Perfect Superstar

Chapter 100

Each judgehas two privileges, no more.

Lin Zhijiepressed the gold button and gave Lu Chen the big surprise he held.

Lu Chen waslucky to skip the quarter-finals and become the first contestant to enter thetop 32 in the Beijing Singing Area!


Chen Fei’erwas so surprised that she smiled from ear to ear and said, “BrotherZhijie, you’re really good!”

Tan Honglaughed and gave Lin Zhijie a thumbs-up.

Zhen Zhenstood up and led the audience to applaud and cheered for Lu Chen and LinZhijie’s apology!

With LinZhijie’s identity and position in the industry, even if he has any opinionabout Lu Chen in his mind, there was no need for him to say anything or explainanything at all. The act of apologizing undoubtedly shows his open-mindedness.

Lu Chen wasalso very surprised, but he reacted quickly and immediately bowed and said,“Thank you, Teacher Lin!”

All theaudience stood up with them, applauding enthusiastically like a summer storm.

When thisscene appeared in Lu Fei’s live broadcasting room, Lu Chen’s fans were all firedup!


“Lu Feiis mighty, straight to the top 32!”

“Enoughwith the talk. Come and send out fish balls. I’ll send the first wave, everyonefollows up!”

“Thepeople of Shanghai send their congratulatory message, congratulating the anchoron advancing to the top 32!”


“Who isthis judge? He must be praised.”

“LinZhijie, the music director of Flying Stone Records, is also a very goodcharacter.”

“Do youthink Lu Fei will publish an album under Flying Stone Records?”

“It’squite possible, looking forward to the anchor’s first album!”

“it’sbeautiful to think about...”

Because of thegolden buzzer, many people have higher expectations for Lin Zhijie.

Since fishballs don’t cost too much money, hundreds of notifications appeared frequently,brushing the whole screen, and the local tyrants have launched more than adozen aircraft carriers in one breath, pushing the atmosphere in the livebroadcasting room to the climax.

Li Feiyu,who hosted the live broadcast, was even more passionate and shouted hoarsely, asif he had won, with honor!

Lu Chen, whoadvanced to the top 32 through the golden buzzer, appeared on the TV screens oftens of millions of families in China and on the computer screens of netizens,making countless people remember his name. (TN: Netizens = internet users)

“Yezi,you have such a good eye!”

In Room 305of Building 7 in the dormitory area of Beijing Normal University, severalfemale students are watching the live broadcast of “Singing China” QualifyingMatch on a laptop.

One of thegirls smiled and said to Ye Zitong, who was sitting on the edge of the bed,“He has a promising future, handsome and talented. You have to hold on to him.Don’t let others snatch him away, otherwise you’ll cry when it’s too late!"

Ye Zitongshyly said, “What promising future, he and I are just ordinary friends. Everyoneis free to grab anyone they like!

She already knewsince last week that Lu Chen will participate in “Singing China”competition. And early this morning, she stayed in front of the computer towatch the live broadcast, causing all the students in the dormitory to gatheraround to watch the fun.

Ye Zitongdid not want to be exposed, but there was someone around her who knew, soeveryone knew it.

Zuo Xintianswallowed the apple that she was chewing and said with a smile, “You justhave a hard mouth. Who was the one who left his sister the other day and snuckout and went on a date? I haven’t settled this debt with you yet!” (TN:Hard mouth 嘴硬 means stubborn and reluctant toadmit mistakes or defeats;firm in speech.)

Last time YeZitong and Lu Chen went ice-skating at the skating rink.

After YeZitong came back, she was forced to tell the truth by Zuo Xintian, which was thenclassified as a crime that seriously damaged her best friend’s feelings.

Ye Zitongcaressed her forehead helplessly and said, “Didn’t I invite you to eatHaagen-Dazs Ice Cream?”

“Do youthink two cups of ice cream is enough to bride this young lady?”

Zuo Xintian pinchedYe Zitong’s face and said proudly, “Girl, you think too beautifully!”

Ye Zitonggrabbed her hand and said with a smile, “Then I’ll add two more cups. It’sbeautiful to see you eat and become a fat girl!”


Recently,Zuo Xintian, who has gained a kilogram because in weight, jumped up like a catthat got its tail step on.

She pushedYe Zitong down on the bed and cried, “I don’t want to eat. I don’t want toget fat!”

In the smalldormitory, two girls’ playful laughter suddenly sounded.

Ye Zitongand Zuo Xintian are frolicking, but in her heart, she was thinking of Lu Chen, wonderingwhat he is doing at this moment.

Are youcelebrating your victory?

Alone, orwith someone else?

She suddenlyhad the impulse to call Lu Chen immediately, but she was helpless as she wasbeing pressed down stubbornly by Zuo Xintain.


When Lu Chencame out of Beijing Satellite TV Broadcasting Building, it was already 10o’clock in the evening.

After gettingthe golden buzzer and advancing to the top 32, he gave a separate interview withBeijing Satellite TV after he stepped down the stage. He mainly talked abouthis music experience, his music dreams and his feelings about being promoted.

Previously, LuChen had shot a short VCR video, but as the first contestant to advance to thetop 32 in the Beijing Singing Area, he has a lot of fame points, so theyspecially made a reshoot.

In front ofthe camera, Lu Chen, as always, performed well and talked eloquently withoutthe slightest stage fright.

All thereporters who visited him praised him as a star and wished Lu Chen victory inthe 32 to 16 competition the following week.

When theinterview was over, the time will naturally be late.

Standing inthe doorway, looking at the cars that are passing by along the brightly litlong street, Lu Chen took out his mobile phone and turned it on.

During theinterview just now, he turned off his cell phone out of courtesy.

There arealready many unread messages in WeChat and QQ, all of which are congratulatorymessages from his friends and fans.

Because therecording and broadcasting were one hour apart, so they just recently received thenews. Lu Chen selected several important ones to reply, including Ye Zitong.

After replyingto the messages, he called back a missed call.

The mobilephone rang for three seconds, and there came Chen Jianhao’s hearty laughter:“Lu Chen, congratulations!”


Lu Chensmiled and said, “Brother Jianhao, I advertised your bar!”

Chen Jianhaosaid: “I see, the advertisement was well played, but it’s not only mine,but also yours!”

Lu Chen hasa 5% stake in the Forget Worries Bar.

Lu Chenlaughed.

Chen Jianhaosaid, “Your song in the qualifying round is well written. What song areyou going to choose in the top 32?” (TN: This is probably in thesemi-finals.)

Lu Chen’sheart moved and asked, “Do you have any good suggestions BrotherJianhao?”

Chen Jianhaoreplied, “I think "You At the Same Table" is good. Similarly, it’s also anoriginal work of yours. You sang it very well.”

Lu Chenvaguely understood a little, smiled and said, “Un, I’ll listen to BrotherJianhao.”

Since LuChen took part in the talent show, the owner of the Forget Worries Bar hasbecome a bit mysterious.

But Lu Chenbelieved that he would not harm him.

Chen Jianhaosmiled, “That’s good. Remember to come to the bar sometime. A lot ofguests are inquiring about you!”

Afterchatting with Chen Jianhao for a while, Lu Chen ended his phone call, andcalled Li Feiyu.

“Big Chen!”

As soon ashe heard his voice, Lu Chen was startled. “I’m going. What’s wrong withyour throat?”

BrotherFei’s voice was so hoarse and unpleasant that it sounded as if his vocal cordshad been rubbed hard by coarse sandpaper.

Li Feiyu laughed“gāgā” and said, “I’m so happy today and got too excited. Ishouted too much until my voice got hoarse!”

“BigChen, do you know how much reward we got for our live broadcast this evening?70T, a full 70T!”

He wasobviously very excited. Regardless of his voice, he loudly reported the goodnews to Lu Chen.

“Mostof them are rewarded by ordinary Lu army fans, a lot of fish balls!”

In any livebroadcasting platform, including [Whale TV], most of the rewards came from thelocal tyrant or high-level fans, but no one should underestimate the strengthof ordinary fans. Even if there is only 1 in 10 people rewarding 100 fish ballsfrom hundreds of thousands of fans, that’s already a huge amount.

And one ortwo hundred fish balls, as long as usually do the free task of the website, isstill very easy to accumulate.

This isundoubtedly a congratulatory gift from the vast number of fans to Lu Chen!

“That’sgood, don’t say anything anymore!”

Lu Chen said decisively, “I’ll come over now. I’ll see you at the same place!”


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