The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 131 - Worry Not!


The lights coming from the farm originated from the lanterns scattered all over the trees.

As the carriage was drawing nearer to the entrance of the farm, Laura\'s heart was beating faster in her rib cage.

She glanced at her companion. "I\'m very scared!" she said, her hands were shaking badly due to nervousness.

Graven rubbed her back and arms trying to console her. "Shh...calm down. Keep the faith! Everything will be alright," he said trying to cheer her up.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the farm.

The couple exited the carriage to talk to the guard.

Laura didn\'t recognize the guard, he looks new to her. "Guard, may I know if the Helman family is on the farm right now?" she asked politely.

The guard nodded his head. "Yes, Miss! The family is currently eating dinner right now," he replied. "Who are you by the way? Do you know the Helman family?" he asked.

Laura\'s eyes shone with happiness after learning that her family is safe on the farm.

"Her name is Laura the first daughter of the Helman family. I\'m sure you heard of her name?" Graven replied on behalf of Laura.

The guard\'s eyes widened in recognition of the name. "Ah...okay...can you please wait a minute? I\'ll inform the family about your return. But I can\'t allow you inside yet just for safety reasons. I hope you understand, I\'m just doing my job," he apologized.

"No problem! Go ahead..." Laura replied delightfully.

The guard walked towards the house and informed the servant that Miss Laura arrived at the farm and waiting at the gate for permission to enter the property.

A few minutes later.

The servant arrived in the dining area and informed the Helman Family about Laura\'s arrival.

"Sir, Madam. Miss Laura is outside the gate, waiting for permission to enter the gate," the servant said.

Simon, Rosa, and Sofia looked at each other in surprise.

They all rose to their feet, left the dining room, and rushed outside, heading to the iron gate.

"Mother! Father! Sister! I\'m back!" Laura shouted happily the moment she saw her family rushing outside to see her.

Rosa screamed in happiness after seeing her daughter. "Laura, my daughter! You\'re back!" she said.

"Sister!" Sofia shouted in glee.

The guard finally opened the gate, Laura and her mother rushed into each other\'s arms, embracing each other tightly.

Sofia joined her mother and sister in a joyous embrace that lasted for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Simon was staring at Graven - wondering why he is the one who accompanied his daughter home when it should be Cooper? His instinct told him something is wrong with the picture that he\'s seeing right now. He went to the guest\'s side.

"Good evening, Sir Simon!" Graven conveyed his greetings to Laura\'s father.

"Welcome to our home! Let\'s gets inside Graven..." he said.

The men walked towards the house and the women followed.

Simon instructed the maid to add other utensils to the dining table for Laura and Graven and also instructed another servant to take care of the other guest and the horses.

They settled in the veranda for a few moments while the table was prepared, a few minutes later, the maid informed them that the table is ready. They went to the dining room and resumed eating dinner.

Other than occasional talk - they ate dinner quietly and saved their questions to each other later after the meal.

After finishing dinner, they retired to the living room and Laura starts distributing her presents to her family.

Graven observed the Helman family quietly while sitting on the couch. It was such a happy occasion for the entire family - reunited again after being separated for a few months, and he was an outsider.

He observed Laura\'s happy demeanor while giving the gifts to each member of her family. He smiled with fondness while watching her joyful countenance. He wants his lady love to have this kind of happy air around her. Because the future looks bleak for the two of them. After witnessing those scenes inside the cave, he finally understood why his brother will never let go of Laura in this lifetime.

All he has with Laura so far is just borrowed time that he will treasure forever for the rest of his life.

His heart was filled with grief, but he won\'t let his agony registered on his face, he will keep the sorrow inside his heart and pretend to his lady love that everything is okay with them.

Laura looked at the animated faces of her family while they were admiring their presents. "I hope everyone likes my presents!" she beamed.

"Thank you, daughter, I never received such a nice present for a long time," Simon said.

"I love the plants, daughter! I can\'t wait to see it grow taller and produce more beautiful flowers every day!" Rosa gushes.

"Wow, my presents are super nice, sister! I love it!" Sofia raved.

Laura smiled brightly, loving the elated and satisfied look on their faces. She walked to Graven\'s side. "Okay everyone, I want to introduce to you, Cooper\'s brother, Graven..." she said with fondness glowing in her eyes.

She looked at him and pointed her fingers at her family. "Graven...that is my Mother Rosa, my Father Simon and my sister Sofia!" she introduced them one by one.

Graven smiled at Laura\'s family. "Nice meeting you all!" he said, his eyes shone.

Simon looked at Graven. "Nice to see you again, son!" he said.

"Thank you for visiting our farmhouse and for accompanying my daughter on the long journey," Rosa said warmly.

"Thank you, Uncle Graven, for taking good care of my sister on the journey, and welcome to the Helman Farm House!" Sofia said jovially.

"I\'m glad to be here! Thank you all for the warm welcome," Graven replied cheerfully.

Simon rose to his feet and went to Graven\'s side. "Son, I would like to bring you to your room. I think you\'re tired from the journey. Follow me!" he said.

"Okay, Sir," Graven replied and followed the old man upstairs to the second floor. He looked at Laura below and winked.

The two men walked into the hallway.

Simon addressed Graven. "Son, may I know where is Cooper? Why you are the one accompanying my daughter instead of him? Did something bad happened to your brother?" he asked curiously.

Graven sighed. "Sir, with all due respect, I think you have to ask your daughter about Cooper. She will tell you everything. It\'s a long story..." he replied.

"Ah, I see... I will just ask my daughter then," Simon said.

They walked to the last room located at the end of the hallway.

Simon opened the room. "This is your room while you stay here on my farm. If you need anything just ask me or the servants for assistance," he said.

"Thank you, Sir!" Graven said politely and entered the room.

"Make yourself at home!" Simon added.

"Yes, I will!" Graven replied.

Simon left the room and went back downstairs to talk to his daughter. He has many questions to ask her. It\'s not three months yet! Not yet the time for her wedding, but she\'s already back home! And she brought all her things with her, why is that? As if she has no more plan to go back to South Pond! What the hell is going on?

When he reached the living room, he found the women talking animatedly to each other.

Simon went to his daughter\'s side, feeling agitated. "Laura, what the hell is going on? Why it\'s Graven who accompanied you here? Where is Cooper and why did you bring all your things with you? Are you not going back to South Pond again?" he bombarded his daughter with questions.

Laura took a deep breath. "Father, please sit down. I\'ll tell you everything," she said.

Simon lowered himself on the couch beside his wife. "Start now...!" he said in a commanding tone.

Laura cleared the lump in her threat. "The truth is... I can no longer marry Cooper because he already had two children with a woman. It all happened when I\'m still not in his life. Cooper hide it from his father and me. But when the blood-sucking bats attacked the South Pond Town, the woman and the two children came to the house to take refuge in the basement of the mansion. That\'s the first time I discovered their existence. When Sir Nicholas ask me if I\'m still willing to marry Cooper, I told him no. I\'m no longer interested..." she explained.

Simon can\'t understand his daughter\'s decision. "If Cooper is willing to marry you? Why can\'t it be done? He can always give monthly financial support to the children, he doesn\'t need to marry the woman!" he stressed out.

"Yeah, Cooper is willing to marry me but the moment I saw the children\'s faces I know that I can\'t take their father away from them. Those poor little children need a father\'s love and I don\'t dare take that privilege away from them. I have to give way so that Cooper can marry that woman and provide love and a bright future for the children. Besides, I don\'t love Cooper at all. It\'s easy on my part to let him go. That\'s all," Laura concluded her narration.

Rosa approved her daughter\'s decision. "You made the wise decision, daughter!" she said proudly.

Sofia gave her older sister a thumb up. "Smart decision, sister! I approve it!"

Simon released a deep sigh, he gave his daughter a disappointed look. He\'s the only one who is not happy with her decision.

Laura looked at her father worriedly. "Father, why you are not happy with my decision?" she asked.

Simon sighed and shook his head vigorously. "Laura, you acted stupidly!" he scolded her.

Laura grinned brightly. "Worry not, Father! I have a piece of good news for you!" she exclaimed.

Simon looked at his daughter curiously. "What the good news is all about?" he asked indignantly, wondering what\'s his daughter\'s trick this time?

"Graven and I planned to get married!" she dropped the bomb.

Everyone\'s eyes widened saucer-like in shock.

"Whaaaat-?" Laura\'s family asked in unison.

Graven who is eavesdropping attentively to the family\'s conversation in his invisible form was stunned by Laura\'s revelation. They didn\'t touch or discussed the subject of marriage intensively although deep inside his heart he wanted to marry Laura, he didn\'t propose to her yet! Because their situation is complicated right now.

He stroked his jaw, pondering about the whole married thing, he\'s heavily conflicted inside.

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