Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 70 - Princess Yellow

"Dari?" Liz\'An looked at Shira strangely. "Isn\'t she… right over there?"

Liz\'An pointed to the spot where Shira was previously.

"WHAT?!" Shira yelled as she turned around.

True enough, Kan-Dari was there, seated on her yellow Wyvern with a confused look on her face.

"Hey, what\'s going on?" Kan-Dari yelled.

Liz\'An merely shrugged. She was confused too.

"I… I…" Shira stammered. She didn\'t want to admit that she was worried about Kan-Dari.

"How did you get there so fast!" She finally shouted at Kan-Dari.

Blink. Suddenly, Kan-Dari appeared in front of them. She had an awesome smirk on her face as she looked triumphantly at Shira.


Shira stared at the \'scrawny\' yellow Wyvern in shock.

3rd Generation Wyvern? Isn\'t that the same as Liz\'An\'s and Dubaza\'s? Doesn\'t that make her their sibling?

Shira turned to look at Wywy, who was growling softly at Princess Yellow.

However, Princess Yellow merely ignored it.

Shira frowned.

"What\'s going on? Why is Wywy growling ath Princess Yellow?" Shira asked both Liz\'An and Kan-Dari.

"Uhh… Apparently they are not on good terms with each other." Liz\'An said. "Wywy hates Princess Yellow."

"Huh? Why?" Shira\'s frown grew deeper. This smells like trouble in the future.

"They\'re half-siblings." Kan-Dari explained. "Apparently they share the same father."

"WHAT?!" For the upteenth time that day, Shira exclaimed out in surprise. "Oh Lord, Don\'t tell me we\'ll have to deal with this family drama in the future? I hate family dramas." Shira moaned.

"Don\'t worry, there will be no dramas. Princess Yellow doesn\'t really care about Wywy or Vernie. She\'s rather… aloof." Kan-Dari tried to reassure Shira.

"Yes, apparently that\'s true. Yellow Princess likes to keep to herself. In fact, Wywy had no idea she is still in the Forest of Elgar." Liz\'An assured Shira as well.

"Ah, okay. That\'s much better." Shira sighed in relief at the lack of family dramas and at the fact that both girls had forgotten her earlier outburst.

"And Princess Yellow can teleport?!" Shira pressed on, trying to keep the elf\'s attention on her new Wyvern instead on her outburst just now.

"Yes! Princess Yellow is small in size, but she is actually immensely powerful in magic!" Kan-Dari said as she happily obliged. "She had retained most of the 2nd Generation\'s magic powers! She has deep affinities with Space, Fire and Earth. Can you believe how lucky I am to get her?"

"Wow! Congratulations, Dari! You certainly have a good eye!" Liz\'An praised Kan-Dari profusely.

"Yes, I do have a good eye, don\'t I?" Kan-Dari glanced at Shira haughtily like a Lady glancing at her servant girl.

Shira saw that glance and sulked. Now she\'ll be the only one in the group that won\'t have a 3rd Generation Wyvern for a beast contract. It was a stinky feeling.

However, Kan-Dari suddenly gave her the best news that she had heard that day.

"Princess Yellow has a younger sister." Kan-Dari said. "In fact, she said that her younger sister has only one affinity, which is to… Fire!"

Shira immediately perked up. "Really?!" She gushed in happiness. "Where? Quick tell me!"

"Princess Yellow said that her younger sister is immensely powerful! She\'s really good with fire! Ahh.. I wonder who this Wyvern is suitable for? I think Minister Belroy might appreciate having a 3rd Generation Fire Wyvern! What do you think, Liz\'An?" Kan-Dari turned to look at Liz\'An.

"Errr… Oh look! Two Wyverns are snapping at each other! I have to deal with it!" Liz\'An awkwardly pointed at a sea of Wyverns which were all snapping at each other. She quickly left on Wywy, leaving the two girls alone once more.

"Ah, Shira, what do you think? Minister Belroy seems like a good man, doesn\'t he? Handsome and kind… Truly a good husband material!" Kan-Dari pretended to praise Minister Belroy.

"HA! I can\'t believe you said that you think Minister Belroy is HUSBAND MATERIAL!? I WILL TELL HIM THAT!" Shira said excitedly. "AND the whole Palace! Let anyone with an ear listen! This will break the Royal Palace! Imagine the gossip that will start! Kan-Dari in love with Minister Belroy! Declares that she must marry him at all cost!! HA HA!"

"WHAT! I DID NOT SAY THAT!! I DON\'T WANT TO MARRY HIM!!" Kan-Dari shrieked in panic.


"You… You evil woman!!" Kan-Dari cried out in distress while pointing accusingly at Shira, who smirked at Kan-Dari evilly.

"Of course, I can suffer from a... sudden attack in my memories if I become too happy for some reason. You know… Being too happy can cause my memories to short circuit and forget very specific sets of information. And the good news is, I get happy so very easily! Like finding a 3rd Generation Wyvern that specializes in fire…" Shira said with mock seriousness.

"Uhh.. Yes. I do remember you often suffer from… uhh.. Memory attacks when you get too excited." Kan-Dari mumbled glumly, still in shock over her very fatal slip of the tongue.

"Indeed! Woe to me! What a debilitating sickness! Woe! Woe, I say!" Shira said dramatically. "I wonder if there are any 3rd Generation Fire Wyverns nearby that might trigger this evil sickness of mine?"

"There are! Let me bring you there!!" Kan-Dari played along with resigned acceptance.

"Okay! Sure!" Shira said happily. She hopped on Kan-Dari\'s simply-named Princess Yellow and they flew across the sea of roaring Wyverns.

"There." Kan-Dari pointed at a bright red Wyvern that was around the size of Princess Yellow. Like her previously, she was also surrounded by large 4th Generation Wyverns. And Shira realized that none of the 4th Generation Wyverns were snapping at her or disturbing her in any way.

Shira\'s eyes gleamed in excitement. She\'s going to get a powerful 3rd Generation Fire Wyvern! She can\'t wait!

And she didn\'t. Judging that she wasn\'t too far away from the ground, Shira leapt off Princess Yellow and landed in the midst of a couple of black giants!

They immediately whirled and attacked Shira.

"Oh, for goodness sake, piss off!" Shira exploded with a powerful surge of fiery energy, sending the two black giants crashing backwards, revealing the beautiful red Wyvern that she came for.

"Hello there!" Shira said brightly as she strode toward the red Wyvern without missing a beat. "Let\'s be friends!"


"TRAITOR!!" A giant four meter tall troll roared at King Biruz. "TRAITOR!!" His cronies echoed.

"You seek to reject the offer that would give us safety and a pathway to a better life? YOU\'RE THE TRAITOR, SELF-SERVING MORON!" King Biruz roared at them, not intimidated one bit by their anger.

"I DEMAND THE RIGHT OF CHALLENGE!" The giant troll roared out once more as he leapt forward into the middle of the discussion area..

"I ACCEPT!" King Biruz shouted. He stood up, and was about to leap into the empty ground in the middle as well when a soft voice rang out mildly.

"I reject." Isabella said. She was a Red Robed Verdant Mage, one of Alexander\'s King\'s Guard.

"YOU HAVE NO SAY HERE, WITCH!" The giant troll roared angrily.

"I\'m afraid I do. Have a say here, I mean. A very large say, as a matter of fact." She smiled sinisterly at the giant troll. Unlike her pretty name, Isabella was definitely not good looking. She was burly and muscular, but she was also voluptuous. She was dressed in hunting leathers and her attire only served to accentuate her weird but rather sensual form. Her face was the type that would make children cry when she was smiling, and make grown men tremble in fear when she was frowning.

And right then, she was smiling. Although the giant troll didn\'t actually feel like crying, his bluster dimmed rather considerably.

The giant troll turned to the crowd of trolls that were gathered. They were the representatives of the entire troll kingdom. Whatever they decided would take effect for every troll.

"Are you going to allow this witch to intervene like this? Will you all sit and cower in fear while this witch and her king takes over our country?!" He roared loudly, spittle coming out of his mouth.

"No! NO WAY!" His cronies shouted. But theirs were the only voice that was raised in agreement. The rest of the trolls were actually silent, and considering King Biruz\'s words.

Mining. Ten times their national income. Enhancing their military spending. Creating twenty new regiments within five years. It certainly was enticing.

Isabella smiled widely at the giant troll. She had read the crowd perfectly. Except for this large airhead, they were all in agreement. There was no need to fight and risk King Biruz\'s life.

Isabella pointed at one of the large troll\'s cronies who didn\'t join in the shouting. "You, what do you think of King Biruz\'s announcement. Are you in disagreement as well?"

"Well, not really, but…" Before the troll could finish his sentence, Isabella made her move.

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