Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 60 - Passionate First Kiss

At the touch of her lips, Alexander closed his own eyes and kissed her back.

They started out slowly, their hearts pounding rapidly after the beautiful initial moment when their lips finally intertwined.

Aleyria\'s tongue flicked Alexander\'s lips very lightly.

That simple act stirred deep feelings of passion within him. Before he could respond in kind, Aleyria\'s tongue was back, but this time it was no light flick.

Her tongue plunged into his mouth with a deep urgency, as it wiggled and made curious sweeps, sending Alexander into a deep, passionate frenzy as his tongue met hers.

Alexander lifted Aleyria up and righted her position so she was sitting facing him. She instinctively curled her legs around his back and continued her dominant and absolutely, mind-blowingly arousing kisses on Alexander.

She pressed her nubile body against his, as if desiring desperately to become one with Alexander.

Alexander felt her legs tighten around his body and that action finally made the final vestiges of control snap in his mind. He responded powerfully, hugging her back and smothering her lips with deep kisses of his own. His tongue explored her mouth, causing Aleyria to moan slightly.

As their slow and gentle kisses intensified, Aleyria felt herself falling into a dizzying swaying world that centered around Alexander, his body and his kisses. Deep feelings and sensations that she had never felt before now swept her completely and she realized that she was lost. Completely lost in Alexander.

They continued that way for a few passionate minutes before they finally drew apart, gasping slightly for breath.

Alexander smiled at Aleyria gently, who immediately turned slightly red. She smiled shyly back at him and leaned forward to rest her head on his chest. Alexander simply held her that way and stroked her hair lovingly.

Alexander was completely taken by surprise over Aleyria\'s dominance. But he couldn\'t say that he didn\'t like it. In fact, although extremely surprised that Aleyria had this side to her, he decided that he actually liked it very much. Very, very much indeed.

He instructed the Wyvern to fly around the city slowly. It was a beautiful moment, and he had no intention of ending it anytime soon. No sir.


"Youngsters." Dubaza muttered. As Alexander and Aleyria enjoyed their romantic flight in the skies above the City of Rin, Dubaza was left alone with Vernie in the courtyard.

"I better go and deal with the ruckus that\'s probably going on right now. I hope the Royal Guard wasn\'t foolish enough to ride out and attack the Wyverns."

He was rather worried about the situation as he had went straight to Alexander when he spied him walking in the Palace Courtyard. The Royal Guards were not notified at all.

He leapt up atop Vernie and flew out towards the grasslands where the five hundred Wyverns were currently waiting.

Sure enough, as he flew out of the Royal Palace, a few hundred spells followed after him, launched by the Royal Guard who had mobilized and were standing ready to charge at a moment\'s notice.

Dubaza grunted with approval at their efficiency as he ordered Vernie to blast the spells into smithereens with his dragon breath. At least the Royal Guard weren\'t cowards. And they were very efficient indeed. It was barely five minutes since he landed in the courtyard, and already, the two Royal Guards Battalions were fully assembled and ready.

Dubaza unleashed his powerful lightning aura, and immediately, the officers barked a few sharp words of command and the spells stopped. Dubaza was the Captain of the King\'s Guard, and all the officers were familiar with him and his aura. There was no mistaking who was atop the bright red Wyvern.

And so, without even bothering to find out why and what was happening, the officers gave the command to stop attacking.

For one thing, Dubaza\'s loyalty to the King was unquestioned. He was above reproach in that area and everybody knew it.

For another, there was no point continuing their attack. They knew that if Dubaza willed it, they would be roasted before they could even think of running away.

"Royal Dragon Battalion, mobilize immediately and follow me." Dubaza\'s cold voice sounded from atop the Wyvern.

The Battalion Commander did not hesitate and answered immediately. "Affirmative, Lord Dubaza. Battalion, mount up!"

Within seconds, the entire battalion was mounted and cantered forward in a neat formation, following Dubaza who was leading them towards the grasslands.

The Royal Guard was made up of two battalions, the Royal Dragon Battalion and the Royal Phoenix Battation. They were in charge of the Royal Palace\'s safety. And because the Royal Palace was in the City of Rin, the Royal Guard were also tasked to protect the City.

The rest of Rin-Turah was protected by three remaining battalions. One in the City of Turah. One in the northern city of Sava and the last one in the southern city of Gintar.

Of course, each town and city had their own Town Guards and City Guards who were technically also soldiers. But they were permanently assigned to their respective towns and cities, and thus were not placed under the jurisdiction of the military. They were under the direct command of the Town and City Mayors.

Five battalions might seem like a very small number, but no one except the trolls had ever thought of invading Rin-Turah. It had to be noted with severe emphasis that the five battalions were PURELY made up of mages. Black and Grey Robes, mostly, but they had enough Blue Robes to level any city in the world.

Plus of course the high level officers who were mostly Red Robes. But there was no need to talk about them. The blue robes were already enough of a deterrent for the countries in the continent.

The Royal Dragon Battalion was the Battalion that Aleyria led when she faced the Zantrolls in battle outside the City of Rin. It was the most powerful battalion among the five battalions.

Their Battalion Commander, five Captains and twenty five Lieutenants were all Red Robes. It was an unprecedented number. Almost thirty percent of the country\'s  Red Robes were assigned to the Royal Dragon Battalion.

Thus, it was only right that the honor of being the first Wyvern Battalion be granted to them. Plus, they were called the Royal DRAGON Battalion anyway. The Wyverns were perfect for them.

As the Royal Dragon Battalion neared the place where the Wyverns were located, they began to lose control of their horses. Horses were extremely intelligent creatures. As well trained as they were, they were not stupid enough to canter blindly into a place that smelled like HUNDREDS of dragons. No Siree!

You want to willingly walk into that death trap? Be my guest! But do it on your own two feet!

Hundreds of horses began to neigh and protest.

Battalion Commander Justin struggled mightily with his beloved horse who had followed him faithfully for many, many years. However, no matter his efforts, his horse simply wouldn\'t move another step. Grimly, he dismounted and gave the order for his battalion to do the same.

"DISMOUNT!" Battalion Commander Justin roared. Immediately, his battalion obeyed. Thankfully, as stubborn as the horses were about moving forward into the death trap, they had no qualms about standing their ground. Especially not after five hundred men proceeded forward toward the dragons.

We have a buffer! They thought.

True, the buffer was the bodies of their beloved masters, but it was a buffer nonetheless. And they were glad for it, even though their hearts ached for the very possible loss of their masters.

Good bye! They neighed.

If you manage to return, I\'ll treat you better! They neighed.

As the mages began to march forward, they looked ruefully and rather enviously at their mounts which they had taken extremely good care for the past many years. But it only lasted an instant.

For them, there was no time to say good bye or even curse at their horses for being the spineless cowards that were unwilling to follow their masters to a certain death.

For them, the main event was about to happen. They trudged on forward in a neat formation. One Red Robed Lieutenant led a squad of eight black robes, eight grey robes and four blue robes in a formation four wide and five deep. Five of these squads were marching side by side, and they formed a company and were were led by a Red Robed Captain. In turn, five of these companies marched one after the other in a column, and they were led by Battalion Commander Justin, who was marching ahead of them. He was doing his best to follow Dubaza who had matched his flying speed to their march.

The trust they had in Dubaza was no trifling matter, and that trust was the main driving force behind their willingness to follow him toward the dragons without any explanation whatsoever. However, that trust clashed extremely powerfully with their common sense.

​ And so it was with a great amount of mixed feelings that these men of the Royal Dragon Battalion first laid eyes on the Wyverns.


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