Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 158: Really?

Chapter 158: Really?

They say that looks only represent what a person is thinking, but that they could hardly represent a complete sentence, but at that moment the Blessed Ones who ran to Noah could read a sentence clearly by the look of Noah. "Get out of my way."

The Blessed group had split. A part of the group had stayed with Thomas and his friends, not stooping to kiss Noah\'s ass to be healed, while the other half ran to Noah, not caring about dignity, just their own lives.

But there was something that these two groups had in common at that time: Noah did not respect or care for any of them, and they were at least somewhat angry at Noah.

A brazen man who had suffered a major cut on his arm forced a smile and walked towards Noah once again, which caused him to be followed by the other Blessed who were trying to get Noah\'s favor.

"Noah... are you very powerful? How did someone let such a powerful healer leave our group? We should have treated you so much better, protected you from all dangers, and not let you suffer at the hands of these disgusting monsters," the man said with a shameless smile as he pointed at the imps next to Noah, without even realizing that the imps were looking at Noah obediently, and that after his speech, if looks could kill, this man would already have been dead several times over.

"Yes, yes, he\'s right... Noah... why don\'t you heal us so that we can protect you from the monsters?" A thin man also said, trying to help the other man.

"That right boy, heal us so we can protect you all the way," A fat woman said with a satisfied smile, dreaming of having skin as beautiful as that of Amber and the couple that were purified by Noah.

When they realized that Noah was opening a smile when he heard them speak, the satisfaction on each of their faces began to become apparent, causing anyone who hadn\'t said anything to start joining in as well, disregarding the look that Noah had just given them a few seconds ago.

"Yes, Noah, even though you are weak against this Fortress and might hinder us if you fought, you can just heal us so that we can clean up the Fortress and you can follow us out." said a big man holding an ax.

"Exactly, you just need to not disturb us as before and we will do everything else," said an old woman.

Noah was having to control himself to keep himself from laughing in the faces of these people. He couldn\'t understand how the minds of people like them worked. Apparently they didn\'t even realize how rude and arrogant they were becoming over time.

"I find that very funny," Noah with a happy expression answered them, "not!"

When he said that, everyone shut up and looked at him as if they didn\'t understand correctly and wanted him to repeat it to confirm.

"I\'m sorry, Noah, but I don\'t know if I got that right. Did you say no?" The thin man said as he frowned.

Noah continued with the smile on his face while responding naturally, "Yes, that is exactly what I said, that I will not cure any of you."

Hearing Noah confirm in his own words that he really meant it, immediately the Blessed frowned as they stared at each other to confirm that they had truly heard him right. But seeing each other\'s displeased expressions, they were sure that this boy had had told them to eat shit.

Angrily, the man who took the initiative to speak to Noah first said in a much colder tone, "Boy, I recommend that you heal us now. Even if injured, we could very well make you worse off than us. What do you think about having an arm or two taken from you?"

"Yes, I don\'t think you understand the situation here. We tried to be polite, but apparently education doesn\'t work for you, so we\'ll have to use the old way. Either you heal us, or you die. What do you think?" the thin man said with a cold expression.

The fat woman was turning red with anger at being disrespected by a brat like Noah, who from what they had heard from Thomas, did not even have a powerful support, and said as well, "Don\'t you realize that you\'re the only Healer here kid? It\'s your duty to heal us for free, so just do your job quietly. This isn\'t a game for children like you."

Hearing what these people were saying, Noah\'s smile was still on his face, but that smile was getting more deadly with each word these people spewed out of their mouths. "Oh, really? So if I don\'t heal you, will I die?" Noah looked at them like he was looking at a bunch of idiots.

Unfortunately for them, they still hadn\'t realized that the imps around Noah were already itching to tear the bodies of these humans who were trying to order their master around. Noah knew he wouldn\'t even need the imps to get the job done, but he had a really good idea seeing these people.

In a trade, for one to have an initial boom, a lot of publicity is needed. And there are several types of outreach, but none of them are as effective as word-of-mouth, and seeing how many influential people were here, Noah felt like this was perfect opportunity to spread his services.

"Well, don\'t say I didn\'t warn you. Since you wanted to go it the hard way, so be its" said the big man with the ax as he came towards Noah.

Noah, seeing this, felt that the man would be a perfect guinea pig. "Well, I hired help from a man outside the Fortress, I think that help will be worth every penny. Imps, kill," Noah said initially excitedly, but the last sentence was said in a tone as cold as ice.

The man didn\'t even have time to understand what was going on and adapt to it, when suddenly the thirteen imps ran from Noah\'s side and started attacking him. If in a 5x5 battle Noah already had confidence in the imps, in a 13x1 battle that confidence had surpassed reason for doubt.

When the Blessed Ones saw the thirteen monsters that were running towards the man, they finally remembered something very substantial that they had disregarded. Unfortunately they were not even able to help the man, who in a hideous way had both eyes ripped out of his face and eaten by these monsters in front of everyone.

In a few seconds these thirteen monsters took the man\'s five limbs very easily and gathered the man\'s body in a pile before taking the ax that the man had carried to Noah, as if they were servants serving a king.

It caused Amber to raise her eyebrow as she remembered something. She realized that there was something wrong with these monsters when they stopped attacking Noah the moment their group arrived, but she would never have imagined that these monsters would be under Noah\'s command.

With the strength that these little \'red goblins\' demonstrated, in addition to the chaotic coordination, their strength was comparable to the entire group of Blessed they had. This in itself was already very scary, added to the fact that these monsters were completely under the command of a single person made everything even more problematic.

But as an intelligent woman, Amber noticed something Noah had said. Apparently he had hired these imps from someone outside the Fortress and had brought them in as a way to protect himself. So if he got these imps for himself, it might be possible for other people to get them, just like her.

This information passed not only through Amber\'s mind, but also those of Thomas and his friends, who began to form plans for how they would search outside the Fortress to get in contact with the person who commanded these monsters to obey Noah.

In their minds, if even a "poor bastard" like Noah was able to afford them, they would easily be able to get "red goblins" such as these.

"Maybe it is some monster tamer who found several eggs of this kind of red Goblins and is now selling or renting them to other people. I need to mention this to my family. Having this sort of extra strength in the Fortress could completely change the expenses of someone in here." Thomas said in a low voice at a volume that only his friends heard, and then they nodded, agreeing that they should do the same thing with their own families.

Noah hadn\'t had a confirmation yet if his plan had worked, so he decided to spice things up a little more. With a fireball he set fire to the gutted corpse in the mound that the imps had made for him, much to the horror of the Blessed who were assembled against him, as he said, "Hoho, weren\'t you talking too much? How will just the 4 of you now do something to me? Maybe we should test what a battle of four powerful Blessed Rank D would be like against... like you said... \'disgusting monsters\'?" Noah made an expression of disdain as he repeated the ill fitting phrase for the adorable children of his.

The expression Noah gave when looking at them once again made them remember that Noah had looked at them as piles of useless shit recently, and unconsciously these Blessed Ones swallowed, regretting having ever messed with that devil.


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