Speed Is King

Chapter 209 Negotiation

“Hi Elliotttt!!!!! My name is Jessica! I am your Diamond Sponsor!! I gave you the Reverse Time Walk Boon and the Blink skill!!!” Jessica immediately shouted and blinked forward to hold Elliot’s hands!

Elliot’s guard had immediately relaxed slightly when he heard that she was his Diamond Sponsor, but he was still completely shocked when she actually blinked forward to hold his hands!

Jessica Sands had been completely bitten by the fangirl bug and was in hyper fangirl mode!

“What an exciting first meeting! Let’s take a hologram record to commemorate this momentous event! Here! Look at that drone! Smile! Please say a few words! Thank me for the Diamond Boon and all my help during the five legendary beast attack!” Jessica chattered on excitedly.

“Uhhhhh.” Elliot only managed an awkward non-verbal response to Jessica Sands’ words.

But he did manage to wave his hand at the drone, so Jessica was somehow okay with all of it.

“Alright, enough. We’re not here to chit chat. Jessica, standback.” Director Sands pulled Jessica back gently and immediately placed a secure barrier around them. To the viewers and anybody spying on them, they would have disappeared completely from sight, and all lifeform sensors.

He placed another barrier around them, and immediately blinked away to a very, very distant place.

When they appeared, they were on a beautiful and deserted tropical beach.

The sea breeze blew coolly on their faces and the sun shined down warmly on them. It was picturesque, and completely perfect.

“Uhhhh. You can bring me back to our original position later, right? Coz I have to get back to my sister.” Elliot immediately spoke up when he realized that he was probably a million miles away from where he was.

“Hee hee. Don’t worry. Of course we can.” Jessica giggled cutely.

“Ah, ok. That’s good.” Elliot said in relief.

“So this is not a kidnapping.” He thought to himself.

“Elliot, I am Director Sands of the Gaming Commission. I am here to investigate the appearance of the Realm Portal. I assume that it was you who summoned that portal earlier?” Director Sands said seriously.

Elliot knew for certain that lying would never work against such an old and experienced being, not to say powerful.

So he simply nodded.

“I see. How did you do it?” Director Sands continued asking.

At that, Elliot remained silent.

“I would like to remind you, boy, that I am a Director of the Gaming Commission. I am neutral, and at this point, I am acting on behalf of the Gaming Commission to save you.” Director Sands said in a neutral tone.

However, Elliot remained silent.

“Let me put it this way. If I am not here right now, you will have a hundred Hegemons here fighting to capture you and do experiments on you to find the answers to the questions which I am currently asking you very nicely.” Director Sands said.

“So? Does that make you my savior? My wonderful savior who killed 99 percent of my fellow humans and plunged the rest into misery?” Elliot said slowly, his hostility and animosity seeping out of his heart and into his words.

“Yes, I am all that.” Director Sands agreed without hesitation. “I killed your fellow humans for profit. And I am also preserving your life for profit. Why else would anybody bother to deal with other people outside of their clan and circle of friends, if not for profit?”

“I don’t care about your philosophy. The fact remains. I will burn down the Gaming Commission to the ground one day, with you and all of the management in it.” Elliot said quietly. He didn’t bother to hide his intentions. What was the point? It wasn’t like they would be surprised that he felt that way. They couldn’t possibly think that he would simply smile and let bygones be bygones? Could they?

As expected, Director Sands merely shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

“Do what you will. Right now, I need the information from you. I won’t kill you, because you’re a money making player in this Game. So I’ll make a deal with you instead. Tell me, what do you want for that information?” Director Sands asked Elliot directly.

“Power.” Elliot answered without hesitation.

“No, I can’t give you anything that would directly impact the betting odds.” Director Sands shook his head.

“Well, if you can’t give me power, then tell me how and where I can get power then. Information won’t directly impact betting odds.” Elliot replied with a slight frown.

“Hahaha! Truly worthy of a sneaky younger generation. You’re right, I can give you information on where the best Resource Boxes are located. It’s considered slightly cheating, mind you, but it’s a price we’re willing to pay for the information you possess.” Director Sands immediately agreed and pointed at Elliot’s head.

A wave of data suddenly appeared in his mind. It contained all the fastest cars, strongest weapons, and most useful equipment!

“Locations and data of all known Kings and Emperors.” Elliot said.

Director Sands frowned slightly, and hesitated before pointing at Elliot’s head once more.

“Done. Less the information on sensitive and important Inserts, of course. Anything else?”

“I want my sisters safe and sound. Jennifer is currently kidnapped by Rak’Tharos. Rescue her for me, but leave him alone. I will kill him myself.” Elliot said.

“Hmmm? Jennifer Musk, let’s see. Hohoho. She is also a big money maker. I am afraid I can’t rescue her for you. That would directly impact her betting odds.” Director Sands said after briefly checking Jennifer’s file.

“A big money maker? So people are betting on her! And if that’s the case, then she’s probably safe!” A huge sense of relief flooded his heart. But he kept his emotions away from his facial expression. In fact, he even frowned!

“No Jennifer, no information from me.” Elliot growled.

“How about this, I will lead you to a spot where an Adamantium Sponsor had set up her Hidden Dungeon. If you can win it, she’ll give you an extremely powerful boon. With that, rescuing your sister will be simplicity itself.” Director Sands counter offered Elliot.

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