The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 95 - Dragon Blood(3)

"This can still be resolved." Desmond chanted an incantation, he took a step back, and the mud in front of him slowly returned to the common ground.

"A brand new, but that\'s okay." Because it\'s new, so there is no grass on top of it, making the underground visible a bit. Desmond then glanced around again after making sure everything was safe; only then did Desmond return to the dungeon. 

After arriving in front of the ritual room, he saw a lump of ice closing the room\'s door. "Maybe it has the same concept?" remembering that the earth wave that brought Desmond back to the usual ground after hitting this ice, Desmond tried to do the same.

He touched the ice and chanted a spell while imagining the process of melting the chunks of ice concept he remembered from his old world.

* babble * * babble *

And sure enough, the ice that had blocked the path of the ritual chamber slowly melted away and returned to a pool of water. " Yep. "

Desmond entered the room and saw that everything was still in its original state. The room\'s pentagram still looks very dirty; even the carcass of a mouse in the corner of the room is still visible.

"Nothing strange; it means safe."

Desmond turned around, and just as he was about to use a spell to carry the materials, Desmond froze. He recalled the previous incident, where the land went out of control. "I\'m afraid it will become uncontrollable like before!"

Without aiming his hand at the material, Desmond chanted a spell.

Many small tree roots were gathered at one point; the roots knit themsElf together to form a giant hand. After one hand was formed, the rest of the roots flung themsElf aside.

The root then forms the skeleton of the other hand. Other small tree roots sprang up from the ground, filling up the limbs until they become a solid wood hand.

After the two hands were formed, Desmond tried to control them with his mind by repeatedly clenching and releasing his fists.


This time Desmond formed the hands using the wood element. He can see only rocks and water; even if he wanted, he couldn\'t create 100 wooden hands.

"It doesn\'t matter, as long as it\'s not dirt ..." Desmond added, "And also those blood bags had already spilled out, so it made lots of hands was useless."

Desmond only made 2 wooden hands as big as himself to lift the Elf and Demon.

"Slowly ..." Both hands slowly entered this narrow room.

* thump *

But because the size of the hand was huge, it was blocked by the door. Desmond then controlled those fingers and made them throw the Elf and Demon.

* thump *

After the Elf and Demon entered the pentagram, Desmond stopped the energy flow into the wooden hand. The wooden hand slowly turned into roots and returned to the ground.

At that moment, Desmond recalled the book he had read about the pentagram; he placed the Elf\'s body towards the north, the outer circle of the pentagram. As for the Demon, Desmond opened the pouch.

"Basic Spell: Hypnotize," He chanted while holding the Demon\'s head.

At first, when Desmond opened the pouch, the Demon who was inside looked at Desmond in fear. He scanned the surrounding area for a way to escape, but he suddenly felt that the consciousness was slowly becoming heavy.

Seen from the outside, the Demon\'s eyes gradually became dull, which was initially reddish. After chanting a spell, since Desmond\'s first time using this spell, he tried to wave his hand at the Demon in front of him.

"Hello ..."

* slap *

Seeing that the Demon in front of him didn\'t react even after being slapped, Desmond now was already sure that the spell was working." Good, now it\'s just the Elf. " 

After getting the Demon to the south, the pentagram\'s outer circle, then Desmond turned around and hypnotized the Elf, who was lying, unconscious.

"Basic Spell: hypnotize" he repeated the same thing, but since this Elf was asleep, Desmond wasn\'t sure whether the spell worked or not.

He grabbed the Elf\'s shoulder and shook it back and forth, hoping this would wake her up. This also made the Elf\'s breasts also swayed upwards and over and over again.

Meanwhile, Desmond, who saw this, was utterly unfazed, perhaps because his mind was too excited this time to conduct an experiment, so he shook the Elf so hard until he finally made her wake up.

"AH!" The Elf shouted; she slowly opened her beautiful eyes only to see the world spinning.

At the same time, Desmond immediately chanted a hypnotic spell, making the Elf look like a doll, only staring straight at him.

"Good." Desmond took a step back to look pentagram from a distance. "Now only the blood of the east and west." Luckily, the system also helped his memory remember the formation of the pentagram.

Desmond then headed for the exit of the ritual room and saw a pool of blood on the ground, but in every pool, there was only a little blood left. "Damn, even if I control this blood, it will be difficult to know between blood and snake\'s blood."

Not only were the colors of the blood the same, but there were also traces of blood that had dried up and stuck to the clay walls. Because of that wave, making all the underground walls up to the stone floor covered with clay made the blood\'s absorption increase rapidly. 

"Luckily, I\'m a Wizard." Desmond added, "Elemental Control: Water."

The pool of blood on the floor slowly rose and became one with the other blood. The blood went towards Desmond and stopped; even the dried blood on the clay walls could be drawn. 

Since blood is water, which is slightly viscous, the principle of controlling this element is almost the same. Desmond controlled the blood and divided it into two.

Since the blood of lizards and snakes were mixed together, and Desmond had no way of knowing the difference or separating them, he put the two blood clots in the respective directions, east, and west.

After seeing that all the materials were in position, Desmond nodded in satisfaction. "So what now?"

[System Conclusion: The host is expected to make the Elf and Demon bleed, then the host gives this pentagram a little of the host\'s energy.]

"Okay, wait a minute…" Desmond approached the Demon. First, he made a small knife made of ice then cut the Demon\'s wrist.

* pop * * pop *

Blood dripped out from the Demon, but the expression of the Demon remained the same, expressionless. Desmond then looked at the pentagram underneath.

Nothing changes; maybe after the Elf will change? Desmond thought. He then did the same to the Elf and looked at this pentagram again.

"Strange, what system is the next step?" Desmond only read the book a little and left the rest to the system. He believed that the system could create or improve versions of the book.

Even after he poured his energy, there is still no reaction from the pentagram, which make him slightly frowned.

[System Conclusion: In this pentagram, there are three stages, namely \'Purity,\' \'Engrave\' and the last one is \'Dragonized.\' At this time, the host is still in the purity stage. After collecting all the blood, the host is expected to turn on this formation.]

"Hmm… turn it on? You mean giving light? " At the moment Desmond heard this, his first thought was a flashlight emitting light.

[System Conclusion: In the book, it only says turning on]

"Let\'s try." Desmond chanted a spell, and a small ball formed from particles of moonlight. This time the ball was controlled by Desmond, but at that moment, Desmond fell silent.

"How do I turn it on?" In fact, many ideas crossed his mind, but he was afraid to go wrong and cause the pentagram and its materials to go to waste.

After waiting a few minutes, the system hasn\'t answered Desmond\'s question, which means the answer is the same!

"There is no other way; maybe I can try that." Like the flashlight principle, Desmond irradiated his material blood one by one, from Elf\'s blood to lizards and snakes.

Desmond then controlled the ball to stopped moving and brought the little ball out of the pentagram. He\'s waiting outside the pentagram to see if there\'s any reaction?

But after a few minutes, nothing changed. Even Desmond had checked with his energy countless times.

"Wait, maybe I should channel energy at the same time?!" Desmond wanted to do this right away, but he came up with other ideas. " I know, what if lighting means giving light according to this pentagram pattern? "

This will definitely work, right ?! thought Desmond.

This time he did what he thought was right, after which Desmond controlled the white ball to exit the pentagram and waited for the results.

After a few minutes, what happened next left Desmond speechless ...

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