Speed Is King

Chapter 144

The Golden Dragon opened his eyes and immediately, searing pain filled his senses.

“Grrrrrr…” He let out a low growl of pain.

“Hey! You’re awake! Finally!” Jessica Sands exclaimed in relief.

The Golden Dragon ignored her and sat up.

The world swam around him as he struggled to find an anchor of stability for his vision. The Golden Dragon’s brain was still recovering from the massive blunt force trauma that it had suffered when Jessica Sands flung him to the side to save him from the demon warriors’ sonic attack.

Jessica’s rune-enhanced push was so strong that the Golden Dragon’s head had impacted the room’s hyper-enforced walls directly with astounding force!

If it was any other time, the Golden Dragon would probably be fine. But in that particular instance, his mind had just taken serious damage from three Aural blades, and was in an extremely fragile state.

And thus, the impact with the walls had instantly caused his brain to shut down as a defensive reflex.

Whether the sonic attack from the Aural blades would have dealt more damage than the blunt force trauma was a question that would remain unanswered for eternity.

“What kind of dragon are you? Why are you so weak?” Jessica commented very frankly and innocently when she saw the Golden Dragon’s relatively wretched state. “Here, drink this recovery potion.”

The Golden Dragon took the potion and drained it without a thought. He was in too much pain!

“Ahhhhh….” The recovery potion took effect almost immediately, bringing relief to the dragon’s mind like a cool breeze and gentle rain falling incessantly upon a hot, parched desert.

Within seconds, the Golden Dragon had recovered.

“Better?” Jessica Sands asked.

“Much better.” The Golden Dragon growled. “What on earth were they?? What sort of demonic weapons were they using? AND who sent them? I would definitely want to pay the mastermind a visit and repay the favor!”

The Golden Dragon was seriously pissed off.

“I have no idea.” Jessica Sands shrugged. “But whoever sent them is extremely rich!”

The Golden Dragon stood up and surveyed the room.

Demon warriors littered the ground where they were, and the rest of the Kings had returned to their places. They were all typing furiously or communicating verbally into their communicators. Reports for their masters, daddies, aunts or uncles probably.

“You killed them all??” The Golden Dragon asked Jessica incredulously.

“Of course not. I didn’t do that all by myself. Jules over there helped as well. I think she took down ten.” Jessica pointed at Jules who was standing nearby.

“Ten?! That’s… Scary. How on earth did she stuff so much power in such a small body!? And you’re worse. You took down twenty, including the three that were attacking me. You girls are freaks!”

The Golden Dragon knew he could defeat ten or even twenty demon warriors by himself as well. They weren’t especially strong, even if they were high-tier Kings.

But he knew he definitely couldn’t do it without transforming into his full sized Golden Dragon form, and even then, he wouldn’t be able to do it so quickly and so cleanly.

The mark of a true warrior was not enemies buried beneath a city of ruins in the aftermath of his attack. But an intact city of dead enemies.

Finesse and control trumps pure damage outburst.

“Don’t worry about it, dragon. You’ll catch up to us eventually.” Jessica Sands grinned mischievously. “Anyway,I’ll let you keep three Aural armors.”

Jessica Sands moved three decapitated demon warriors towards him.

“Your attacks as a full sized Golden Dragon would probably end up destroying all of their armor if I didn’t stop you. But since you attacked them out of a kind intention, I’ll give their armor AND weapons to you as a form of thanks from me.”

“I don’t want them. I didn’t do anything to deserve any loot. You can keep them all.” The Golden Dragon waved his hand and moved the three bloodied demon warrior corpses back to Jessica.

“Nonono, I insist. You tried to come to our rescue even at great personal risk. Please accept these VERY expensive Aural armor and Aural blades. If you don’t I will feel really bad!” Jessica Sands gestured with her hand and pushed the corpses back to the Golden Dragon, causing more blood to spill out of the bodies and staining the carpeted floor even more.

“No, I-“

“TAKE THEM!!” Jessica glared at the dragon.

However, the dragon was not one to be cowed by the likes of a little girl!

“Why are you so stubborn? I SAID NO! I-“

“Take them, please?” Jessica Sands changed tactics as soon as she realized that hard methods don’t work against the dragon. And apparently, her decision was right on the money.

“I… Ugh. Fine. I’ll take them and donate them to some charity.” The Golden Dragon accepted the demon warrior corpses grudgingly.

“Hee hee. You’re actually a nice dragon. What’s your name? My name is Jessica Sands.”

“Nice? Ha! You’re the first being to actually describe me as nice. What a joke. I’m the Fifth Prince of the Wildfire Golden Dragon Clan, Arhyx Wildfire. You can call me Prince Arhyx.” Arhyx snorted at Jessica’s words.

“Arhyx? What a strange name. I’ll call you Rhyx, ok? Nice meeting you Rhyx! Please help me again if more enemies come. Bye!” Jessica waved at Prince Arhyx and skipped away without waiting for a reply.

“PRINCE Arhyx! PRINCE!” Arhyx roared. But Jessica was already gone.

“Jules! Stop glaring at them. If they’re hostile, they would have acted by now.” Jessica said as she approached Jul’Taras.

She was looking at the rest of the Kings in their respective corners of the room coldly.

Jul’Taras was still wary of them.

As a cynical pessimist, her natural tendency was to assume the worst in people, and unless she received confirmation otherwise, the rest of the hundred Kings in the room were considered hostile in her mind.

“Dealing with these bunch of Kings shouldn’t be a big problem. The only one worth paying attention to is Hegara Kinstan. But even he shouldn’t be able to change the result if a fight were to break out now. Without Hasaro in the picture, these punks have no chance!” Jul’Taras whispered to Jessica very softly.

“Where’s Hasaro?” Jessica asked Jul’Taras loudly. “And where’s Monk- Oh there you are. Hey, why are you-“

“Hush! He’s meditating. He had a pretty intense fight with Hasaro. He’s probably digesting the insights he gained.” Jul’Taras shushed Jessica.

“Oh right. Okay! Where’s Hasaro? He’s not dead, right? Emperor Gatara would be pissed if we killed his butler!” Jessica whispered loudly to Jul’Taras.

“Hasaro left as soon as we cleared the demon warriors. He probably realized that he can’t take you by himself.” Jul’Taras replied.

Actually, a more accurate word would be “escape” instead of “left the room”.

Hasaro had promptly escaped the room after he saw the two crazy girls clean up thirty demon warriors as though they were merely naughty little imps.

He probably could have continued dodging Monkey King and he could have even managed to counter attack when the opportunity presented itself, but the fact remained that he was on the defensive, and he would be deluding himself if he still thought that he could get Jessica to go with him in such a situation.

And so he left, leaving behind several very critical questions to be answered. Would Emperor Gatara personally get involved in the fiasco? And if he did, would the bodyguards come back in time to save Jessica? And if they didn’t, could the trio somehow resist the Emperor?

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