The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 57 - Sunday


Of course, she will do that!

Tonight, she will get her answer from Graven!

She must know the mystery of Graven and Luke! So that her troubled mind can finally rest in peace.

She descended on the stairway and walked slowly towards the dining room, taking her time, trying to calm the erratic beating of her heart.

When she entered the dining room, the men were already eating and actively chatting. Her heart palpitates after seeing Graven\'s devilishly handsome face, her heart screamed that he is Luke! She lowered her head down, not wanting everyone to catch her staring at Graven with a deep longing in her eyes. She settled herself on the chair beside her future husband.

Cooper glanced at her, trying to catch his wife looking at his brother for attention.

But Laura didn\'t give him the satisfaction. She purposely avoided looking at Graven.

Sir Nicholas acknowledges his future daughter-in-law\'s presence at the table. "Daughter, are you feeling better now?" he asked.

Laura smiled brightly and glanced briefly at Graven. Their gaze locked for a few seconds.

"Yes, I\'m feeling better now, Father. Thank you for the medicine," she conveyed her thanks.

"Don\'t mention it. Eat well, daughter," Sir Nicholas said.

"Yes, I will," she responded with a smile.

Laura looked at her father Simon, they nodded at each other. She began putting food on her plate and starts eating while her ears were listening to the men\'s conversation. She dared not look at Graven even once during the entire duration of their dinner. A big contrast compared to the previous dinner episode when her actions were screaming to get Graven\'s attention.

She\'s well aware that Cooper was observing her actions, trying to find mistakes with her behavior. She won\'t give him the satisfaction tonight.

At some point in time this evening, she will find a way to talk to Graven in private.

One hour later, they finished eating dinner.

They transferred to the veranda and continue their discussion there. As usual, Cooper and Laura were left to entertain each other.

"I noticed that you are no longer trying to catch my brother\'s attention, wife. Why is that?" Cooper asked out of the blue.

Laura sighed. "I\'m doing it so that you won\'t get paranoid. You want my attention all for yourself, right?" she replied icily.

Cooper chuckled. "Good girl! You should be looking at me only, and your attention must only focus on me and not on another guy if you don\'t want your husband to get mad and jealous with your wondering eyes," he said, pleased with her answer.

Laura rolled her eyes.

"Now that my brother is here, are you going to go to his house tonight at midnight?" he asked casually.

Laura didn\'t answer his question, instead, she ignored his sarcasm. She rose to her feet. "I\'m going to my room, I need to use the bathroom. I\'ll return here after I\'m done," she said.

She left without waiting for his reply.

She entered the house and about to climb the stairs when she felt that someone was following her, she turned around abruptly, she almost bumped into Cooper. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Following you. I will escort you to your room," Cooper said.

A frown appeared on Laura\'s face. Huh? Since when he become like this? Barricading around her. Ah, he just wants to be sure that she won\'t be able to have a chance to talk with his brother. So, he will follow her everywhere she goes.

Sighing, Laura proceeds to climb the stairs and gave Cooper a cold shoulder.

They reached the top of the stairs and together they walked into the hallway without talking to each other.

When Laura reached the door of her room, she went inside without bothering to invite Cooper to her room. She immediately locked the door inside.

She paced back and forth on the floor of her room trying to think of a plan on how to talk to Graven. She can no longer sneak in the middle of the night to go to Graven\'s house because Cooper already caught her once, she can\'t repeat the same mistake.

Oh, what to do?

She pressed her hand on her temple urging her mind to think of a better idea.

Then all of a sudden...

An idea appeared in her mind. Yesss!

She went to the drawer of the dresser table and grabbed the pen and a piece of paper. She wrote a message to Graven.

A few minutes later, she\'s done!

She put back the pen in the drawer and folded the small paper and put it in the small pocket of her dress.

She smiled at last!

Now all she needs to do is drop the paper in Graven\'s lap. She will find the right time to do that tonight before they retire to their respective rooms.

She walked to the door and exited.

Cooper was still waiting for her outside the door.

They strolled in the hallway going back to the stairway. They walked side by side in silence, each mind was preoccupied.

The couple returned to the veranda. The three men were still busy talking to each other about business.

The moment Laura and Cooper were back on their chair, Sir Nicholas addressed them. "We are invited to attend a masquerade ball organized by the Mayor of the town. All the businessmen and important people in this town including their wives and girlfriends were invited," he said.

"When this event will happen, Father?" asked Laura.

"Next week on Sunday night at the Mayor\'s Pavilion," Sir Nicholas answered.

Laura and Graven\'s eyes locked briefly.

"I\'ll be happy to attend it with Cooper, Father," Laura said with a smile.

Cooper looked at his father with a sour face. "I don\'t like attending such kinds of events!" he grumbled.

Sir Nicholas smiled. "Don\'t be such a killjoy, we\'re all going to attend it as a family!" he concluded.

"Whatever!" Cooper replied. "I\'ll go to my room and get my cigar," he said and stood up. He left the gathering without looking at anyone.

Laura wore a triumphant smile on her face. Finally! The right opportunity had arrived.

\'Dear God, please let Graven stand up and leave for a few minutes, please...please...please!\' Laura prayed in her mind over and over again.

A few minutes later. Her prayer was granted.

Graven rose to his feet, heading towards the entrance of the house.

Laura stood up and walked briskly to his side. "Brother in law, please wait for a few second, I think you drop this!" she said. She quickly dropped the piece of paper in his palm and walked away, going to the stairs. She ascended the stairs without looking back.

Graven brows knitted together. He read the message. \'I want to ask you something important. Please meet me at the church near this mansion this coming Sunday between 1 to 2 in the afternoon. Please, be there! Thank you!\'

He caught a glimpse of Laura\'s back about to disappear from the hallway.

He folded the letter and put it in the pocket of his pants and proceed to the nearest toilet located near the dining room.

Cooper saw everything from the corner. He was gritting his teeth in anger.

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