Papa Paladin

Chapter 572: Ants

  Paul Monastery shrouded in blood was unusually quiet, and the surroundings were completely dead, but in his spiritual network perception, many people were coming here from different directions.

Paul\'s Monastery is located in the center of St. George\'s slums, the core area of ​​the Hellfire site. Although the gang members entrenched here were almost wiped out by Zuo Yi, the gunshots, screams, and explosions just now alarmed the nearby people. people.

   Those who come must be the Hellfire Gang.

   And this is exactly what Zuo Yi hoped, because the blood shed just now was not enough!

   Zuo Yi suddenly turned his head and looked to the right.

  A 7.62mm sniper bomb shot at him like lightning, aiming at the vitals of his head!

  But this pointed bullet was half a meter away from Zuo Yi, and it was blocked by the invisible grudge, unable to move forward even a millimeter.


   There was a gunshot in the distance.

  Zuo Yi\'s eyes flashed, and he instantly locked the attacker\'s position.

  The assailant was hiding on the roof of a five-story building six or seven hundred meters away from the monastery. He saw the scene of the bullet being blocked through the scope, and suddenly showed a look of horror.

As an elite member of Hellfire, this sniper is usually stationed in this building. He just received an order from above, knowing that the Paul Monastery suffered heavy casualties from the enemy attack, so he immediately appeared in the sniper position to fight back .

  But the snipers never expected that the enemy would be so terrifying!


  A thought flashed across the sniper\'s mind, and the sniper\'s instinct made him pull the bolt mechanically and quickly, and pulled the trigger again.

boom! boom! boom!

   Gunshots rang out at almost the same time in different places, and more snipers invested in the attack on Zuo Yi.

  Hellfire has a sniper team that makes opponents fearful. Its members have received professional sniper training and are equipped with the most advanced sniper weapons. They have made great achievements in many battles.

Six years ago, in order to capture the big drug lord Goswana, a special force of Paparo, with the support of the local military and police of St. George, dispatched armored vehicles and helicopters into the slums of St. George, but was attacked by Hellfire. Gangster attack.

This sniper team played a vital role in this battle, killing and wounding hundreds of special soldiers and military police, forcing the other side to withdraw from the slums in embarrassment, and making Paparo official a big international ugly.

  The Hellfire sniper team became famous in the first battle. They code-named the "Reaper" team and became an important force for gangs to deter opponents.

  These snipers are very familiar with the terrain and environment of the slums, and have exclusive sniper positions and hiding spots. Once foreign enemies break in, they will inevitably be attacked by them.

   Even a superhuman, without defense and corresponding defense means, cannot resist the siege of a dozen elite snipers.

  However, what the "Grim Reaper" team is facing today is the real Grim Reaper!

   None of the sniper bullets can break through Zuo Yi\'s grudge defense. Although they are far more powerful than ordinary rifle bullets, they are at most a little closer to Zuo Yi, and they can\'t even touch a single hair of him.

  Passive defense has never been Zuo Yi\'s style. Even though the opponent is ambushing a few hundred meters away, it doesn\'t mean that he has nothing to do with the "Reaper" team.

  Zuo Yi put away the epee, and took out a black Barrett M90 from the space ring!

   This 12.7mm anti-materiel rifle was captured in Peter Maxim\'s lair. It is the latest generation of sniper weapon designed and developed by the American Barrett Arms Manufacturing Company.

  Its effective range exceeds 2000 meters, and its powerful ammunition can easily penetrate bricks and concrete, so despite being an anti-material rifle, it is also very suitable for destroying enemy snipers at long distances.

  After Zuo Yi\'s "simple" transformation, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the Barrett M90 has been increased several times!

   Picking up the 15KG weapon, Zuo Yi pushed the bullet into the chamber and pulled the trigger without aiming.


  A cloud of fury burst out of the muzzle of the gun instantly, and the special 12.7mm sniper bullet flew over a distance of more than 500 meters in one second, hitting the Hellfire sniper hiding on the roof of the fifth floor.


  The upper body of the sniper exploded instantly, killing him on the spot.

  Zuo Yi shifted the muzzle of the gun, loaded it skillfully at the same time, and pulled the trigger again.

  At the same time, he sent instructions to the griffin hovering over the monastery through the soul link, so that Ah Jiu climbed up to a thousand meters above the ground to guard against the attack of enemy snipers.

   This is just in case.

   It’s just that Gu Kai and Zhang Yun, who were still in shock on the back of the griffin, were terrified. They held on to the saddle of the griffin tightly, for fear of falling from the sky.

  In fact, Griffins fly very steadily, as long as they don’t move around, there is no danger of falling, and even if they accidentally fall, they don’t have to worry about falling to death.

   Both Griffin and Zuo Yi are capable of rescue in critical moments.

boom! boom! boom!

   One shot after another, one shot to kill one, without missing a beat!

  Although some members of Hellfire\'s "Reaper" team sensed danger and immediately moved their positions, and some hid behind bunkers.

   But it\'s useless at all. Under the perception lock of Zuo Yi\'s spiritual network, they have nowhere to hide.

   And even thick brick walls or even bulletproof steel plates cannot withstand the sniper bullets fired by the Barrett M90.

  In less than a minute, nine members of the "Reaper" team were killed!

  The Hellfire sniper team has only 12 members including the captain. After this battle, they were basically destroyed. The reason why they were not completely wiped out was because only nine people participated in the attack on Zuo Yi.

  Such a terrifying killing efficiency has greatly deterred the enemy, and those Hellfire members who had surrounded the monastery stopped in their tracks one after another, yelling and sending messages to each other.

  Zuo Yi scanned around with the help of the spiritual net, but found no new snipers, so he put away the Barrett M90.

   As a knight, if you don’t master the means of long-range strikes, you are not qualified. In the world of Sadya, Zuo Yi used bows and javelins to teach his opponents to be human, but in the world of Blue Star, guns and weapons are more to his taste.

  He took out the epee again and held it in his hand.

  So at this moment, Zuo Yi has already sensed the emergence of new enemies.

   A relatively stronger…



  A wall of the Paul Monastery suddenly exploded, accompanied by splashes of rubble and bricks, a tall, burly, dark-skinned bald man rushed in!

  (end of this chapter)

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