Destroying My Own Novel

Chapter 379 378: Famous Amongst The Otherworlders.

"Hey check it out. Look at those dudes, they\'re on a business trip," A guy held his laughter as he looked at Mykel and Lucifer walked past him and his friends. "What a joke," He laughed with his friends because of the attire those two wore.

They weren\'t the only ones who mocked Mykel and Lucifer, almost everyone they saw was making fun of them. They weren\'t bothered by it, and in fact, they were focused on the small base camp where people from different worlds gathered.

"Mortals using hell as their place to stay, how funny," Lucifer chuckled softly.

Mykel watched as everyone was so carefree and laid-back. There were so many people from different races, even elves, and dwarves. They were sharing their knowledge of weaponry, armory, martial arts, and even magic.

"Now that I look at them, can you do something about this dagger?" Mykel pulled out something from thin air, and it was [Dagger of Soul-Marking].

Lucifer raised his eyebrow and looked at the dagger. He took it from Mykel\'s hand and noticed the dagger belonged to Satan based on the power that it contained.

"What do you want to do with this?" Lucifer asked as he looked at Mykel.

"I want the soul that got marked will belong to me instead of him," Mykel answered. "I need to find the Smith since it only mentioned once about the mortal that created your sword and Luciel\'s sword. The problem is, Smith was further on the ninetieth floor, and I might need it now," Mykel explained.

The legend of The Smith and the Devil was a common story that was mentioned a lot in different stories and books. In the original story, the Smith\'s name was Smith, and he offered his soul directly to Lucifer to gain the power to create a cursed and almighty weapon and armor in the medieval world that killed millions of lives.

The moment Smith died, Lucifer brought his soul to Gehenna. Since his soul belonged to Lucifer, Lucifer placed him in a tight space where he could only move his body around with nothing covering his body while the heat and the spark of the furnace burned his body for eternity.

Smith had to create weapons and armor for the demons, and if he stopped even for a second, the heat from the furnace would melt his body. Since his soul belonged to Lucifer, he only accepted orders from Lucifer himself, and he was hidden even from the demons, even Luciel.

"I almost forgot about that name, and yes, it\'s possible," Lucifer answered as he gave the dagger back. "You need to offer your blood, and use the iron in your blood as a new ingredient of the dagger," Lucifer explained.

"I see, I will give you the blood later," Mykel answered as he looked at the dagger in his hand.

"You have the ability to create a Godly weapon, but why do you want a Demonic weapon?" Lucifer glanced at Mykel from the corner of his eyes.

"This is for a different occasion," Mykel answered.

Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows, but then brushed it off since he would get the answer once he got back into Mykel\'s body.

The difference between Godly weapons or armor with Demonic weapons and armor was the quality and the purpose. Godly quality was indomitable regarding sturdiness that could withstand anything without exception or requirements like Mjollnir, Gungnir, Handleless sword, and Lucifer\'s sword. On the other hand, Demonic weapons and armor influenced the wearer or wielder which granted them unbelievable power. Demonic quality would ask for something in return or a drawback from using it. For example, the Dainsleif sword, and the Dagger of Soul-Marking where the power within the weapons could only be activated once it met the requirement.

Mykel and Lucifer tested how far Lucifer could go before he got sent back to Mykel. Lucifer could travel all the way to District 14 when Mykel stayed in District 1. The distance was around 10,000km, and Lucifer wasn\'t sent back to Mykel\'s side. They didn\'t know how far they could be separated, but if that much distance was fine, there would be no problem since the ninetieth floor wasn\'t that far from the entrance to Babel Tower.

They both decided to use wind magic to fly away since they wanted to catch up on Agnez and the others. The people below them were amazed by how they could fly, but for some mages, it wasn\'t that amazing at all since it wasn\'t that hard to do.

"We are almost there. Here, take my blood," Mykel said as he cut his wrist and contained the blood in a small water bubble.

"Why don\'t you come with me? You\'re no longer a part of the game. You can explore Gehenna as you wish," Lucifer asked with a confused look.

"I have another thing to do. Aren\'t you bored sticking with me? I\'m giving you temporary freedom," Mykel replied.

Lucifer took the water bubble with Mykel\'s blood inside and looked at it for a few seconds. He then flew up high and spread his wings into the cloudy sky while Mykel dispersed the wind under his feet, and free-falling where Agnez and the others were.

He landed and broke the ground which startled everyone because of the sound and the ground shaking. They all turned around and thought a demon had come to fight them, but the moment they saw Mykel coming out of the cloud of dust, they sighed and put their weapons down.

"I thought we are going to get some action," Sven said.

"It\'s going to take a while to reach the Babel Tower by walking. I\'m giving you guys a hand," Mykel said and warped everyone to the bridge that led to the Babel Tower.

Enma was shocked and speechless. She tried to process what had just happened, and when she looked at Mykel, he only gave her a smile. She then got the answer on how Agnez and the others managed to clear four towers in just an hour.

The Awakeners around them were startled when they saw a group of people suddenly appear right in front of them. They immediately became the center of attention.

"Hey!" A man\'s voice could be heard from behind, and he was running toward them. "How did you guys get here like that?" The man asked.

Mykel looked at the man, and he wore armor down his waist, but a shirt on his upper body. He had two swords on his waist, and lastly, he had long brown hair that he tied his hair into a messy ponytail. He looked younger than everyone on Mykel\'s team, even younger than Lillith.

"You guys deal with him, and ask about what\'s going on here in Gehenna that people decided to live in this place," Agnez said as she walked to the side.

"It\'s teleportation," Rozan answered. "What do you want?" Rozan asked in a bit friendly manner as he looked at the group of that man in the distance.

"Really?! You guys have a skill like that?!" The man asked in disbelief. "Are you guys new here? I have never seen your faces before," He asked as he looked at each one of them.

"New? We are the ones who cleared this floor," Sven scoffed as he crossed his arms with his scythe resting on his left shoulder and the handle under his arms.

The man looked at them with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"Wait! Are you the Guild Association? You used that names when you cleared the floor, right? You guys are so famous!" The man asked.

"Yes, we are from the Guild Association. What do you mean by we are famous?" Gunnar walked toward the man.

"My name is Leonard! It\'s nice to meet you guys!" Leonard looked at them with a huge smile on his face. "And yes, everyone here knows about you guys! The Otherworlders said the same thing, and you guys were the ones who cleared all the towers and defeated the Demon Lords and servants!" Leonard explained.

Since the tower clearance notifications were broadcasted to all the worlds that got invaded by demons, the Guild Association name was heard by all the Awakeners because of that. Because Agnez and the others were the ones that cleared all the towers, they had no idea that the notifications were broadcasted to every world since they didn\'t give the Otherworlders a chance to prove themselves.

"To finally be able to meet you guys, it\'s like a dream!" Leonard said.

Jeanne and Enma looked at Leonard and it reminded them of Asmond. Both didn\'t like Leonard the moment he resembled Asmond. Jeanne then decided to join Agnez because she couldn\'t stand all his praising and bright smiles of his.

Gunnar and the rest asked about why so many Awakeners in Gehenna. Leonard told them that the place had become their hunting ground to level up their skills and that it was safer to work together. The XP was also surprisingly great even though it was shared by so many people. On top of that, they fought the same demons over and over and they all had no problem killing them anymore.

"Are you guys going to explore the demon tower?" Leonard asked. "If so, can we tag along? We are planning to go inside as well," Leonard looked at them.

"Ask the boss," Gunnar pointed at Mykel who had joined Agnez and Jeanne.

Leonard stared at Mykel, and the moment Mykel stared back at him, he was terrified by Mykel\'s gaze.

"I-I think we will go later," Leonard chuckled nervously, and then he left.

"Pussy," Lillith scoffed.

"Are we done here? Ready to go?" Agnez asked everyone. They all nodded in agreement. "Let\'s move," Agnez continued, and they all entered the Babel Tower.

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