Papa Paladin

Chapter 237: Zuo Yi's public class (3/3)

   Prepare to teach students.

  Zuo Yi is the chief tutor of Apocalypse Academy. Although it is of an honorary nature and has no obligation to teach, Zuo Yi has his own ideas, so he asked the academy to arrange a big class for the students today.

   It can be regarded as fulfilling one\'s own responsibility, and harvesting a little faith along the way.

  The class starts at ten o\'clock in the morning, and the location is in the auditorium of the college.

  Before that, Zuo Yi installed a secondary teleportation array in his mentor\'s office.

   In this way, it will be much easier for Bao\'er to come to Tianqi Academy to go to school and go home after school. It will be sent directly from home and back, which is hundreds of times better than any means of transportation!

  And in case Zuo Yi has something to do and can\'t come to pick up the little girl, she can go home safely by herself.

  Considering that Bao\'er will live and study in Tianqi Academy for a long time, Zuo Yi finally made such a decision.

   Installing the rune template of the teleportation array is very simple. After installing it, Zuo Yi took out a prepared carpet and laid it on it.

   Seeing that the time was almost up, he set off for the college auditorium.

  At this very moment, among the large group of students of Tianqi Academy, there was an uproar and excitement!

   "Students who are going to the auditorium hurry up, the class will start soon!"

   "Haha, we\'re already there."

   "Tell those students who haven\'t come yet that the seats are gone."

   "Today is tutor Zuo Yi\'s first big class, so you have to listen to it standing up!"

   "I don\'t know what Teacher Zuo will tell us, so I\'m looking forward to it."

   "Oh my god, three vice presidents are here!"

   "Three vice presidents? Are they real or not?"

   "The dean is here too!!"


  The notice from the college has already been issued, and the students are undoubtedly very interested in Zuo Yi\'s class, because Zuo Yi is not only the chief tutor, but also the only A-level strongman in the college.

  Everyone hopes to gain experience in the transcendent field from him, even if it doesn\'t apply to them, it will be inspiring.

   Therefore, before ten o\'clock, the auditorium of the college was full of seats. Many students who came late could only stand by the aisles on both sides. There was really no place to stand, so they had to move stools to lie on the windows.

   This is the first time since the establishment of Apocalypse Academy, which shows the charm of A-level powerhouses!

  In addition to hundreds of students, the three vice deans and honorary dean Wu Yongjian all came.

  Wu Yongjian is the chief officer of the Supervision Bureau. His work focus has always been on the Supervision Bureau. Tianqi Academy only comes here once in a while. The affairs of the college are basically managed by the four vice presidents.

  But today he came over in person to cheer for Zuo Yi.

  In addition to the principal and deputy dean, dozens of tutors from the school also came.

   It is no exaggeration to say that the quantity and quality of the extraordinary people who are preparing to attend lectures in the auditorium of the Apocalypse Academy at this time are enough to crush the extraordinary forces of many small countries!

  At ten o\'clock in the morning, Zuo Yi stepped into the auditorium on time, within a second.

  Seeing the dark crowd in front of the podium, as well as Wu Yongjian and others sitting in the front row, Zuo Yi was somewhat surprised.

   This scene is really big enough.

   Then he also saw Baoer who was also sitting in the front row, and sister Qin Qin who was accompanying Baoer.

  Seeing Zuo Yi coming in, the little girl immediately waved her little hand excitedly.

   Dad, come on!

  Zuo Yi gave his darling baby a bright smile, and then stood in front of the podium.

   Thousands of pairs of eyes, as well as the lenses of two cameras, were aimed at him at the same time.

   This class is no longer a big class, but an open class!

  Zuo Yi\'s gaze swept across the bottom of the podium, and the auditorium became very quiet in an instant. No matter how rebellious the extraordinary person is usually, they are now obedient students.

   Unless the brain is flooded, no one will play wild here in front of the two A-level powerhouses and the three B-level powerhouses.

  Under the gaze of everyone, Zuo Yi said, "In today\'s class, I\'m going to teach you a set of starry sky meditation."

   As he spoke, he turned around, picked up a chalk and wrote on the blackboard the five characters "Constellation Meditation".

  The students and teachers were all stunned.

   Not only because Zuo Yi was so straightforward and the opening remarks did not get straight to the point, but also because they were very unfamiliar with the "starry sky meditation method" and had never heard of it.

  Zuo Yi continued: "This set of starry sky meditation can help you strengthen your mental power, and then better control your own strength and ability, and help break through the bottleneck..."

  In the world of Sadya, both knights and wizards pay great attention to the cultivation of spiritual power. Knights use spiritual power to control fighting spirit and release skills, and wizards use spiritual power to communicate with the net of laws and cast powerful spells.

  Over the past five epochs, countless superpowers have created hundreds of spiritual cultivation methods. The starry sky meditation method is one of the best general-purpose meditation methods, and it is used as a basic textbook by many knight or wizard academies in the mainland.

  This starry sky meditation method spans a large range of levels, from apprentices to legends, and it can be cultivated, and it is also the most compatible.

Zuo Yi intends to deeply participate in the process of ascension in the Blue Star World, and he is bound to exert sufficient influence in this world. His plan is huge. It was the beginning of teaching Hongwu Boxing in the Budokan, and now he is teaching the new generation of supernatural beings. Our astral meditation method goes one step further.

  The more extraordinary people he influences, the more power of faith he can gain in the future!

  Zuo Yi raised his hands slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Now, please close your eyes."

If it were an ordinary tutor, many of the students present would definitely feel that he was pretending to be a ghost, and might not obey the instructions obediently, but the deterrent power of the A-level strong is strong enough, so most of the students closed their eyes .

   There were even some mentors present.

  You don\'t overwhelm yourself with a lot of art, no matter whether the so-called starry sky meditation taught by Zuo Yi is useful or not, it is not as powerful as he said, it will not be a bad thing to follow along.

  The next moment, Zuo Yi opened his spiritual vision, and his spiritual power expanded silently in all directions, weaving a spiritual net along the net of laws, covering the entire auditorium.

  Many high-level transcendents, including Wu Yongjian, felt it immediately, and some of them showed expressions of surprise.

  But Zuo Yi ignored them at all. He used his spiritual power to communicate with all the students and mentors who closed their eyes, and conveyed to them the mystery of starry sky meditation.

   There was no sound in the auditorium, it was eeriely quiet!


  The third update is here, I can’t comment on it recently, there is no chapter to say, I feel a little uneasy, I don’t know where I wrote it wrong, Σ(°△°|||)︴

  (end of this chapter)

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