Speed Is King

Chapter 185 Blink!

At that moment, a ridiculously strong Emperor level energy smashed into them and sent both the towering pillar of golden energy and Elliot’s red dragon energy reeling to one side.

Both Elliot and Divine Fighter turned to look at the source of energy.

It was from Autumn Rosenbloom!

However at that moment, an even more frightening energy suddenly appeared around Fat Wall!


Autumn’s Emperor level energy cocoon broke under the equally devastating pressure that was released by Fat Wall.

A thin layer of black veneer formed all around his body, and immediately made him look like a creepy black egg.

“DARK SOUL TRANSFORMATION!” Fat Wall shouted loudly.

“FAT WALL! NO!!” Divine Fighter shouted in panic. But he was too far away to do anything.


A fearsome roar sounded from Fat Wall.

“Damn it! Second brother explicitly said to only use it to escape with our lives! Why the hell is he using it now?” Divine Fighter cursed aloud.

“What the hell is that?” Elliot shouted at Divine Fighter.

“None of your business!” He snarled in reply and immediately launched another series of powerful punches and kicks!

Elliot parried his ferocious attacks easily, and with every passing second, the red dragon above him continued to become more and more realistic.


The red dragon even started to growl softly!

“What the heck are you? How are you able to execute Energy Awakening?!” Divine Fighter shouted at Elliot.

“None of your business!” Elliot shouted back with great satisfaction.


They continued their furious exchange of attacks. However, an increasing sense of urgency began to grip Divine Fighter’s heart.

“I can’t let the red dragon awaken completely. I need to end the fight fast!” He thought as he narrowed his eyes in consternation. “I can’t hold back my strength anymore!”

After making that decision, Divine Fighter immediately executed his ultimate move.

“Take this ultimate move of mine. White Tiger Demon Kick!” He shouted.

In a blink of an eye, the full form and power of the White Tiger Demon Kick materialized. One of the most devastating aspects of that kick’s power was the absolutely unbeatable speed at which it could be brought to bear!

A horrifying sense of doom suddenly enveloped Elliot as Divine Fighter charged at him and launched a ferocious kick that seemed to carry the might of all hell itself!

“Not good! I can’t take this kick! I will definitely die!” Elliot realized in horror.

Technically, he still had many items which could theoretically save his life.

His bio bombs, the space-lock ammo he got from the blue giants, even his portable bunkers should be able to resist the White Tiger Demon Kick enough to take away its deadliness.

But all that required time to be used, and time was something he totally didn’t have.

The White Tiger Demon Kick was truly demonic in its speed!

However, Elliot was not one to simply lie down and die. He would never give up, and he would die fighting if need be!

He immediately unleashed every single speed and life saving spell that he could use.


Movement 3 of Stage 2 – The fleet-footed fire rabbit cooks the giant snake!

Blessings of the Wolf God!

But even as he did all that, deep in his heart, he knew that he wasn’t fast enough to dodge, nor was the Blessings of the Wolf God strong enough to resist the White Tiger Demon Kick!

“Could this be the end?” Elliot thought in horror.

Everything seemed to slow down drastically and he could sense every tiny bit of movement all around him and within him clearly.

He could sense his Purgatory Fire Energy burst into incredible light within him as it executed Movement 3 of Stage 2. It had been further enhanced by the Life Seeds he had eaten and it was incomparably glorious.

The red dragon energy that towered above him also began coalesce into form. Its eyelids quivered lightly as though it was waking up from a deep sleep.

He could also sense his Beast Apostle System energy also burst to life as his Charge skill came to life.

But everything seemed absolutely pointless.

The White Tiger Demon Kick would reap his life much sooner before any of those things could whisk him to safety!!

“Does life truly end at such unexpected times? IS THERE NO OTHER WAY???” Elliot roared in his heart as he fought against the sense of impending doom that had him completely submerged!

Right at that moment… An indescribably wondrous explosion of space energy erupted from within his heart.

[Secondary boon from Void Walker activated.]

[Blink skill learnt.]

[Blink skill activated as a life saving measure.]



The space energy activated right as the powerful White Tiger Demon Kick landed at Elliot’s position.

“What?” Divine Fighter could not believe his eyes.

Immediately, Elliot began to use his new skill and completely abuse its overpoweredness.

He was taking revenge for the regrets that he had felt so deeply and which had been seared into his soul earlier for not using his full strength!

“Screw training! I will focus on killing him at the fastest speed possible!” Elliot thought angrily.

After learning blink, a whole new dimension of attacking opened up for him. He was no longer bound by space constraints and all considerations that he had taken before with respect to closing distances with weaker enemies and maintaining distances against stronger enemies had just flown out the window.

At that moment, he was like a tiger that had just grown wings! A pair of very, very powerful wings, at that.

“Movement twenty one. The merciless sword shreds even memories away.” Elliot’s eyes gleamed with determination as he brought all of his fighting power to bear. Purgatory Fire Energy rushed into Gilgamar in the preset pattern and caused it to glow a fiery orange.

Elliot raised his right hand into a single handed overhead slash position and immediately leapt forward into a vicious full body spin!

(Picture inspiration in Discord)

At the same time… BLINK!

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