Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 379 379 - To Kill Or Not To Kill

"What do we do about him?" Bel asked, seeing the blood drip onto the ground, slowly becoming faster.

"What do you think? Can you break him?" Noah asked, thinking what he could do.

"I don\'t know for sure, after all, he\'s just a hunk of metal... Why not melt him?" he told Noah while shrugging, which Noah actually thought was not that bad of an idea.

"You know what, maybe I sh—I have edge mastery..." he suddenly noticed, picking up his dagger from his waist, where he had somehow out it between the clothes and himself, which would have been normal, had he not been wearing silk pajamas, but now looked very strange and out of place.  He focused on the edge of his blade, a white glowing line appearing on the edge of his Blessed blade. He turned towards the statue, and unleashed a slash against the bleesing arm with his dagger. As the edge touched the metal, sparks flew around, almost like he was trying to weld. The resistance against his blade increased, but Noah just put more energy and mana into it, increasing the narrowness and heat of the edge. And with a second of extra effort, with sparks that almost like an angle grinder, he sliced through the arm, that fell to the ground as it was, metallic, but with the de-converted region still bleeding.

"That\'s fancy fireworks," Bel said, jokingly.

"Yeah, but my mana is going to shit," Noah bemoaned, looking at the statue, "I wanted some information from this piece of fuck..." he muttered, thinking whether to just bet and finish the guy off or keep him around for asking.

"There\'s a lot more people around. Even if he was the leader, he shouldn\'t know that much... Also, Noah, we need to help the people..." Bel told him, reminding him ofthe other things.

"You know what," Noah bit his lip, fed up with the whole situation. "You go and kill the rest of them, I\'ll see what to do with this guy." Noah said, Bel quickly nodding and running off towards the employee building.

"Now you... I wish I had Lilith here to help me decide what to do," he muttered, rolling his eyes at the absense of the snake. Not having another person to discuss things with was slightly annoying for him.

In silence, Noah pondered about cutting off the man\'s limbs and digging a hole, leaving his head out in order to interrogate him, but something was already quite clear. This was a matter to do with the girls\' family. The timing was just too tight for this invasion not to be connected to what happened in the restaurant just before, and just the thought of someone being this persistent was enough to make Noah want to beat someone.

"Yeah, I don\'t think I need a confession from him," Noah thought turning his edge towards the man\'s throat, where the sparks suddenly turned into blood, when his blade reached the man\'s spine, everything under it turning back into flesh. \'Interesting,\' Noah thought, cutting all the way through as he leaned over on the ground, and the man\'s body began trashing about. After a single second, Noah finished cutting through, the man\'s face turning back from metal, his eyes rolled up as his brain slowly died from hypoxia, staring at Noah\'s face in disbelief. And as soon as his body stopped thrashing, Noah set him on fire.

"At least fill up the Mana you made me spend, you piece of garbage human being," Noah said to the dead man, as his face was engulfed by flames.

[Absorbed Large fragment of Divinity. Stamina +10]

[Target has committed uncountable sins, Do you wish to absorb its skill and power?]

"Of course I do," he told the system, watching the man burn, except part of the left behind arm, that still seemed to remain as a piece of metal.

[Skill: Corporeal Transmutation has been assimilated by the skill Hell Flames.]

\'... Did I just get another useless version of the skill again?\' he thought, rolling his eyes, as he dashed towards the darkness, feeling his mana steadily refuel, though nowhere near where it was before. \'Now that I think of it, it\'s been a while since I checked my status and a lot has happened, maybe taking a look wouldn\'t be that—\' he thought, his thoughts freezing in awe as the fire drew the information about his status to his vision, making him doubt his quick improvement.

[User: Noah Stern

Cash: $183,114,540 [19.247.642 Bound]

Level: 06, 4,352/32,000 exp

HP:  39/39

Strength:  82.7

Agility: 81.9

Stamina: 56.3

Mana:  52.4


(Hell Flames Lv 05, 3,036/50,000 exp: A technique that consists in summoning the flames of hell itself. The flames of hell did not differ from normal flames, but after cleansing so many sins and so many sinners, they became the most powerful flame, having already burned the god of flames himself, making him beg Lucifer to put out those flames before he died. To increase the power of the flames of hell skill, the user must burn sins or sinners.

After reaching Lv 05, the user has gained the power to modify the details of the flame to suits its needs, including color, temperature, spread, and comburents.

After absorbing the \'Asset Weaponization\' skill, it\'s now possible to condensate flames into the shape of weapons and weaponized objects and manipulate them in the same way as flames.

After absorbing the skill \'Corporeal Transmutation\' it is now possible to temporarily convert one\'s body into flames, although risking extinguishment.

[Fireball] [Fire Blade] [Fire Shield] [Fire Manipulation] [Fire Claws] [Ode to Joy] [Healing Flames])

(Hell Tunneling Lv 0[4], 256/4,500 exp: A technique that consists of opening a tunnel to hell and exiting somewhere else in a fraction of a second. The greater the distance, the more energy expended.

Pyakugan: After reaching Lv 02, the user learned to reduce the cost of each teleport, in addition to speed. As the user used the ability to move spatially so much, the user partially received a spatial perception even with eyes closed.)

(Hell\'s Contract Lv MAX: Only limited by the user\'s limitation, the skill can develop a contract that binds both parties to comply with everything required in the contract.

After absorbing the \'Blood Control\' ability, it is now possible to force the target to accept contracts, as long as the user burns 100% of the target\'s blood.

For 30 minutes, the target will be required to follow all the commands defined in the contract. After 30 minutes, the target will die.]

(Hell\'s Summon Lv 03 12,306/100,000 exp: Skill used by great demons to summon armies of artificial inferior imps. Imps life is limited based on energy spent. The more energy, the longer the imp will last. Part of experience gained for killing monsters by imps, even without Lucifer\'s command, will go to Lucifer.

Lucifer once created an army of over 1,000,000 imps in the snap of his fingers because of the large amount of mana he possessed, in addition to the high skill level.

After ascending to level 03, the limit of imps the user can summon has grown following the calculations of the legions. Under the rulership of a Great Lord, the armies are able to grow as Units, and be commanded as groups, with a hierarchy and powers matchign it.

Currently available imps: 12[2]/128[8].)

(Devil Form Lv 01: 2,970/3,000 exp: Lucifer was born as an angel, but he needed to be the personification of evil to meet the requirements God had set for him to "Be the personification of evil." With the beautiful appearance that Lucifer had, no one would fear him, so thinking about it, Lucifer decided to create a form where he would be truly evil, a form that would not only invoke fear in people, but also increase Lucifer\'s strength greatly by consuming many flames of hell.

After absorbing the \'Asset Weaponization\' skill, it\'s also possible to manifest some of Lucifer\'s tools for a short period.

The user will transform into Lucifer\'s "Personification of Evil" image and stats will be increased by 20%.)]

(Edge Mastery Lv 01: 3,894/10,000 exp: Lucifer is able to absorb the skill of sinners and rule over them as the ruler of all Hell. You can create a Mana Edge that can cut through anything less ethereal than it. The edge\'s power and efficiency is dependant on the Edge of the Blade used and the mana infused. After failing to cut, cannot be used until will is sharpened.)

(Impenetrable Selfless Bastion Lv 01: 450/25,000 exp:  Lucifer is able to absorb the skill of sinners and rule over them as the ruler of all Hell. Through the will to defend others, your shield is impenetrable and unstopable. Depends of selflessness behind the use. Takes an incredible amount of willpower.)

\'Holy crap, I sure got quite a bit of money today,\' he thought, realizing his wealth had gone up substantially, especially that the Khan Family shares had increased in value by a significant amount. \'Guess it\'s because of the monster from the Fortress Spillage, they probably already paid me for the materials,\' he thought, absentmindedly dashing through the footpaths around the mansion towards the small building towards the back where the employees lived.

\'Oop, there he is,\' he told himself in thought, as he saw a rapid red flash to the side, and a dead goon falling to the ground. Bel waving at him.

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