The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 392 - No Issue!

"But why? Tell me why!?" Corbin asked desperately.

"You already know why! Because of your parents!" Rebecca answered as fresh tears sprang from her eyes.

Corbin took a deep breath. "Of course, I know that! We don\'t have to live with my parents, we can live here in this manor away from them. You don\'t have to see them everyday," he said trying to convince her to stay with him.

​ Rebecca fell silent for a moment.

"Wife, please don\'t leave me again," Corbin begged in a desperate voice. "We can live together as husband and wife. Can you just forget what my parents have done to you? It\'s all in the past. It\'s all a misunderstanding. Please? Let\'s start all over again as one happy family. You, me and our twins! Please, listen to me. I can\'t let you go this time. I will follow you wherever you go!" he said in a determined voice.

Rebecca returns here for Graven\'s sake, not for this. She was torn between leaving and staying with her husband. But she had a duty to help Graven no matter what. Damn! She can\'t stay any longer and listen to her husband\'s chattering.

"Husband, listen to me! Another reason why we can\'t be together is because my friends are your enemy and your parents are our enemy. How are we gonna live in peace surrounded by that painful truth?" Rebecca asked miserably.

Corbin sighed heavily. "Let\'s leave them alone with their problems. I won\'t hurt your friends, that is one thing I can assure you. Let\'s just live for us and our twins, let\'s forget other people. Is that hard for you to do?" he asked.

Rebecca went silent again. Can she do that? She can... just that...

Corbin saw the hesitation in his wife\'s eyes. "Why are you still hesitating? What are your fears? Tell me! Let\'s work it out..." he said convincingly.

"What if you parents will know about me? that I\'m Laura\'s friend? What if they will kill me? What are you going to do?" she asked him directly.

"My parents will never kill you especially that you are carrying their grandchildren! Even if they will do it, they have to kill me first!" Corbin declared in a serious voice.

Rebecca saw the sincerity in her husband\'s eyes. "Fine! I\'ll return to you and stay with you but on one condition..."

"Tell me what are your demands. I\'ll do anything you want me to do as long you will return to my side. I\'m willing to meet you in the middle..." Corbin said eagerly.

"First, you will no longer go after my friends. Second, I will not live in your parents house. Third, you have to let go of me today because I have some important things to do for my friends. When I say important, I mean it! Don\'t worry, I\'ll return here to your side as I promise," Rebecca said.

"Are you sure? What if you are just trying to deceive me and escape again? How can you convince me that you will return to my side after you are done with your friends business? Can you give me any guarantee?" Corbin asked.

"But you haven\'t agree to all my condition yet!" Rebecca demanded.

"I agree to all!" Corbin said.

Rebecca smiled. "Well, as long you agree to all my condition then we have no problem then..."

"Yep, that\'s right!" Corbin said happily.

"Then can I go now, husband?" Rebecca asked for his permission.

"Not yet. Since I can\'t accompany you to your friends house then I\'ll have someone go with you so that I can be fully assured that you will return to me," Corbin said.

Rebecca raised a brow. "W-who?"

"Ebony, she will chaperon you to make sure that you will return to my side. And if you will not agree to our deal, Ebony and her sister will no longer see Grandma Sitas!" Corbin threatened her.

Rebecca noticed that Corbin is serious with his threat. Her eyes winded in alarm. "Huh? W-what are you going to do to Grandma?"

"Nothing, I will just bring Grandma and Anastasia to a secret location. Don\'t worry, I will never hurt them, just to make sure that you will return to me. Got it, wife?" Corbin said, grinning broadly.

Rebecca sighed deeply. "Fine! Just make sure that you won\'t harm Grandma Sitas and Anastasia. Got it?"

"Copy! Now hurry up and go... so that you can return to me and never leave my side ever again!" Corbin said jovially.

"Ah, wait... let\'s kiss first \'coz I miss you so much!" Corbin smiled and claimed his wife\'s lips for a searing kiss.


Back downstairs, in the living room.

Ebony was pacing back and forth on the floor while Anastasia was sitting on the couch beside Grandma Sitas. Ebony kept glancing at the staircase, wondering what happened to the couple.

A few minutes later.

Rebecca and Corbin descended the stairs holding each other hands.

Ebony and Anastasia smiled, watching the couple in their tender moments.

The couple went to Ebony\'s side.

"Ebony, my wife is leaving. I want you to go with her, follow here anywhere even if she will go to the toilet. Make sure that she will return here tomorrow. Did you understand me? Can you do it?" Corbin said.

Ebony sighed. "Yes, my lord!" Then she looked at Anastasia and said, "Take care of Grandma Sitas for me..."

"I will!" Anastasia replied with a nod of her head.

Rebecca grabbed Ebony\'s hands and they vanished from the living room in the blink of an eye.

A few seconds later.

They landed at Menedelia\'s fortress.

Menedelia was waiting for Rebecca under the shade of the tree. She was surprised to see her sister Ebony and asked, "Why are you here, sister?"

Ebony took a deep breath. "My master instructed me to follow Rebecca wherever she goes and make sure that she will return with me to the manor tomorrow," she answered.

"And who will take care of Grandma Sitas?" Menedelia asked.

"I told Anastasia to take care of Grandma," Ebony replied.

Menedelia\'s eyes grew darker and looked at Rebecca. "Did your husband wants to keep my Grandma hostage? I\'ll go there and get Grandma out there!" she said angrily.

Rebecca and Ebony sighed.

"Grandma, please don\'t say that. My husband won\'t do such a thing!" Rebecca said.

"Yes, Rebecca is right. My lord won\'t do such a thing to Grandma," Ebony seconded.

"Fine!" Menedelia rolled her eyes. "I see, both of you depended that guy fiercely. Corbin should better not hurt Grandma or else... "

Ebony looked at her sister. "What are you going to do?"

"I\'ll burn that manor to the ground if I find out that Corbin hurt even a single inch of Grandma\'s skin!" Menedelia said, her eyes blazing menacingly.

"No! You can\'t burn that place down, that\'s my home!" Ebony said indignantly.

Menedelia and Ebony have a staring match.

Rebecca sighed, this is getting out of hand. She needs to intervene or else the sisters will end in a fight soon. "Girls, calm down. No one is going to be hurt and no one will burn down the manor. Let\'s talk things over. Okay-?" she said calmly.

Menedelia and Ebony pouted up a storm.

Rebecca went to Ebony\'s side. "Can I talk to your sister for a few seconds, please?" she requested.

"Sure! I\'m going inside the house and make myself a cup of coffee," Ebony said and entered the house.

Rebecca sat beside Menedelia on the wooden bench and rubbed her back soothingly. "Grandma, please stop being angry. There\'s no issue here. I already made up my mind to return to my husband\'s side after you see Graven. I just want to help my friends with their problem first before I settle in my husband\'s side for good," she explained.

Menedelia looked at her with disbelief in her eyes. "Are you sure with your decision?" she asked.

"Yeah... But I won\'t live in the same place with Corbin\'s parents. I will live in the manor together with Ebony, Grandma Sitas and Anastasia. You are welcome to visit us there anytime. If you want - you can also live with us there so that we can be a big happy family," Rebecca offered.

Menedelia\'s expression softened, the anger was gone from her face. "Alright, since you already made a final decision for yourself then I wish you and your husband well..."

"Now, let\'s continue discussing about Graven\'s perplexing condition," Rebecca said.

"What makes you think that I can cure Graven\'s condition?" Menedelia asked.

"I\'m really not sure, but I just want you to see him, please? Give it a try for me? Don\'t worry, Graven is a wealthy guy, he can pay you a lot of money if you can bring him back to life," Rebecca said, trying to convince her with money.

Menedelia glared at Rebecca. "You make it sound like I love money!" she snorted.

Rebecca laughed. "Who doesn\'t love money?"

Menedelia snickered. "Alright, I\'m willing to see Graven. I will do it because you want me to - not because of money. But I can\'t guarantee you anything," she said.

"Thank you, Grandma!" Rebecca said and gave her a quick hug.

"Alright, let\'s go and visit Graven! I want this to get over with so that I can finally start with my Palm Reading Business in the next town," Menedelia said. \'And continue finding my friend Evelyn,\' she added in her mind.

"Okay, let\'s teleport now to Laura\'s place. I\'m sure Grandpa Terros is waiting there for us," Rebecca said.

"I\'ll talk to my sister first," Menedelia said and entered the house. She went to the kitchen to make an apology. "I\'m sorry about earlier, sis. I didn\'t meant to burn down the place the you fondly calls home. I\'m just worried that Grandma Sitas will suffer because of this. It\'s just a misunderstanding between us. I hope you won\'t take it to heart," she said.

Ebony sighed and hugged her sister. "It\'s okay, I\'m no longer mad. Go now and help Rebecca with her problem so that we can return to the manor as soon as possible and the couple can finally start the new chapter of their life!"

"Thank you, sis!" Menedelia said happily.

Standing in the doorway, Rebecca watched the two sisters wearing a smile on her face. She was glad that they quickly settled their differences in a calm manner.

"Let\'s have coffee first before you go," Ebony said and quickly made two more cups of coffee.

"Sure!" Rebecca replied and sat at the chair beside the girls, enjoying drinking coffee with them.

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