The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 24 - The Invisible Visitor


W-where does the voice came from?

"Who are you!? Where are you?" she asked loudly.

"I\'m here inside your room since last night. Don\'t worry...I meant no harm to you..." the male voice said.

Laura\'s face turned paperwhite. What the hell is going on?

"A-are you the one w-who put the rose in my dresser?" she asked still trying to locate the origin of the voice.

"Yes, I am... do you like my gift to you?" the voice asked.

Laura ignored his question, she was already shaking with fright. Having someone entering her room in the middle of the night while she was sleeping is a total nightmare. "Where are you? Why I can\'t see you?" she asked him. "Show yourself to me!" she demanded.

"Alright...calm down...walked towards your dresser and look at the mirror...I will show myself to you..." the voice said.

Laura was now hesitating to go to the mirror afraid she\'s going to see something terrifying, the fact that there is an invisible entity that can get in and get out of her room without her permission terrified her a lot.

"What\'s the problem, Laura? Are you afraid you are going to see something sinister in the mirror?" the voice chuckled.

"Go on...satisfy your curiosity..." the voice coaxed her. "I\'m sure you will like what you see..." the voice laughs.

Laura took a deep breath and gathered her strength... since it comes to this...she might as well have a mental picture of the entity that was intruding in her room right now.

She sauntered towards the dresser where the mirror was located. She was already in front of the mirror...she can\'t find anything unusual except her own image. "Where are you? I\'m already facing the mirror!" she said.

"Alright...close your eyes for a few seconds and you will finally see me..." the voice commanded.

Laura obeyed and closed her eyes.

A cloud of dark smoke swirled inside the room and formed into a man wearing a black hooded cloak, his face was concealed by the hood, he stood behind Laura.

A few seconds passed.

"You may open your eyes now..." the voice ordered.

Laura slowly opened her eyes and stared at the mirror... the voice is real! It\'s not her imagination at all! But she can\'t see his face! She was curious about how he looks like. "Let me see your face!" she demanded.

The voice erupted into a chuckle. "Excited to see my face? Eh?"

Laura ignored the sarcasm in his voice. "Show me your face!"

"\'re so demanding! I like that in a woman...fierce and gentle...a perfect combination!" the voice said, chuckling.

The guy in the mirror took the hood away from his face. "Now you see me... What do you think?"

Laura stared at the image of the guy in the mirror...Luke!?...she was confused as hell! She was not mistaken! The guy in the mirror is no other than Luke! But his voice is totally different from the one she heard in his mansion.

"What the hell is going on!? You look like Luke but you have a different voice!" she gushes in confusion.

"Really? Ahhh....damn! My mistake, I forgot to change my voice to that of your lover Luke...Let me change my voice..." the mysterious guy said, he coughed several times. "But how about now? My voice sounds like Luke now? What do you think...?" he laughed softly.

Laura\'s eyes widened. Now, there\'s no mistake that he was staring exactly at Luke\'s doppelganger... his face, and his voice was purely Luke! She was completely blown away by what\'s taking place inside her room.

Although she was staring at Luke right now and the longing of her heart was stirring restlessly inside her rib cage, she isn\'t a fool to jump into his arms in a heartbeat. She isn\'t that stupid enough to believe that Luke was with her right now inside her bedroom.

This entity is powerful and clearly playing with her vision and her emotions right now. She won\'t be buying any of his tricks. "You are simply copying Luke\'s face! I want to see your true face!" she demanded.

The mysterious guy erupted into laughter, amusement was flashing in his eyes. "My beloved Laura...I can be anything you wish me to be. I can be your lover Luke for eternity. I can love you forever. I will only show my real face to my bride. Would you like to be my bride? If you say yes...I won\'t hesitate to show you my real face. Just say yes first...then after you see my face...I will take you to my place and you will become my bride and we will live happily ever after. No vampires will harass you and your family ever again..."

Laura\'s eyes widened in shock.

"We can live in my place and I will wear Luke\'s face and voice every day to please you so that you will be happy. We can visit your family anytime you like. I will grant you anything you wish in life. I will make you happy as long as you are willing to become my bride. As you can see... I\'m a complete package. I can be Luke, I can be your lover, I can be your protector. I can be your everything..." the guy said convincingly, he was clearly flaunting his power to her.

Laura knows that he was trying to impress her. "But why me? Why can\'t you find another woman to become your bride?" she asked in confusion.

" dear are destined to be my bride. You are the only one who can make me happy. I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time," the guy said.

Laura was confused as hell right now.

"W-what\'s the matter?" The mysterious guy saw the confusion in her eyes. "You can\'t decide yet...? Just focus on your current situation...the vampires will arrive anytime soon. Then they will take you away. Would you rather marry a bloodsucker who will feast on your blood every day or become my bride and see my handsome face every day? It\'s really not hard to decide what\'s best for you and what can make you happy in the long run. You only have two choices left right now...think quickly before the vampires arrived! Hurry up!" he was pressing her for her decision.

Laura was listening to the guy\'s statement attentively. The mysterious guy was making sense! Between the vampires and this guy, he was a better alternative. But the vampires still got her sister as a prisoner and they will get angry if they discover that she was nowhere to be found inside their mansion.

"Hurry up Laura! I can\'t stay longer anymore... my time is up! I\'ll give you five minutes to decide. Make it fast!" he said urgently.

Seconds went by...

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Laura was still undecided.

Four minutes.

Five minutes...

"Five minutes is up! Why you can\'t decide yet?" the mysterious guy asked sadly. His entire face was submerged in grief.

Laura opened her mouth about to say something...but too late... the guy suddenly vanished from the mirror.

She saw dark clouds of smoke getting out from the mirror and suddenly the mirror began to crack. Laura stepped back quickly away from the dresser.

The shocking phenomenon happened quickly. A tiny ray of light passed through the window, hitting the mirror, blasting it into pieces. Laura watched the broken fragments fell onto the floor.

Laura gasped in shock.

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