Speed Is King

Chapter 154

Himari Suzuki stood atop her newly acquired bunker and gazed out towards the direction of Mount Fuji.

“Two more days.” She whispered lightly to herself. “Just two more days, and I’ll be there.”

Himari Suzuki had fared very, very well indeed during the past week of apocalypse.

Her razor sharp instincts had caused her to order her entire militarized family to take cover in their personal bunkers with almost all of their fighting forces intact.

She had entered day one with almost ten thousand heavily armed men under her personal command, and another twenty thousand more spread out among her family members.

Initially, she had only ordered for a single battalion’s worth of soldiers to join her in the bunker. But she had continued to feel deeply restless after she did that. And so she did the unprecedentedly unthinkable thing in all of the history of her family

She placed her family into Red Alert..

She ordered a complete shutdown of all the family’s operations, and decreed that all fighting units were to be bunkered up within six hours. All missions were aborted no matter how close they were to completion. Auxiliary units would be in charge of the stock up, and had to be bunkered up within twelve hours.

All of their spies, undercover forces, and close allies were ordered to go to the nearest bunker. If they were more than twelve hours away from a Suzuki Family owned bunker, then they had to find ANY bunker and get in there with enough weapons, ammunition and food to survive a war.

Her family and allies had long understood the potency of her sixth sense, and immediately went into emergency mode.

Everything that could be liquidated at short notice were liquidated, and their already humongous stockpile of weapons and equipment were increased. Fuel, ammunition and food were also secured all over the country. Emergency communication equipment and secure landlines connecting all of their bunkers were immediately activated as well.

The Suzuki Family of Japan and their close affiliates disappeared off the grid within twelve hours much to the shock of the world.

But because of that, they were now the undisputed overlords of Japan.

SHE, was the undisputed overlord of Japan.

After the apocalypse, Himari Suzuki had immediately grasped the key to survival and to domination.

Alien resources, and winning the alien games to get their rewards.

Everything else was secondary.

And to that end, she had immediately sought to clear the entire Tokyo region for herself.

Through a series of incredibly shrewd tactics and strategies, she managed to get most of the King level beasts to fight and weaken each other, to the point where they were easily killed by a few powerful missiles under her control.

The aliens targeted big, powerful energy signals, and thus all of the world’s hidden militaries, including their deep ocean submarines, were completely wiped out by their powerful attacks.

Dormant-land based missiles were completely untouched. And of that, Himari had plenty.

Within three days of intense fighting, Tokyo was cleansed. Her battle-hardened soldiers were utterly enraged by the desolation that their country had suffered, and they fell upon the alien beasts like a massive pack of starved wolves.

Salvo after salvo of missile were fired upon the King level beasts, and their powerful laser guns felled the Lord and Elite level beasts like mowing down grass.

None of the beasts could stand against their furious onslaught, and none of the alien fugitives wanted any of that.

Although several alien fugitives had the power to challenge her, doing so would leave them vulnerable to the other alien fugitives, which would definitely sneak attack them if the opportunity presented itself. And so, they left Himari alone.

After two more days, they took Kawasaki, just south of Tokyo.

After another two days, they took Yokohama.

By then, Himari had burned through almost 50% of her missile stockpile. But she plowed on. 50% of her stockpile was still 100% ahead of the second ranked power in Japan, which had no missiles to speak of.

Of course there were other powers in the world who had more missiles than her, most notably the leaders of the biggest countries. But without exception, all of the people who had access to those missiles were dead.

Himari and her stash became the world’s biggest and baddest gun.

And that stash was about to get bigger.

Himari Suzuki was pushing with all of her considerable might to reach Mount Fuji as quickly as possible.

Mount Fuji.

The location of Japan’s secret nuclear arsenal.

By hook or by crook, she would get her hands on those nukes. And then she would truly be the Queen of the world.

“Report!” An aide shouted from below.


“Two more high grade resource boxes found. Here are the pills and power-up packs.”

“Throw the pack up.” Himari ordered.

Her aide immediately flung the small bag up skillfully.

“Hidden Dungeon report.” Himari demanded as she caught the bag and popped the pills into her mouth.

“Thirteen new dungeons were entered today, bringing our total to sixty two. Two won first place, one didn’t win anything, and ten died. We received a dimensional garage, a highly modified BMW M2, a weapons package, an armor package and a nitro package from the first victory.

We received a highly modified V27 Osprey Helicopter, a weapons package and an armor package from the second victory.” The aide reported.

“Kill the one who didn’t win anything.” Himari Suzuki said casually. “Kill a chicken to scare the monkeys. The men must know that failure is not acceptable.”

“Understood.” The aide bowed deeply.

“Anything out of the ordinary?” Himari asked.

“None, Mistress.”

“More speed pills. How many had I eaten? Ten? Twelve? I must be as fast as a cheetah by now.” Himari muttered to herself.

“And a bunch of strength pills. Good. Now let’s check out the power-up packs. B-grade system. Rubbish. B-grade system! Warlock System… Rubbish. I guess the A-grade Water Mage system I got yesterday is still the best. I wonder if I should take it now or wait for a better one…”

At that moment, a psionic message appeared in her mind.

“Congratulations for surviving the first week! We have made an Apocalypse Survivor Weekly Update. Please take a look at what your fellow Earthlings had been up to for the past action-packed week!”

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