Reincarnated With A Badluck System

Chapter 26 Doom Of The Divinities(1)

In his shocked state, Edgar suddenly grabbed his hands and hopped into the brown Portal.

Just like before, the soothing sensation engulfed Vincent as they passed through the portal. Vincent had always heard about teleporters that were used for transportation to beast planets or other kingdoms and continents, and it was quite common in the Graven kingdom. However, what his master just used was a ring-like object that was tossed into the air and created a portal. It was alien to him.


Vincent and Edgar landed on a wooden floor. Raising his head to check out his surroundings, Vincent could see that they were in some kind of abandoned house with dust and cobwebs around. The room was a single large one filled with junk and garbage, making Vincent look at his master with suspicious eyes.

"Sigh....don\'t look at me like that. This is my old house, it\'s where I used to live before building a large orphanage. Thus, it\'s bound to be filled with junk." Edgar said and tried to defend himself, not to look like a dirty master.

Vincent\'s eyes squinted when he heard his master\'s words, then he replied. "But it\'s not so different from your current house. Which is also full of garbage." Vincent sneered at his master.

" call my trophies garbage. They are priceless!" Edgar asserted and defended himself. Inwardly, he knew that most of his stuff was garbage that he wasn\'t willing to part with.

Vincent sighed at his master and decided not to argue further. After all, he was an old man, even though he looked like someone in his early forties. He had probably lived up to 500 years.

"Master~, what was that ring-like object that created that portal? Besides, where are we? Are we still in the Graven kingdom? Because this atmosphere feels different." Vincent asked with curiosity shown on his face as he walked towards the dirty and battered window to gaze at his surroundings.

"You are quite a smart kid, this is not the Graven kingdom. We are in the Miletan kingdom. As for the ring-like object, it\'s a teleportation ring. It can only be used one time. However, it is illegal. The reason for it being illegal is that a pseudo core and runes were embedded within it. It\'s a complicated ring that had not been perfected because, at times, the runes might have been corroded, causing the user to be stuck in space for eternity. But do not fret, only weaklings will be stuck in space." Edgar shrugged, and he walked towards the door that had tons of cobwebs hanging on it.

When he arrived at the front of the door, the cobwebs began to deteriorate, and at the same time, Edgar\'s eyes began to glow as he waved his hands and cast a silent spell before placing his hands on the door.

Click! Click!

The door creaked and the mechanism holding it was sent flying in different directions.

Meanwhile, Vincent was still staring at his master in awe.

"There are so many strange things about you! So we traveled several miles away from our kingdom!" Vincent blurted out, then he added.

"Master, are you also going to teach me magic?" Vincent asked with puppy eyes. In front of his master, he didn\'t feel ashamed since his master was 10 times older than him. He was just a kid in his master\'s eyes.

Edgar shook his head as he opened the door, causing a bright blinding light to illuminate a proportion of the room.

"You know kid....I don\'t like repeating myself~. You are the last of our kind and the only hope. Why won\'t I teach you all of my experience and knowledge? Stop being impatient. Like I said earlier, our body absorbs mana 3 times slower than an average human. We can\'t sit in a lotus position and refill our mana core as the humans do. Our body naturally absorbs it by itself, at its own pace. That\'s why I said, I would teach you the first stage of Qi in our next lesson. Magic is deeper than you think, kid. It has no bounds. Even if I start explaining all my knowledge about magic to you, we might not achieve anything. Whereas I don\'t know the full depth of magic, it is deeper than you think. Just like an endless abyss. Take it slowly Vincent." Edgar said in a calm voice and patted Vincent on his shoulder. However, the sadness on his face couldn\'t be hidden.

Vincent apologized to his master and they both left the room. Walking through a crowded street in the Miletan kingdom, Vincent could see different types of races, and wyverns flying in the skies. 

His eyes were fixated on all the women that walked past him. Like dragon women, elves, nekos, humans, dwarves, wolf girls, fox girls, and many other races that Vincent hadn\'t seen before. Including beast kins. Vincent was trying to study each race\'s scent by sniffing their aura, as his master carefully explained and identified each strange race to him. However, Vincent couldn\'t hide the lust shown on his face and the bulge in his pants.

After getting bored of sniffing the air and walking, Vincent decided to check his stats points.

"System stats!" Vincent uttered.


[System stats uploading]

Name: Vincent Oswald]

[Race: Blood Incubus]

[Level 1: 0%]

[Bad Karma: Unlimited]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Charm: 10]

[Perception: 11]

[Mental Resistance: 10]

[Sex Points: 0]

[Mana Core: Yellow]

[Health points: 30/30]

[Mana Points: 20/20]

[Spiritual Aura/Qi: Null]

"Hmm, I\'m no longer a half incubus after that painful bite. My master was right, my mana points replenished after my injury, and my perception also increased by 1 stat point. Is it because of sniffing different scents of races? And this blood Incubus thingy, I hope I won\'t have to feed on blood? I should probably ask him in our next lecture." Vincent gulped hard and followed his master from behind.

Suddenly, Edgar entered a place that was similar to a  shopping center. Different shops and malls could be seen here and there with numerous categories of goods and consumables. Abruptly, Vincent\'s master took a sharp turn to the right and arrived at a place that was filled with different races, seated on their chairs, eating, laughing, or talking about business.

Edgar walked towards two empty chairs with a small, round table and urged Vincent to sit down. In addition, the place was lousy and it made Vincent nervous.

Vincent followed his master\'s prompt and sat opposite him. 

Suddenly, Edgar brought his face close to Vincent\'s own and whispered.

"This place is called \'doom of the divinities. It\'s either you leave here happy or sad, and this is where you are going to take your first lesson and pop your cherry. Now, take a look around, there are about a thousand females of different races. Choose one out of them." Edgar whispered with a sinister grin on his face.

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