Speed Is King

Chapter 132

He could sense that a large portion of the Red Dragon Blood Essences was still unabsorbed by his body. By the time he absorbed them all, Elliot suspected that he could turn at least half his body into the humanoid dragon form.

Elliot knew for certain that the strange and explosive energy he felt within him would be the key for his future growth. There was no way that he would be willing to not chase after more of that after experiencing first hand the amount of power it was capable of unleashing.

“Hawk, what damage multiplier did that previous attack have? And what is its name?” Elliot asked Hawk the AI.

[The previous attack you unleashed is a mini version of a Red Dragon’s basic energy attack.]

[It has no name.]

[You have unleashed a 15,000% damage multiplier energy attack.]

“Mini version? Holy smokes. You’re right. What I unleashed was just the energy found in my transformed right arm. You’re saying that a real Red Dragon is able to gather all of the explosive energy found in its massive body and fire it out in an energy attack?” Elliot asked to confirm his conjecture.


“Hot damn! Just a small arm of mine already contained enough energy to power such a stupidly strong attack. Just what sort of damage could dragons deal with such ginormous bodies?” Elliot gasped internally.

[An all-out pure energy attack by an Adult Red Dragon could deal serious damage to planets like Earth.]

“And such an attack is considered as “basic energy attack”?” Elliot couldn’t help but ask incredulously.


“What is an advanced form of energy attack then? Tell me in detail!” Elliot demanded.


[The energy you unleashed earlier is Fire Dragon Energy, found uniquely in Red Dragons.]

[It is explosive in nature, and is the third most damaging energy in the known universe.]

[The energy can be weaved into compatible Runes which could allow the Fire Dragon Energy Weaver to manifest the energy in a specific way.]

“Examples please!”

[For example, if weaved into a simple “Explosion” Rune, the Fire Dragon Energy would explode with greater force than it would have if the same amount of Fire Dragon Energy was made to explode.]

Elliot frowned deeply when he heard Hawk’s explanation. He dreaded asking the next question, but he asked it anyway.

“What will happen if an Adult Red Dragon spends all of its energy weaving Explosion Runes and then triggering them on planet Earth?”

[Without magical defenses and nullifiers in place, planet Earth will be completely destroyed.]

“I see. It makes sense that there would be magical defenses and nullifiers to weaken the attacks of the top tier life forms of the universe. If not, then the universe would have long been reduced to debris when those top tier life forms quarrel and fight each other.” Elliot nodded with relief.

“Are these runes the same ones that my Astral Canvas system is using?” Elliot asked Hawk.


“So technically, I can use the Fire Dragon Energy to create a Minor Fire Element Attack Boost Rune?”


[However, that rune will have no effective use.]

[The Minor Fire Element Attack Boost Rune is a Support Rune that would cause the Tattoo Ink, which is a type of Non-elemental Stored Energy, to combine with the user’s fire energy and boost it before the attack leaves the user.]

[The Fire Dragon Energy cannot be stored, and thus the Minor Fire Element Attack Boost Rune formed by Fire Dragon Energy would immediately dissipate upon completion.]

“I see. How many types of Runes are there?”

[There are two main types. Support Runes and Battle Runes.]

[Support Runes utilize Stored Energy and are most usually prepared in advance.]

[Battle Runes utilize Elemental Energy and are usually cast in battle.]

Elliot nodded in understanding and stopped asking Hawk more questions for the time being. He wasn’t done asking questions, of course. But there’s a time and place for more detailed information gathering.

Because at that moment, a highly interesting rusted sword was awaiting his inspection.

With a thought, Elliot reverted his arm back to its human form and reached out to take the rusted sword out of its case.

Next to him, Camelia and Kara’s eyes widened in anticipation.

Even the seven men that had run away earlier crept in closer too.

Not too close because Elliot had his beasts standing guard around him, but close enough to hear whatever the three of them had to say if they spoke in a normal voice without whispering.

Elliot picked up the rusted sword which had its tip broken off, leaving the blade at an awkward 60 centimeters. The plain, black handle was large enough for a two handed grip, and it had a simple rounded sword guard with no ornaments whatsoever.

All in all, it looked exactly like a useless, broken sword one would find rusting away in a shipwreck somewhere in the bottom of the sea.

However, Elliot had faith that the aliens knew what they were doing when they rewarded him with that sword for winning the highly prestigious Battle Royale Event.

No matter how bad it looked, it definitely had a secret.

Elliot swung the sword lightly, and found that it was extremely well made. Even the rust and the loss of its tip couldn’t detract much from the lethal feel that it gave out.

Not far from him, Camelia looked at Elliot swinging the sword with round eyes.

At that moment, she was completely oblivious to the sword, and her mind was only filled with the vision of Elliot’s near perfect body and handsome face. And as such, she completely couldn’t sense the evil aura that the rusted sword was beginning to give out.

Kara, on the other hand, felt it keenly.

It started as an uncomfortable feeling, as though she was looking at something that was not very nice.

And by Elliot’s third swing, Kara’s instincts were screaming at full force and the feeling of discomfort had transformed into one of complete horror!

“CAMELIA! RUN!!” Kara shrieked as she pulled her mesmerized friend back with all of her strength.

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