The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 276 - Follow Me!


Half an hour later.

Terros already come back from the stream and is feeling refresh. He saw Graven already awake, sitting on the wooden chair. "Son, are you ready to go now?" he asked.

Graven nodded his head. "Yes, Grandpa!"

"Okay, give me a few minutes. I\'ll go to my room and get ready," Terros replied.

Graven breathed deeply. He was wondering what the King had done to the spirit of his brother at this very moment? He can\'t help but feel sorry for his brother. If worse comes to worst, he will instruct Horace to compensate the family of his men with monetary support. He already felt sad thinking about the things he would do. He values the lives of his men, but if there is no other way, then he\'s willing to die with his brother, his men, and with the cursed King in the basement of that castle!

A moment later.

Terros exited the house and went to his side. He looked at him in the eyes. "What are you exactly planning in your mind, son? Can you share it with me? Is there anything that I can help you with? I\'m willing to help you!" he offered.

Graven released a deep sigh. "Grandpa, I\'m planning to see the King. And once I\'m inside the basement. You can go ahead and burn the whole place down," he said. "Can you make a spell array or formation that can pulverize the whole place? Including the ground supporting the whole place? I want to bring eternal death to the cursed King so that he can no longer torture other people! If sacrifice is needed to bring an end to the King\'s madness, then I will gladly do it!" he said bravely.

"But...wait...what\'s going to happen to Laura and the baby?" Terros asked, no longer surprised that Graven resorted to this kind of plan. He was expecting it already.

"Grandpa, I will entrust my wife and my unborn child\'s safety in your hands. Please take care of them on my behalf when I\'m gone," Graven requested.

"Okay, I\'ll take care of them for your sake. Rest assured that I\'ll protect your family with my life!" Terros replied.

"How many days can you make the spell array formation that is capable of pulverizing the whole castle? I don\'t want to give the King a slim chance of escape. I want him within my sight when you pulverize the whole place to make sure that he can never escape death!" Graven said.

"Give me five days to complete the deadly spell array formation," Terros answered. "After six days, it\'s ready to be used," he assured him.

"That\'s good! After we returned from Windless Mountain, you can start making the formation. After the six days is over, we will burn that whole place down!" Graven spoke in a determined voice.

"Okay," Terros replied. "Ah, wait a minute, son. I forgot to bring my sweatshirt with me. That mountain is a bit cold for my old skin. I better wear something that can protect me from the cold," he said and went back to the bamboo house.

Inside his room.

Terros opened the closet and grabbed his black sweatshirt, and donned it on his body.

Done, he glanced at the bubble for a few seconds and noticed something different with Luke\'s body today! He went closer and stared at the body for a few minutes.

Then he noticed something on Luke\'s skin! Oh my, goodness! His skin was coated with dark splotches!

This is not good!

He exited the room and brought the bubble with him to the balcony to show it to Graven.

"Son, come here for a minute!" Terros called him.

Graven walked briskly towards the house and mounted the stairs, going to the balcony in a big stride after seeing the bubble.

"Son, look at Luke\'s skin closely! What did you see?" Terros ordered.

Graven obeyed. He looked at the body inside the bubble and saw dark splotches scattered all over his brother\'s skin. He looked at Grandpa in horror. "Oh, no! His body is dying?" he said, panicking.

"Indeed, if we won\'t do something to prevent it! Then Luke\'s body will start rotting!" Terros declared in panicking voice.

"Can you do something to remedy this problem, Grandpa?" Graven asked in a horrified voice.

Terros shook his head. "I\'m so sorry, son. I felt useless right now. It\'s my first time encountering such a case that the spirit left the body for a few days, then the body is starting to rot! I have no idea how to cure it," he said miserably.

The men were panicking.

"What to do?" Graven began pacing back and forth on the floor. His mind is racing, trying to find an instant solution to the current problem. Finally! An idea appeared in his head. "Grandpa, let\'s bring the bubble to the Windless Mountain! Maybe the thousand-year-old-deity can help us in treating Luke\'s body!" he exclaimed.

"Good idea!" Terros blurted. "Let\'s go now before it\'s too late! Let\'s teleport to arrive there in minutes!" he said.

"Okay!" Graven replied and grabbed the bubble with his hand.

A few seconds later, the men vanished from the balcony of the bamboo house.

They reappeared a few minutes later, floating above the Windless Mountain. They lowered themselves on the marble terrace.

Veronica exited the house and was surprised to see the visitors and the bubble. "Hello, guys! I didn\'t expect that you will come today!" she said and looked at the bubble. "How\'s Luke\'s body today?" she inquired.

"Veronica, is the deity here?" Terros asked.

"Yes, Grandpa. She\'s sleeping in her room," Veronica replied, then her brows furrowed after noticing the dark splotches that were visible on Luke\'s skin. "What is happening on his skin?" she asked.

"Luke\'s skin is starting to rot!" Graven replied sadly.

"Oh, no! His spirit hasn\'t returned yet?" Veronica asked.

"Not yet! We\'re hoping that the deity could help us to remedy Luke\'s condition," Terros replied.

"Okay, give me a few seconds. I\'ll inform Elva that you guys are here to seek her help," Veronica said and rushed back towards the house.

The men lowered themselves on the marble chairs and roamed their eyes around the picturesque scenery at the top of the mountain.

Inside the house.

Veronica knocked gently at the door of the deity\'s room. "Elva, are you awake now?" she said a little bit louder.

"Yes, what is it?" the voice asked, coming from the inside.

"Graven and Grandpa Terros are here to seek your help!" Veronica replied.

"I got it! I\'ll see them in a few minutes. In the meantime, you can serve the visitors your delicious fruit salad!" Elva replied.

"Okay, I\'ll take my leave now," Veronica said and left the door going to the kitchen to prepare the refreshment.

A few minutes later.

Veronica went back to the terrace carrying the tray in her hands. She put the tray on the table and served the salad to the guest. "Enjoy some salad first. Elva will see you in a while," she spoke.

"Thank you!" Graven said.

The men ate their salads silently.

They just finished eating when Elva appeared on the terrace, wearing a white flowing robe, looking beautiful and ethereal as always.

"Hello, Gentlemen, what can I do for you?" Elva joined the guest on the terrace.

"Good day, goddess!" the men greeted the deity in unison.

"Sorry for disturbing your sleep, goddess! But we are here to ask your help," Terros explained.

"Sure, what can I do for you?" Elva asked cheerfully. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the bubble on the floor. "What is that?" she pointed at the object. She walked towards the location of the bubble and stared at the motionless body inside, sitting like a statue. "Who is he? He looks like Graven!" she commented.

Graven went to the deity\'s side and spoke, "What you see inside the bubble is my twin brother\'s body. His spirit left and went to the castle. Until now he was unable to return. I have a feeling that he was now a prisoner of the cursed King," he explained.

"Oh, so sad. I notice that his body is starting to rot. Within three days, his body can no longer be saved," Elva commented casually.

Graven cleared his throat and swallowed his pride. "Deity, I would like to ask your help. Maybe you have a medicine that can preserve my brother\'s body longer?" he asked.

Elva looked at Graven\'s problematic face and smiled sweetly. "No problem, I can help you with this matter! I think I have a remedy in my room. Let me get it for you," she said and moved towards the house.

The trio waited on the terrace for the deity\'s return as feelings of apprehension flashes on their faces.

A minute later.

Elva returned to the terrace holding a small bottle in her hand, she handed it to Graven. "This bottle is the cure. It contains powdered leaves made from a thousand-year-old plant. Just spread the powder all over Luke\'s body, and the healing process will begin. It will take 12 hours for the medicine to repair all the weakening cells on his body, and after that, the dark splotches on his skin will finally heal and disappear," she elaborated further.

"Thank you so much for the cure, goddess!" Graven said happily.

"Allow me to administer the medicine on Luke\'s body!" Terros said excitedly.

Graven handed the bottle to Grandpa.

Terros waved his hand at the bubble, making it disappear. He opened the lid of the bottle and sprinkled the color green powder all over Luke\'s body. He looked at the goddess. "Do I have to remove his clothes?" he asked.

Elva shook her head. "No need. Just empty the bottle all over him. His body will absorb all the powder later," she answered.

"Got it!" Terros replied and continue with the task.

Elva and Graven went back to the chair and looked at each other.

Graven gathered his strength and cleared his throat. "Um... Goddess, I would like to ask for another help from you..." he said and paused for a few seconds.

Elva looked at him. "Is it about the problem you have with your men and your brother\'s spirit imprisoned underneath the castle?" she finished his sentence for him.

"Yeah, that\'s right! How did you know?" he asked.

"Veronica told me everything. Anyways, come with me if you need my help," Elva said and rose to her feet, walking towards the entrance of the house.

Graven followed Elva inside the house.

Terros and Veronica watched the couple disappeared inside the house.

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