The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 27 - A Hard Battle

"Swordsman Skill: Body Enhancement!!"

[Warning!! Host body is slightly injured]

[Warning!! Host body is slightly injured]

Desmond looked at his feet while he kept running. \'Shit, come on my legs.\'

After leaving the toy shop, Desmond, feeling bad, quickened his pace with 2x enchantment at once, and as a result, his legs began to feel numb.

At first, the guards that following were shocked to see Desmond speed and left behind, but they soon caught up with him. Even though these guards didn\'t look strong, they were stronger than ordinary people; otherwise, it would be impossible for them to get chosen as the Desmond family\'s guard.

After they had walked for a few minutes, they finally arrived at the harbor. Looking at the surroundings, Desmond became even more annoyed.

[Target is near!!]

[Target is near!!]

Because it was daytime, not many people came to the port, some of them only transport goods, while some opened a shop or traded items.

The thing that annoyed Desmond was that many people watched him when he arrived, making Desmond raise his guard.

System, show me the way.

An arrow appeared in front of him. It pointed at a location towards the nearby church, where he used to check his talent.

Desmond followed the arrow; when he got there, it stopped right in front of the small alley.

Desmond saw a torn shirt on the ground; he took the torn shirt and remembered that these torn clothes are the clothes Alice wore.

"This…" Suddenly, Desmond also remembered the incident about the demon three years ago.

"Guards, guard this hallway. if I don\'t come back in 5 minutes, you can enter."

"Yes, young master!" 2x

Desmond then entered the small alley. After he had gotten some distance from the guards, he activated a spell.

"Custom Spell: Light Distortion."

"Swordman Skill: Body Enchantment."

The fourth time Desmond had used Body Enchantment, his body started to feel pain, but he bit his lips; slowly, his whole body began to disappear.

Desmond is walking down this narrow alley and sees a few more rips of Alice\'s shirt. Suddenly, he heard a scream from the end of the hall.


Desmond\'s voice is completely silenced; he is screaming in his mind.

Desmond recognized the scream and immediately accelerated his pace. Arriving at the end of the alley, he saw two demons standing in front of Alice. Alice\'s clothes looked messed up with a little bruise on her cheeks, and she\'d also fainted.

He also saw one demon lying on the ground with shards of ice piercing its chest.

[Scanning the target..]

[Scan Complete!]


Name Unknown Child, Unknown Child,

Gender: Male, Male

Age: 13, 10

Race: Demon, Demon

Class: none, none

Occupation: Slave, Slave

Demon Energy: 4.74, 3.65

Strength: 10.00, 5.00

Agility: 4.00, 3.00

Stamina : 0.50, 0.50


These demons almost resembled humans, except for the horns and tails protruding from their head to their rump. With 4\'7 feet tall, the demons looked very creepy except for their thin bodies, which looked malnourished. Only when the demon reached a certain power would they have a complete set; before that, they only had one horn with no tail.

Calm and relax.

Gradually, Desmond approached the weakest demon, planning to kill the weakest demon first and then launch a surprise attack on the next demon.

When Desmond was near, he closed the demon\'s mouth and stabbed it in the heart. The younger demon died without a fight or a scream, but unfortunately, the demon fell to the ground with a loud voice.

"Damn you!" Desmond cursed and charged forward with the sword in his right hand, aimed straight at the demon\'s heart.

Although he didn\'t have proper sword training and was only self-taught, Desmond used his small body and his experience of watching the footage over and over again as an advantage against his opponent.

The demon turned around, swinging its tail and wanted to aim at Desmond\'s stomach. Desmond jumped and changed his attack, aiming for the demon\'s head by dividing its skull in half.

* clang * the sound of clashing objects sounded. Desmond was shocked to see that his sword was in contact with the demon\'s horn; his experience was only with human vs. human, not a demon.

Desmond, who held his sword, was forced to fly in mid-air due to the collision sword with a horn. This collision made Desmond\'s defense wide open, and before Desmond could fly away too far, the demon grabbed Desmond\'s hand and slammed his body to the ground.

* crash *

* cough * Blood spurted out simultaneously after Desmond\'s body was slammed to the ground. His vision began to blur, and he saw a shadow or a tail aim straight at his eye.

Desmond closed his eyes, waiting for his death to come.

But after a few seconds, he felt nothing and tried to open his eyes.

Desmond saw the world as if it were going to slow down; the tail that wanted to hit his eyes was still near his forehead.

* gulp * A chance!

Desmond then saw that his right hand was still holding the sword, so with all his might, he tried to stab backward, and he could feel himself stabbing something.

* pop * Blood spurt out on Desmond\'s face, making the world turn blood red. Desmond then shifted his body a little, and the tail missed the target but hit his shoulder.

* scream * Screams were heard in the narrow alleyway.

* rumble * Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from outside the alley. Desmond didn\'t have time to see what was happening because he was busy rubbing his eyes while enduring his shoulder pain.

After his eyesight returned to normal, he sees his guards had arrived and helped him up.

With the help of the guard, he was finally able to stand up, but his legs were still trembling a little.

"Alice," muttered Desmond while glancing at Alice\'s body.

Desmond approached Alice, who was lying unconscious in the garbage pile. Alice\'s condition was not too bad, and he unconsciously tried to pick her up.

Even though he was injured, Desmond still insisted on carrying Alice. After Desmond took care of Alice, he could see the state of the demon he stabbed.

The demon was surrounded by two guards, grasping its leg pierced by Desmond\'s sword.

"Kill that bastard!"

Desmond then gave the order, and the two guards simultaneously stabbed the demon using the spears they had been aiming at the demon.

Desmond saw the demon\'s expression, which had gone from anger as he stared at Desmond to panic and then shock before the demon died.

Desmond looked at the demon\'s body with a cold gaze before turning back in the guard\'s direction.

"Take care of Alice and wait outside the alley. I have something to do."

"Yes, young master!" 2x

Desmond handed Alice to the guard and waited a few moments after the guard left. He then headed to the demon\'s corpse, wanting to confirm something.

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