Golden Fox with System

Chapter 58 Services? What Kind Of Services?

Hearing Yuki\'s question, everyone in the cave looked toward Theo. They were also very surprised to see his eyes constantly change colours from gold to red and so on. It gave them a mystical feeling, and at the same time, it was a little scary, for they felt that Theo could see all their secrets with his eyes, it was as if they were naked in front of him, unable to hide anything from his sight.

"Oh! What?!" Now that he remembered that he had yet to tell them about his eyes. "Well, that was something I got through my lineage." He said but didn\'t want to explain the functions of his eyes... at least not now.

Although he trusted Shina, Yui and Yuki, he didn\'t know the sisters Zaika and Zaira yet. It may seem strange, as he easily trusted Shina when they first met and told her several of his secrets, but that had several factors that made him decide to trust her.

First of all, she didn\'t look like someone who would rush out to betray him and tell others. Second, she started living with them, and it was far from the other living things she could tell. Third, even if she was going to run away and tell someone, it wasn\'t as if the others would blindly believe her, and they could escape away during this time. Fourth, even if she wasn\'t going to tell and had a chance that someone would read her mind, they were far from powerful beings who could have such abilities, if there was such a skill…

There were even more reasons for him to trust her, but those were his main reasons. But regarding the two sisters Zaira and Zaika, as much as he might have helped them, he still didn\'t know much about them, and his current destination was a city... so he didn\'t want to risk telling... and end up being hunted.

Without giving any further answers, Theo deactivated his Golden Fox divine eyes and soon they were back to normal.

Zaira could tell that Theo didn\'t say much about the lineage of his eyes because of them, but even though she was a little sad... she soon returned to normal as she knew they didn\'t know each other long enough for him to trust her now; even though she offered to be her lifelong contracted animal.

Of course, his daughter Yui was very curious about it and kept asking, but Theo already knew how to handle his daughter, he magically made a chocolate bar appear in his hand. But it wasn\'t any chocolate! It was a bar of chocolate that cost him 800 system points!! This chocolate was made with the best ingredients in this world!! Even the milk used to make this chocolate is superior to the milk Yui liked so much, so little Yui\'s attention was soon diverted to the chocolate in Theo\'s hand, her eyes sparkling with small stars and a little drool started to drip from her mouth… [TL: This is not bribing, definitely not.]

"P-Papa!! Is that for Yui?" She asked eagerly to eat once again this chocolate she couldn\'t forget the taste of. Theo had set a limit before that she could only eat this chocolate once a week, and it had been a long time since she had last eaten one.

"Yes, child!" He smiled and handed her the chocolate.

"Papa is the best of all!!" She said happily and hugged him tightly, but not before taking the candy bar from his hand.

Shina and Yuki, just shook their heads, thinking Theo spoiled his daughter…

"Delicious!!" Little Yui expressed her happiness aloud, licking even her small fingers, not wanting to waste her precious chocolate.

Soon the silence took over, only with the sound of little Yui\'s voice of happiness left.

Not wanting to leave this awkward silence for too long... Theo asked Zaika, "Well, how are you feeling now? Still feeling pain?"

"Ah, no, I\'m fine now!! I no longer feel pain... thank you so much for helping me!!" Zaika stood on his four legs and bowed to Theo.

Theo laughed and said, "Haha, don\'t worry about it! Treat it as a payment for the services your sister will have to do for me."

"Services? What kind of services?" She looked at him suspiciously. [TL: No comment. Wait a few moments and let\'s just see where your imagination takes you.)

Now they all looked at Theo once more, because they didn\'t know what he wanted Zaira to do for him either.

"It\'s no big deal, just stay by my side for a while helping me kill some Animals and Monsters until I think it\'s enough to pay for my help," Theo explained.

"Ohhh!" The sisters were surprised that they thought they were harder to get. [TL: Did you think the same? Pervs.] Even more so because they could tell that the pill Theo had made Zaika eat was not simple at all, so they didn\'t think they just needed to help kill some Animals and Monsters as payment.

Of course, Shina and Yuki, who knew what he was doing with the bodies of the Animals and Monsters, could imagine that he would make them work for him until they were able to make up for the \'Energy\' he had to spend helping Zaika.

And their first destination was not the city, but Ang Village where he and Yuki befriended Jka and Klin. So while reaching the city, Theo calculated that they would be able to make back points on the system that was spent on them. Then he would see no problem in letting them go.

Sure, he could just let them go without paying for anything, but Theo wasn\'t so good as to give so many points in his system to some animals he barely knows, though he wouldn\'t think twice to help strengthen Shina, Yuki and Yui. He would not go around handing out the points they worked hard to get, either.

"Um... I\'d like to be of some help, for what you did for me!" Said Wolf Zaika.

"I don\'t see any problems! That way you can repay me even faster!" Theo smiled.

"Yes!" She agreed.

"Do you think you can walk now?" Theo asked.

"Yes, I don\'t see any problems! After absorbing the pill you gave me, in addition to helping to awaken my lineage, it also helped to regain my strength!" Zaika explained.

"I see." Theo looked at all of them and said, "Well, let\'s go then?"

"Yes!!" They agreed.

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