The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 356 - Opening The Cold Heart(2)

With the bed was hovering in mid-air, a small water cyclone cycling between the ground and the bed also supported the bed to hover.

The natural chilling sensation from the water was melted by the bonfire, causing the cold water to turn warmer, bringing relaxation to her body. This was better than placing her weak body on the ground or hard surface.

The entrance to the cave had been sealed by another rock, preventing those beasts or any dangers from injuring them. The cave was a short-ended cave without any dungeon or further path to the deeper part with only a rock wall and a hard ground could be found.

There were many ashes such as a wing from the bat that could be seen on the ground, feet from the centipede scattered around the rocky wall and many more. It was Desmond who slain those bats and any animals inside the cave before hunting the beasts for the meat.

Desmond then approached and examined Shelty\'s body, he began to activate his healing spell, turning the white light energy that hovered around him to green and merged to her body like a ball sink to the water. Resulting in the blue marks on her stomach slowly disappearing with her pale skin regained its color.

"What exactly happened to you?" As Desmond\'s eyes wandered over her body, he could see her cheeks bones protrude with the rest seems lacked nutrition and vitamin. Other than the blue marks on her stomach, no wound could be found.

On the other hand, while Desmond was healing her body, Shelty\'s consciousness was brought to a strange dream. She dreamed she was in a strange forest where the people around her had long ears and fairy faces. Those people were extremely respectful and polite when talking with her as if she was their idol or their higher-up.

A sudden warm feeling then enveloped her body causing the world to slowly change to where she was familiar with it. A scene where she brought tea for her young master then flashed into a scene where she was chatting happily with her senior maids in Desmond\'s house.

However, those memories suddenly crumbled replaced by a war and a situation where she witnessed the death of her close one. Those senior maids died under the barrage attack of the arrows, some of them died with their mouths foamy in the middle of the poison attack.

Then it comes to the scene where her lady and lord told her to inform her young master. She was running when a group of bandits chased after her.

She was hiding when an ogre suddenly appeared and killed those bandits. She was staying when the villagers that warmly welcomed her suddenly turned into a strange-looking monster.

She kept running even when her feet were bleeding, she kept running even when her body was exhausted as her vision started to become blurry.

Only when the time she received a message from her young master made her pains washed away, replaced by the light of glimmer hope and warm logging feeling.

Her young master was the only hope she could depend and he was the person she relied on.

On the other hand, from the outside, Desmond suddenly saw Shelty was making many expressions from pained to the point where her eyes dropped a tear. When he looked at her clothes and saw her condition, he could tell she must be suffering along the way only to reach him.

"You are safe now," While caressing her hair, the wrinkles on his face lessened as his expression slowly turned into a soft one, the same as when she looked at his sister.

Desmond then helped her wipe out the tears and then caressed her cheeks, causing her lip to show happiness.

As time passed, Shelty\'s condition finally back to her peak.

She opened her dark blue eyes and stared widely at the rocky ceiling. The dark and the curved on the rock on the ceiling made her confused and tilted her head but when she felt a soft sensation on her back, her eyes narrowed and she immediately jumped out.

She was surprised to see it was her young master, who was sleeping with his face leaning against the hard-looking wooden pillow. The fire on the bonfire had dimmed down, turned into a small vision for her to see the surrounding darkness.

"Young master..." She softly muttered and a weak smile formed on her face. Her body has been healed while her clothes have been changed.

Upon seeing only one person in here, it was obvious it her young master did that which made her blush. She could not help but cover her chest with both hands while silently peeking between her fingers at her young master.

He was still sleeping in the same position without moving with his body was leaning against the half-created chair that looked like a deckchair.

This was her first time seeing her young master sleeping. The more she looked at his face the more she became enchanted. She could not help but caress his hair, "Young master, young master,"

Unexpected, tears were flowing down from her eyes, she suddenly cried in loud and hugged his body tightly with her butt sitting on his lap. Her legs locked on his back as she placed her head on his shoulder.

The pains she bore and the sad memories she remembered began to flash on her mind. Like a panda, she cuddled into him for the entire night with her tears wetting his body and she fell asleep until the morning.

In the mid-night that was full of beasts. With Shelty\'s cries that attracted a lot of weaker beasts to the cave, the beasts rammed their body to the sealed entrance, creating a loud and causing a few specks of dust from the ceiling to drop but these commotions seemed did not disturb these people inside the cave with they began snoring, indicating they were sleeping comfortably.

One person was too tired after crying for the entire night while the other has been exhausted himself battling against the group of Flying Lizards while using a continuous spell simultaneously.


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