The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 411 - What's The Point?

"Do you want help, wife?" Corbin asked.

Rebecca looked at him and shook her head. "No need, I\'m nearly done," she replied.

"Okay, let me know if you need assistance," Corbin said. "I\'ll go down in a minute to give further instructions to Ebony."

Rebecca nods her head and puts her toiletries in the bag.

Half an hour later.

The couple is ready to go to the manor.

Corbin picked up the bags and holds his wife\'s hands.

The couple vanished from the room.

A few moments later.

They landed in the living room of the vampire couple\'s manor.

Zalvo was already waiting there for their arrival. "Wow! My daughter-in-law is finally home at last!" he said happily.

The couple settled on the couch.

"Do you want my help with the bags, son?" Zalvo suggested.

Corbin smiled and shook his head. "No need, Father. It\'s just two bags, I can manage," he said.

Zalvo looked at the couple. "Now that the two of you are already here, I have some important announcement to make..." he said.

The couple looked at each other for a few seconds and directed their gaze at Zalvo a moment later.

"What is it, Father?" Corbin asked. Uneasy feeling sinks in his stomach, not feeling good with his father\'s announcement.

Zalvo cleared his throat. "Son, now that your wife is finally back in your life, I\'m ready to leave this world and follow your mother into the netherworld. I just can\'t sit here and do nothing! I have a feeling that your mother needs my help, but I can\'t do anything because I\'m still here alive," he said with a serious face.

Corbin\'s face paled. "Father no! Please don\'t leave me alone!" he pleaded, fresh tears glistening in his eyes. "Mother and Nathan are already gone, now you will leave me too? I can\'t accept it!" he said hysterically.

Rebecca bit her lip. She rubbed her husband\'s back, consoling him.

Zalvo breathed deeply. "Son, your wife is already back in your side. You won\'t be sad and lonely anymore, just let me be. Your mother and I are a soulmate for eternity, we don\'t want to be separated from each other. I have to follow her wherever she will go, be it here in the mortal world or the netherworld. My life in this world is empty now - without your mother by my side I feel empty. Your mother is like the very air that I breathe, without her my life has lost its meaning," he stated sadly.

Corbin\'s tears flooded his face. Hearing his father\'s plan to follow his mother to the netherworld filled his heart with extreme sadness. Losing his mother, then Nathan, and now his father in just a short period is too much to bear and accept by his already suffering heart.

Zalvo was shaking his head while looking at his son. He released a deep sigh. "Look at you! You\'re crying like a baby! Stop crying! Are you not ashamed? Crying in front of your wife? You\'re exhibiting a weak attitude and it\'s a shame because you\'re a man!" he scolded him.

Rebecca looked at Zalvo. "It\'s okay for my husband to cry in front of me, Father. I don\'t mind, his crying doesn\'t symbolize weakness to me," she responded.

Zalvo continue shaking his head, very much disappointed how his son showed weakness instantly after he told him his plan.

Corbin wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. "I\'m sorry, Father. But I really wish that you will change your decision and continue waiting for mother\'s return," he said earnestly.

Zalvo shook his head. "I already made up my decision, son. There\'s nothing you can do about it. Don\'t worry, I\'ll only leave this world after your wife gives birth to the twins. I want to experience holding my grandchildren in my arms first and seeing their faces before I\'ll follow your mother in the afterlife. If we\'re lucky, your mother and I can still return in this lifetime to resume our life, though that would be highly unlikely. Anyways, I already made my decision, stop begging me because you can never change my mind," he said and rose to his feet. "I\'m going to the underground facility to visit your mother\'s coffin," he said and walked away, heading to the secret passage.

The couple was left on the couch, dumbfounded.

Now that his father is gone, Corbin continues crying in his wife\'s arms. His heart was broken into a million pieces with his father\'s announcement.

Rebecca was speechless. Graven was already planning to instruct his men to kill Zalvo and that can happen anytime soon. But Zalvo was also determined to leave this world after the twins are born.

What she\'s going to do now?

She\'s in a state of dilemma.

Half of her wants Zalvo dead but the other half of her still wants to give him a chance to see his grandchildren before he will take his own life.

One way or another, her father-in-law already makes it clear that he will follow his wife in the netherworld.

Then no need to kill him, right? He will be gone soon anyway.

She released a deep sigh. She needs to alert Graven and tell him about Zalvo\'s decision. She finally made up her mind. Even though she hated Zalvo for what they have done to her in the past... but since he\'s the grandfather of her twins, she will give him a little bit of mercy by giving him a chance to see and embrace the babies before he will die.

She looked at her grieving husband and continue rubbing his back gently, trying to comfort him during his saddest moment. Her heart bleeds for him. "Husband, don\'t worry too much. Maybe... when your father finally sees his grandchildren for the first time, he will have a change of heart and no longer pursue his plan in following your mother to the netherworld..." she murmured gently.

After hearing his wife\'s statement, Corbin raised his head... a brand new hope sprang in his heart. Maybe, his wife is right! Maybe the twin\'s presence can help change their grandfather\'s decision. Maybe his father will no longer leave because he will be amazed and delighted with the presence of the newborn in their lives.

The possibilities are endless!

Corbin smiled for the first time, looking at his wife with soft affection in his eyes. "Thank you for giving my heart a new hope with your statement, wife. Maybe, when my father sees the twins, he will no longer desire death," he said optimistically.

Rebecca smiled brightly. "I\'m glad you were able to see the endless possibilities, husband. So from now on, stop worrying prematurely about the things that have not happened yet, okay?"

Corbin smiled and kissed his wife\'s lips. "OK... let\'s now proceed to our bedroom upstairs," he said and picked up the bags, then holds Rebecca\'s hand.

The couple vanished from the living room in the blink of an eye.

They landed at Corbin\'s room.

Rebecca smiled brightly. "I\'m back!" she roared, remembering too well the happy and sweet memories she shared with her husband in this room. Their sweet intimate moments are her special treasures in life. This room witnessed how their love story unfolded.

Corbin put the bags near the closet and enveloped his wife in a sweet embrace. "This is the room where our love story begins. Did you remember everything that happened between you and me in the past?" he asked.

Rebecca nodded her head. "Yeah! It\'s nice to be back here," she said joyously.

"Great! Do you want me to help you put your things in the closet?" Corbin offered.

Rebecca shook her head. "No need. I can manage," she responded.

"Okay, I\'ll go out in a while to make rounds in the property. Just inform the servants and the cook if you need something to eat," Corbin said.

"Got it," Rebecca replied.

Corbin put the two bags in the chair for Rebecca\'s easy access, then planted a kiss on his wife\'s cheek and exited the bedroom.

Rebecca began removing stuff from the bags.

Fifteen minutes later.

Done finished arranging her clothes in the closet, Rebecca put the rest in the toilet. Then she lies in bed to have a rest. She was caressing her bulging tummy while scanning her eyes around Corbin\'s room. The room is still the same, nothing has changed at all.

She will just rest for a while, then after she wakes up, she will go to the garden and spend her time admiring the blooming flowers there.

She shut her eyes to sleep.

Time went by.

After one hour.

Rebecca finally awakened. She left the room and went downstairs. She asked one servant to accompany her to the garden and instructed the cook to prepare a refreshing snack.

In the garden.

She sat on the rocking chair, under the shade of the tree, and enjoyed watching the colorful flowers in full bloom.

One hour later.

Corbin arrived at the garden to join his wife in eating the refreshing snack prepared by the cook.

After he\'s done eating his snack, Corbin left the garden and resumed his various duties around the property.

Hours went by.

Rebecca began yawning and left the garden, going back to the house to take a nap.

It was already late afternoon when Corbin visited his wife in the bedroom.

"I\'m going downstairs to the living room," Rebecca said.

"Okay, I\'ll go with you," Corbin spoke.

The couple left the room and proceed downstairs to relax in the living room.

Two hours later.

Zalvo joined the couple on the couch. He looked at his daughter-in-law. "How did your day go, daughter?" he asked.

"I went to the garden and admired the flowers, then back in the room to take my nap. My day went well, Father. Thanks for asking," Rebecca replied politely.

"Good!" Zalvo said.

Corbin cleared his throat. "Um... Father, I just want to ask... are your men still looking for Laura\'s whereabouts up to this moment?" he inquired.

Zalvo shook his head. "Not anymore. After your mother went to the netherworld and was unable to return, I told my men to stop finding Laura. Your mother is no longer here and your grandfather\'s soul is nowhere to be found. Then what\'s the point in finding Laura?" he said.

The couple looked at each other.

"Indeed... there\'s no point in finding Laura anymore!" Corbin concluded.

Rebecca was happy after hearing the good news straight from Zalvo\'s mouth. Laura and her family are finally safe to leave their homes and venture outside! She can\'t wait to tell them the good news!

A maid came into the living room and announced. "My lord, dinner is ready!" she said.

Zalvo rose to his feet, looked at the couple, and said, "Let\'s eat dinner!"

They went to the dining room, gathered around the table, and ate dinner together.

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