The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 420 - I Chose Peace!

Rebecca was feeling anxious again, her anxiety will disappear only after the two men will finally see each other and make good progress.

Corbin noticed the anxiety on Rebecca\'s face. "Wife, why are you wearing that anxious expression on your face again?" he asked, confused.

Rebecca sighed. "I\'m scared... of what\'s going to happen later," she finally confessed her fears.

Corbin smiled. "What are you afraid of? Graven and I won\'t punch each other on the face right away, we will talk first and fight later," he joked.

Rebecca pouted and pinched his side. "I don\'t like that joke!"

Corbin grinned. "I\'m just trying to lighten your mood. You look like you are carrying the whole world on your shoulder. Relax... there is no reason to feel anxious. Besides, Graven and I are not stupid that would fight in front of our two pregnant wives, or else we will face the risk of having two pregnant women give birth in the ocean prematurely..." he uttered another joke.

Rebecca finally smiled.

Corbin grinned. "It\'s nice to see you smiling again," he said and planted a kiss on her lips. "Tell me if you\'re ready to go..."

"Okay," Rebecca said and put some towels in her bag.

A few minutes later.

The couple is finally ready to go.

"Ready?" Corbin asked and hold his wife\'s hands gently.

Rebecca nodded her head and said, "Let\'s go!"

A moment later, the couple vanished from the room.


At Graven\'s manor.

The couple was also getting ready for their departure.

Laura looked at her husband. "You got to promise me that you will remain calm no matter what happens. I feared that you and Corbin might end up fighting, I don\'t like that. And remember I want to give birth in a normal delivery, I don\'t want to give birth prematurely. I still have two months to go..." she reminded him.

Graven chuckled and planted a kiss on Laura\'s head. "Don\'t worry, I\'m a friendly guy. I don\'t hurt other people unless they hurt me first... beside we\'re going there to make peace, not make war. Don\'t worry too much, everything will be alright," he assured her.

"I trust you!" Laura said.

"I know," Graven said. "Alright, let\'s go and be done with it!"

The couple holds each other hands and vanished from the room.

A few moments later.

Graven and Laura landed on the beach, the venue of the meet-up.

Rebecca and Corbin were already there. The couple was settled under the shade of the Canary palm tree, watching the picturesque ocean.

Graven and Laura approached their location.

"Hello, guys! We\'re here!" Laura announced their arrival cheerfully.

"Finally!" Rebecca replied enthusiastically. "We just arrive here a while ago," she added.

Graven and Corbin stared at each other for a few minutes, eyeing each other up.

A little bit of tension appeared on their faces and enveloped the whole area...

The two women were holding their breath, watching anxiously the whole scenario unfolding in their eyes.

Rebecca was already prepared for the worst, the things she can do if the men will start fighting, she will put herself in front of the two men... that\'s how simple it is but dangerous as well... she could be hurt in the process but if it\'s the only way to stop them from fighting and hurting each other then so be it.

Then Graven break the ice first, smiling... he extended his hand to Corbin for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Corbin!" Graven said.

Corbin smiled as well. "Same here..." he replied and accepted graven\'s handshake as a sign of formalities between two people who just meet each other.

Huge relief washed over the two women.

Corbin also extended his hand to Laura and said, "Nice to meet you, Lady Laura!"

Laura smiled and replied, "Nice meeting you too!"

Graven looked at the women. "Girls, can you give us a moment of privacy, please? We have to talk in private," he said and winked at his wife.

Laura grabbed Rebecca\'s hands. "Let\'s stroll the beach..." she said.

"Okay," Rebecca responded and glanced at the two men before leaving with Laura.

Back at the men.

Graven cleared his throat. It seemed that Corbin is shy, he won\'t speak unless he do it first. "Um... we\'re brought here by our wives to have a serious talk. First, I would like you to know that Rebecca is like a little sister to me. I am very protective of that girl, I\'m asking you to take care of her for me to the best of your ability. I am a married guy now and I have my own family to take care of as well...

Judging by my first impression of you, you are the type of guy who treasures a loved one, and I\'m happy to know that. With your love and protection, I\'m sure Rebecca is well taken care of. I can feel your sincerity towards my sister, because of that I\'m truly satisfied..."

"Thank you for your trust and kind words," Corbin said.

Graven continues... "Regarding your family\'s history and Laura\'s family... it\'s something that I don\'t understand but my wife already explained to me everything... how things started and ended as they are. You and I can end this problem... and we can be friends along the way as long we stop the past from poisoning our future. We can forget the past and move forward into the future, forgetting grudges and vengeance along the way. And from now on - we can only nurture peace in our hearts. War, conflict, and killing are ugly - while peace and harmony are beautiful. I chose peace... because in peace we can live peacefully among our families, friends, and love ones. How about you?"

Corbin nodded his head in agreement. "I agree to your vision, Graven. For the sake of our beloved wives and our future children, I\'m willing to leave the past behind and embrace peace for the good of everyone concerned," he said sincerely.

"Thank you, Corbin! I feel happy that you also share the same vision as me. What is the meaning of life we only strive for killing, and revenge? Life is more meaningful if we live in harmony and peace with one another. There\'s too much in life to discover and explore than spend our whole lifetime making other people suffer, it\'s nonsense, right?"

Corbin smiled. "Yeah... nonsense indeed!"

Graven patted Corbin\'s shoulder in a friendly gesture. "For peace, bro!"

Corbin smiled. "For peace!"

The two men shake hands again.

Silence enveloped them for a moment.

Graven looked at the ocean. "Can you see the deep blue sea? So calm... so peaceful..."

Corbin nodded his head. "Yeah, peaceful indeed..." he agreed.

"I would rather enjoy this beautiful place than go out there, harassing people, killing others, making other people\'s life miserable. You know... there are so many things to enjoy in life. Mother nature blessed us with everything... a beautiful landscape everywhere around us to enjoy all the time, enjoying life with our loved ones is better than war and conflict, right?"

Corbin smiled and gave Graven a thumb up. "Absolutely!"

"Now that we finally agreed on this matter, that peace is more important than killing, revenge and making other people\'s lives miserable... from now on... you and I must maintain peace between our families. Let\'s forget everything that happened in the past because you and I are not enemies in the first place, we are just two strangers about to form a bond of friendship and peace. You and I, we\'ll start with a clean slate from now on..." Graven said with enthusiasm in his voice.

"Agreed!" Corbin said and accepted Graven\'s handshake.

Graven smiled. "I apologized, I talked too much... now I\'ll give you time to say your piece..." he said.

Corbin chuckled. "You already steal my thunder..." he joked. "I mean what is in my heart and mind... you already stated it so well, I have nothing to say anymore..."

The men chuckled, enjoying a pleasant camaraderie that just started to form between them.

"Because you are my friend now, I formally invited you and your wife to attend my second wedding. Your wife already knows the date, time, and place. I\'m looking forward to seeing your presence there," Graven said.

Corbin smiled brightly. "Sure! My wife and I won\'t miss it for the world," he enthused.

A moment later.

The women returned and saw the genuine smiles on their husbands\' faces, signifying that the two men finally achieved a peace agreement without resulting in violence and arguments.

Laura and Rebecca rejoices, looking at their husbands\' faces with pride, love, and devotion in their eyes.

Graven looked at Corbin. "Bro, my wife and I are going home now. Nice meeting you, and hoping that you and Rebecca will attend my wedding next week. Take care of my sister for me," he said and patted Corbin\'s shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"My wife and I will attend your wedding for sure!" Corbin replied cheerfully.

"Great!" Graven said and wrapped his arms around Laura\'s shoulder. "We\'re going home now," he said and nods at Rebecca.

Rebecca mouthed \'Thank you\' to him.

Graven smiled and planted a kiss on his wife\'s forehead. "Let\'s go," he said.

Laura looked at Corbin and Rebecca. "We\'re going home now. Thanks for coming and spending time with us. Enjoy the beach!" she said.

"Bye bye!" Rebecca and Corbin replied in chorus.

Laura and Graven vanished from the beach.

Rebecca looked at her husband, trying to read his mind. "What are you thinking?" she asked.

Corbin\'s eyes were glued to the calm blue ocean in front of them admiring the beauty of nature around him. He tore his gaze from the ocean and looked at his wife wearing a bright smile on his face. "Graven is right... this world is beautiful, it\'s a waste to just waste your time in war and revenge. Peace is much better than war, right?"

Rebecca nods her head in agreement, tears of happiness sprang in her eyes. She hugged her husband tightly. "I\'m happy that you value peace now more than anything. My happiness is finally completed today," she said joyously.

Corbin wiped the tears from his wife\'s face and said, "Hush now... stop crying... let\'s just enjoy the beauty of the beach a little bit longer before going home."

"Okay," Rebecca replied cheerfully. "I love you!" she said sweetly.

"I love you more!" Corbin responded with a kiss on her lips.

The couple strolled the beach, which lasted for half an hour, then they went home afterward.

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