Perfect Superstar

Chapter 112

The contractpaper that had just been printed out was still warm, and Lu Chen signed hisname on it with a pen.

This is thecopyright transfer contract.

Hetransferred part of the copyright and right to use the song "Life On AString" to Beijing Satellite TV.

Today isMonday. In the morning, Lu Chen contacted Gu Rui, the music director of "SingingChina" program team. Then in the afternoon, he took his sister Lu Xi tothe TV station and formally finalize the contract.

As Lu Chen’sagent, Lu Xi entered her role very quickly. The negotiation process wasbasically controlled by her. Lu Chen just sat aside and smiled.

Just smilingis enough.

In theentertainment industry, the image of star idols is very important, and involvesmany contracts. If all of them negotiated by themselves, either they’ll beworked to death or be pitted to death by others, so an agent is an indispensablestandard.

Thereliability and professionalism of an agent largely determine the future of astar.

In theentertainment industry, there are many examples of people choosing the wrongagent, resulting in the destruction of their future.

Lu Chen invitedhis sister to be his agent because, first of all, relatives are undoubtedly themost reliable, and even though his relationship with her is not as close as LuXue, in the face of outsiders, she will firmly be on his side.

Second, LuXi has all the credentials as an agent, and she is smart enough.

An agentmust first be a villain, cowardly people cannot do this job. Although Lu Xi isnot a real villain, but her strength and shrewdness ensure that Lu Chen can geta reasonable return.

Even though itwas her first time as an entertainment agent, she still did very well.

For thewhole day yesterday, Lu Xi was studying information about entertainment agentsand Beijing Satellite TV.

She evendrew up the contract in advance before coming to the negotiation.

The timelimit for the transfer of "Life On A String" to Beijing Satellite TVis 10 years. The latter can use the song for the production and promotion of"Singing China" for a symbolic fee of 1 yuan.

In return,"Life On A String" will only be sung by Lu Chen, and BeijingSatellite TV cannot authorize others to cover the song. In addition, on BeijingTV’s "11" National Day party, they will invite him to sing this song on stage! (TN:11 National Day is also known as Double Tenth Day or Taiwan National Day. Moreinfo .)

Since theestablishment of the TV station, Beijing Satellite TV has held a celebrationparty on the night of the 11 National Day every year. Although not as grand asCCTV’s National Day party, however the domestic ratings are not low.

Therefore,if he wants to appear at this party, he can’t do without strength andconnections.

That is tosay, while retaining most of his rights and interests, Lu Chen got a goodopportunity to show his face.

It wasn’teasy to win this contract. It’s important to know that compared to Lu Chen, BeijingSatellite TV is an existence of an absolute giant level. It is impossible forthe two sides to have an equal relationship.

A song isdispensable for Beijing Satellite TV, while Beijing Satellite TV is the mostimportant platform for Lu Chen to make his debut at present. Even if the formerasks Lu Chen to transfer the copyright unconditionally, he does not have muchchoice.

However, LuXi used her sincerity and perseverance to persuade the representatives of theprogram team, mainly focusing on Gu Rui.

Of course,this contract does not exceed the bottom line of Beijing Satellite TV, which isa satisfactory win-win contract between the two parties.


Aftersigning the contract, Lu Chen and Gu Rui shook hands: "Thank you, DirectorGu."

Gu Rui shookhis hand and said with a smile, "The future of this world belongs to youngpeople like you, Lu Chen. You have an excellent agent and I look forward tomore cooperation in the future."

Gu Rui quiteappreciates Lu Xi and was even more surprised to know that she was Lu Chen’ssister.

This pair ofsiblings are not very much alike.

Gu Rui’swords actually implied another meaning, but at present Lu Chen can’t hear it.


After leavingBeijing Satellite TV, Lu Chen and Lu Xi returned to their rented studioapartment.

The dinnerat night was made by his sister. The ingredients were bought in the nearbysupermarket. It was very fresh and clean.

In terms of cooking,Lu Xi obtained her techniques from their mother, Fang Yun. Several home-cookedsmall dishes were full of color, fragrance and flavor, which made Lu Chen eat fullof praise.

He felt likehe’s back at home.

Halfwaythrough the dinner. He suddenly said, "Sister, when I pay off our family’sdebts, I will buy a big house in Beijing and let mother retire early to livehere. Lu Xue will also come to Beijing to study."

"Sothat our family can be reunited!"

When he wasworking at KFC, Lu Chen occasionally thought the same thing when he lay in bedafter being busy and tired, but he never thought his dream would come true.

The heavydebt of his family made him think he would be like that for the rest of hislife.

But now,although the debt has not been paid off, but realizing his dream is not out ofreach!

Lu Xi’s expressionwas stiff. She slowly swallowed the food in her mouth and said, "Eat."

Her voicewas gentler than ever.

After apause, she added, "Mom shouldn’t be here. She’s used to living in Binhai."

Her tonereturned to its original tone.

Lu Chennodded silently.

Afterdinner, he went to the studio over at the Creative Park.

Lu Chen gaveup the Jinchengyuan’s studio apartment to Lu Xi to live in. He, himself, livesin the studio for the time being. The live broadcast equipment has long beentransferred. The evening’s live broadcast is normally carried there.

Aftersigning the contract with [Whale TV], besides the reward points, Lu Chen alsoreceives a generous monthly anchor salary. Accordingly, he also has the dutyand responsibility to guarantee enough live broadcast time.

After thelive broadcast, Lu Chen slept in the lounge.

The next morning,Tuesday, July 28, he got up early and went out for a run.

Morningexercise has become a good habit of Lu Chen. During his persistent exercise, hecan clearly feel the changes in his body. He’s healthier, more active, and fullof energy.

It’s justthat the place of his exercise has changed from the artificial riverside to thecentral garden of the Creative Park.

At 9 o’clock,Lu Chen, who had breakfast, returned to the studio.

"Big Chen,come quickly!"

As soon ashe opened the door with the key, he heard Li Feiyu shouting, "Somethinghas happened!"

Lu Chen’sheart couldn’t help but sunk, and hurriedly ran over: "Whathappened?"

Li Feiyu isin the studio. The computer is turned on and the screen is showing a page on Inspurblog.

Li Feiyu iscurrently Lu Chen’s assistant. In addition to helping him complete the livebroadcast task, Li Feiyu also helps him manage blogs, fan group and QQ groups,and strengthen communication and exchanges with fans.

"Comeand have a look!"

Li Feiyuopened the comment section on the latest blog post on "Lu Chen FMX".

The contentof this blog post is ordinary, that is, Lu Chen’s daily selfie photo with a fewlines of text, but the number of comments actually reached more than 30,000,which is totally unreasonable.

And in thecomment section, it’s all curse messages.

"What bullsh*tsongwriter is comparable to our Xiaoxiao!"

"Haha, justsomeone using our Xiaoxiao to hype himself?"

"Do youeven deserve to be compared with Ling Xiaoxiao? Apologize quickly, or don’tblame us for being rude!"

""In Spring"is terrible to listen to, and this stupid song is for those who are outdated."

"Apologize!Apologize! Apologize!"

"Shamelesshype, Lu Chen roll out of the entertainment industry!"

"Be a personof integrity. Don’t think about using crooked ways to get to the top. What doyou mean by doing this?"

"Getout of here! Get out! Get out of here. "

There are evenworse curse words that appear to pollute the screen.

Lu Chen’sself-restraint is very good, but he can’t help but feel angry when he saw thesefilthy messages.

"Arethese people crazy? Who is Ling Xiaoxiao? Do I know him?"

His firstfeeling was that he had been hacked. He wanted to swear, but he didn’t know whoto scold.

Li Feiyuhurriedly said: "Calm down first, I probably already understand."

He pulled upa new page, which is also on the Inspur blog, but belongs to another blogger.

The blogger,called Stray Cat, is a small V with more than 300,000 fans, and his latest posthas been reposted by more than 25,000, with more than 50,000 hits!

The key isthe content of this blog post.

[Unworthy ofthe name "Super Singer", the inside story on why the author of "InSpring", Lu Chen, was eliminated!]


Lu Chennever thought that his blog had been attacked and that it had something to dowith the fact that he had been eliminated in the audition of "Super Singer".He really doesn’t know how this little V got the inside story.

Saying that hedoesn’t know at all might be incorrect. At least Lu Chen can think of someone.

Heimmediately asked Li Feiyu to open the long blog.

There aretwo kinds of blog posts in Inspur Blog: Short blog posts are limited to 50words, which can be directly displayed, and long blog post are unlimited, but itneeds to be clicked open to browse the full text.

It was thislong blog that made Lu Chen fully understand the context of the matter.

Let’s nottalk about the inside story, just the last sentence of the blog post is enoughto explain the reason for the attack.

""SuperSinger, Lu Chen throws Ling Xiaoxiao at least three blocks!"

Thissentence is too hateful. Lu Chen do not know Ling Xiaoxiao at all, but wasactually pulled by Stray Cats as MT. (TN: I think MT means main tank, meaninghe’s receiving all the attack, like in RPG games)

He didn’teven know whether to cry or laugh. If he blames Stray Cat, others will begreatly appreciative of him, and will complain that he was being wronged. Bythe way, he slapped Xiangnan Satellite TV in the face, giving him theopportunity to increase his reputation.

If one saysit is not strange, then Ling Xiaoxiao is collateral damage?

Lu Chen alsosoon found out the identity of this person.

The other partyis the newcomer who stands out in "Super Singer" Shanghai singing district.His performance in the auditions, preliminary, and quarterfinals were excellent.His three original works have been praised by the industry, so he is beingpraised by Xiangnan Satellite TV!

LingXiaoxiao has also launched a blog on Inspur Blog, and he has more than 3million fans.

Among thepeople who like him, there are a lot of teenage boys and girls.

They are themain force in attacking Lu Chen!


TN: Pleaseinform me if I’m wrong about the 11 National Day, so that I can correct itasap. As I don’t know if my research is correct.


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