Reincarnated With A Badluck System

Chapter 69 Planet Demaz

We are now in the town of Anore, where the commercial teleporter of the beast planet we are going to is located. We are currently going through some processes as beast portals are restricted to normal civilians.

"All your tokens have been verified and although you guys aren\'t full-fledged adventurers, your guild is permitted entry into beast planets," A bulky man says as he hands over our token.

I realize that I was also given a token that came along with my robe. The robe also has surprising features. It has self-repair and self-clean features.

The man talking to us right now is among the guards that are in charge of guarding the portals of the beast planets.

There are different types of portals here, some of which are just normal teleporters that only teleport within planet Manov. The public teleporters aren\'t as guarded as the teleporters to other planets.

The public teleporters are mostly white, brown, and green, and there are tons of people passing through them right now. Though they have to pay.

The teleporters to the beast planets vary from red, purple, cyan, gold, silver, rainbow, and many other colors. There\'s also a certain one that is extremely guarded…..not only is it heavily guarded but it\'s also constrained in a cylindrical object….and If I\'m to guess the color of this portal then it should be black….

I\'m certain that it\'s black because there is a small black dot glowing at the center. But I\'m not quite sure as the teleporter isn\'t in action.

"Next!" The bulky bald man shouts as he hands over our token.

 Abby taps me and the other teammates after paying the guard 6 silver coins, then we begin to walk towards a cyan portal that leads to the beast planet Demaz.

Abby suddenly stops halfway.

"We are about to enter this beast planet, you should all hold hands tightly so that we\'ll be teleported to the same destination and not randomly. 

Although the planet in question has human civilization and isn\'t filled with strong monsters. The monsters there vary from basic-tier to Intermediate-tier, however, there are some cases whereby a high-level beast would appear. So don\'t let your guards down…." Abby informs us as she instructs us to hold hands.

Looking at Abby\'s leadership charisma, a lewd smile starts to form on my face.

In the next moment, we move towards the huge cyan teleporter. The closer I get, the more the feeling of dread overwhelms me as the teleporter makes a howling sound that\'s as strong as a whirlwind.

In the next moment, I and the rest of the squad suddenly hop into the teleporter.


A sizzling sound explodes as we all hop inside and a tingling sensation begins to crawl up my skin. And I can\'t say the same for my teammates because I can\'t even see them due to the pressure of the teleportation speed. 

Then, a blinding white light suddenly flashes on my face and we are suddenly ejected from the teleporter, causing us to fall on top of each other.

"Kyaaaa!!! Get off me!" Kim suddenly cries and pushes me away.


When we fell after getting ejected by the teleporter, we fell on ourselves randomly. I fell on Kim and mistakenly grabbed onto the peaks on her chest.

Cough! Well, it wasn\'t really my fault, it was just a survival Instinct of an Incubus.

I see the rest of the teammates trying to regain their composure as they also try to stand up on their feet.

Kim\'s face is very red at this point, and Abby and Kurt begin to give me a judging look.

"Those fuckers! Is this what they mean by basic teleportation?" Russell curses as he also regains his composure.

The only person who is unfazed by this crap is Kurt.

We are now in some kind of portal station that is similar to the one we came from, with guards standing around and confirming identities, in case some unauthorized civilians manage to sneak through the portal.

Two portals are different from ours in this station. These portals carefully eject the users and safely land them on the floor, unlike us.

"That is the classic and exquisite teleportal huh? Those fuckers!!" I curse and grit my teeth.

I glance at the teleportal we came from and realize that it is pretty old compared to the classic ones. 

"Well, what do you expect? The classic teleportal is 10 silver coins per person and the exquisite is 1 gold coin. And, using this basic teleportal only cost us 6 coins which is pretty okay since we only suffered a bad landing ...."  Laura says as she explains how we saved money by using the basic teleportal.

Save my ass…..they should have just asked me for money…I guess they aren\'t gold diggers after all.


The teleporter suddenly ejects another group of people.

"Fuck! Jake, this is your fault for always wanting to manage money,"

"You dumbass, It\'s all Layla\'s fault!"

"Kyaaa! You brought up the idea,"

The group of three continue cursing at themselves.

But when their gaze falls on us, they suddenly go silent.

"S-Senior sister, what are you doing here?" The girl called Layla asks while the two boys behind her cower In fear.

This trio are also from our base.

"We are here on a mission, what about you?"

"We are also here to complete a mission," Layla replies.

"What type of mission?" Abby asks.

"We are here to hunt some basic-tier horned rabbits," Layla replies sincerely.

I\'m beginning to wonder why Abby is so popular.

Looking at Layla who seems to be the team leader and her colleagues, I feel pity for them. They are all carrying pathetic, rusted, and ruined weapons.

"Okay, let\'s stick together and have a nice meal before we depart," Abby tells them.

Layla and her teammates nod their heads and begin to follow us.

Layla\'s pitiful state reminds me of a certain little girl whose education I\'m sponsoring back on earth. They both have those pitiful eyes.

Either way, I wonder how Zella is doing on earth.

Maybe I should give Layla a weapon inside my space ring. It\'s high time I take a leak and excuse myself.

After getting verified by the guards, we head towards a restaurant that is also located in the portal station.

The moment we settle down to order some food, I excuse myself from my teammates and head to the toilet of the restaurant.


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