Reincarnated With A Badluck System

Chapter 71 Mana Pseudo Gun


Why do you think Laximus gave me these eyes?

[I really don\'t know what he was thinking of or what kind of plan he has, but one thing that\'s for sure is that he is always up to no good.] Myra replies.

After hearing this revelation, I\'m scared as fuck. I can\'t imagine having my eyes gouged out or my mom and sister getting killed along with my other women.

Fuck! I must get stronger… Even though I\'m a reincarnation of my former self, Amelina is still my mom because she gave birth to me.

In my past life on earth, I really didn\'t have any fatherly or motherly love. My mom died while giving birth to me and my dad died soon after as well… his life never remained the same because he was a scum who believed that his wife wouldn\'t have died if she didn\'t give birth to me.

Those pretty eyes of Amelina and her lovely smile….Fuck!... I should have just chosen to be a dog.

[Choosing to be a dog at that time wasn\'t even a solution. The soulbond would have made you reincarnate again….]

That\'s right, sigh… this the power of karma?

[Karma….is a bastard…. The only way to solve this problem is to get stronger and reduce your bad karma by cuckolding people, especially humans…]

That sounds racist…. Do you know I was still a human 2 days ago?

[Of course I do, I simply said that because humans are the most cunning race out of all races. That\'s why they can conquer a lot of stronger races…]

Ahh~ this is just too much for me to bear, Myra.

[That\'s why I\'m here for you…]

Thanks for everything, thanks for all your support and care. If only you didn\'t fall into the masochistic category…sigh.

[Umm, that\'s err… something I like. By the way, I think you should check out the space ring now.]


In the next moment, I begin to send my mana into the space ring. This time I have perfect control over my mana as though it\'s part of my limbs, but at the same time I can feel my mana being drained gradually.

Previously, I could only put things into the space ring, but couldn\'t peek at the contents. Right now, the space ring is sucking my mana as if it\'s trying to leave a mark and accept me as its owner.

With a slight glow to it, I suddenly have a clear view of the content inside the space ring.

I see several hundred elixir potions, a heap of money ranging from silver to gold coins, five long swords, 1 katana, 7 spears and thousands of arrows. 

I still haven\'t seen anything that suits me, so I continue my search… 

Inside the space ring, there are some teleportation rings similar to Edgar\'s own… they didn\'t pique my interest because I\'m only interested in two glowing objects in the corner of the space ring.

Immediately, I send a wave of mana into the space ring, and the two glowing objects appear in my hand.


[Runes Crossbow]

[Grade: pseudo core(orange)]

[Strength: Replicates the user\'s strength]

[Agility: Replicates the user\'s agility]

[Stamina: Replicates the user\'s stamina]

[Forger: Oswald Lancelot]

[Active Skills: 2]

[Evolve: The crossbow will be able to evolve with its first wielder. Its pseudo will also change in color just like the user\'s own]

[Mass Strike LV 1: Shoot and aim at six people at once from a very long distance of 2 kilometers without missing.]

[Usage: Unlimited]


I stare at the notification right now with my mouth open agape.

\'T-The name of that forger, is that not my father? And what the hell is this bow….?\'

I glance at the second object and inspect it also.

​ [Inspect]

[Mana Gun]

[Grade: pseudo core(orange)]

[Strength: Replicates the user\'s strength.]

[Agility: Replicates the user\'s agility]

[Stamina: Replicates the user\'s stamina]

[Forger: Oswald Lancelot]

[Active Skills: 3]

[Evolve: The crossbow will be able to evolve with its first wielder. Its pseudo will also change in color just like the user\'s own]

[Target Lockdown LV 1: Lock any target below the intermediate mage rank, and finish off the target with a single mana bullet without missing.]

[Mass Destruction: Fire all the mana inside the gun at once to cause massive destruction. The range of destruction depends on the size of the mana core]



I\'m speechless right now because these weapons don\'t look like beast items, they are more like sentimental weapons.

The crossbow is a normal weapon with orange runes engraved on it, which are glowing and pulsating like they are alive. The same goes for the mana gun, it also has several runes and a round orange ball glowing inside of it.

The most surprising and confusing thing is that the gun is similar to the ones used on earth.

"It just doesn\'t make any sense, Myra."

[Well according to the information I have about this world. This kind of weapon should not exist because the technomancers haven\'t even come up with something like this. Although they have tried, they still failed several times, because pseudo cores are complicated…they are similar to the space rings that your master is using, they are not stable.

But it seems like your father succeeded in creating a balanced and evolving pseudo core.]

I see…..

This just made me more curious about my father….how many secrets are still being hidden? Was his death natural or planned?

All these things, I want to know.

I store the crossbow inside my space ring and begin to send my mana inside the Mana Gun.

[–5 Mana points]

[-5 Mana points]

[-5 Mana points]

[Warning! You have five Mana points left. If you keep using your mana, you\'ll suffer from mana sickness]

I immediately stop sending my mana into the gun. This time, the gun starts to glow very brightly and something like a gauge appears on its side and I see that 80 percent of the gauge is filled up.

Furthermore, I start to feel a burning sensation on my neck, and a tattoo begins to appear there. The tattoo is similar to the drawing of a dragon.

I don\'t know what it means, but I think it\'s some kind of connection between the gun and me, as its wielder.

Right now I only have five Mana points left, I\'ll need to have sex if I want to refill my mana core. Sigh….this is much more troublesome than I thought.

I let out a sigh and return the gun as well. 

I think the gun will be the perfect weapon for me, just one thing is missing. And I think I\'ll visit a blacksmith for that.

I am a master at shooting crossbows because I used them to hunt animals when I was less busy back on earth. The same goes for guns, I\'m also proficient in using them. Now that there is a gun that can harm mages, It will be the best weapon for me, so I\'ll be a hitman who never misses. 

Just thinking about it is making me excited….but fuck, how do I regain my mana? I can use the gauntlet If I\'m ever in trouble…along with the gun, but I don\'t think it\'s the right time to expose it.

The crossbow can still be used but how do I explain the runes and the core?

[That is pretty simple, the pseudo core of the crossbow is well hidden, you could just tell them that it\'s a beast item…. Although it will attract greedy people\'s attention, it\'s still different compared to the mana gun…]

I see…. Unfortunately, the crossbow doesn\'t have any mana in it…which leaves me with the gauntlet.

Sometime later, I checked out everything inside the space ring, and to be honest, I\'m pretty shocked by the things inside.

The long swords are intermediate beast items, so also were the spears, and basic-tier arrows. These came as a surprise to me because they will be lethal and reusable…

The Katana is a king-tier beast item whose active skills increases the user\'s speed and flexibility.

I have decided to give it to Layla since Abby already has a king-tier sword. As for the other swords and spears, I can just give them to my teammates or Layla\'s teammates, then I can sell the rest since they are of no use to me.

After sketching out my plans, I take a leak and leave the bathroom. The moment I step outside, I see all my teammates at the entrance.

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