I HOPE YOU GET RIPPED TO PIECES AND YOUR DAMNED REMAINS GET EATEN BY A SHIT BEETLE!” Rom shouted and vented the pent up fury that had roiled in his heart for so many long days.


“Enough.” Elliot said firmly. We have a battle to fight. As I have said earlier, I want you to be my Beast Apostle. Are you willing?”

The contents of the Beast Apostle appeared in Rom’s mind.

“Hey! Why wasn’t I offered this contract? This looks much better than the one I signed!” Romarok said indignantly as he went through the contract briefly.

“Of course it’s better. This one is for life. Yours is temporary. Do you want to switch?” Elliot asked Romarok calmly.

“Ah, no no, I’m good.” Romarok replied hastily.

“Rom. How about it? Be my Fire Apostle, and let us fight to gain a place of honor in the Universe.” Elliot turned his attention back to the Specter Wolf.

As a King Level beast, Rom had gone through a lot in life. He had to fight countless battles and absorb countless beast cores to become so strong. The idea of signing a Beast contract with another was highly repulsive to him. Even if it was something as glamorous as a Beast Apostle contract.

This was made worse by the fact that the one offering the contract seemed like an extremely young planet native pup barely out of his mom’s tits!

“NO!” Rom shouted immediately. “I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!”

Elliot sighed deeply with regret. He was hoping that he could get this over with quickly. But apparently it wouldn’t be so easy. Rom was in a furious state, and was completely unable to think straight.

“YOU’RE JUST AS BAD AS THE DAMN WYR-” He was cut off mid rant as Romarok took over his power over speech once more.


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