Destroying My Own Novel

Chapter 559 558: Live To The Fullest.

Mykel looked at the hundreds of live feeds of worlds that were struggling to fight demons. He watched as the demons were no longer the only enemy that mortals had to face. There were mortals that had decided to join hands with demons and worked together to invade those worlds that were trying to resist.

Rozan had become the God of Magic and had a total of two thousand followers. He oftentimes came down and showed off his power to the mortals as he ended the endless war with the demons. All of his followers had become Sages, the peak a mortal could become that powerful enough to defeat hundreds or even a thousand demons single-handedly.

Sven had become the God of Principality and had a total of a thousand followers. He had become known throughout the whole universe because he once showed himself and massacred half a million humans that had turned against Gods. His followers specialized in dealing with mortals that had gone astray and followed the demons.

Gunnar, Gerrard, Vincze, and Nagy ended up joining and becoming the Quadrinity. The Four Gods of Justice guided whoever believed in them with a power that focused on versatility. They had more than a hundred thousand followers and kept growing like an unstoppable flood because of how famous they had become.

Lillith had become the second feared Goddess and mortals gave her the title of the Merciless God because she didn\'t only kill demons, she killed innocent and evil mortals as well. She only had a few followers, to be exact, there were only a hundred of them. She feared that nobody dared to pray nor to wish to ask her for help, and those hundred mortals were the only ones that were brave enough to ask her to be their sponsor.

Aurea had become the Goddess of Annihilation and she was the most feared Goddess in the universe. One time, she annihilated a whole planet because Demons had conquered the world. She ended up killing both the Demons and all the mortals in that world. So far, she only had three followers, and all of them were women and they were as heartless as her. Those three women became famous and were given the title of Apostles of Annihilation.

Lastly, the most famous and favored by all mortals, Jeanne with her title as the Goddess of Benevolence. She had at least twenty million followers throughout the universe and was the only Goddess who answered their calls of need. The most devoted followers were given the title of the Children of the Goddess, and they were the ones who helped the other worlds from demons.

The heads of the Major Arcana maintained their title as the Major Arcana and each had at least five million followers. Every one of them enjoyed and immersed themselves in the new game that Mykel created and they couldn\'t help but get excited every time.

Lucifer and Bhatmelec ended up making their own world and they did the same thing as they used to. They took things slowly and enjoyed playing as Omnipotent beings, and they made their own game.

"How long has it been?" Mykel sighed as he looked at the screens in front of him.

"Fifty years since it all started," Lyneth answered as she hugged him from behind. "I don\'t know what you\'re thinking, but I can see that you\'re bored. Do you want to share it with me?" Lyneth asked as she looked at Mykel\'s expression.

"Am I?" Mykel asked as he glanced at Lyneth.

"I mean, you\'re not joining them and you have been doing nothing but staying here watching. As I said, I don\'t know what\'s on your mind, but there\'s nothing that\'s stopping you from doing whatever you want," Lyneth answered as she looked at the screens in front of her.

"You\'re right, but the only thing that stopping me from doing so is myself," Mykel said as he stood up. "I have somewhere to go, do you want to come with me?" Mykel asked.

Lyneth nodded her head and followed Mykel without asking where he wanted to go. They both then warped to the world where Edith was, and it was more or less similar since the last time he brought her there.

Lyneth and Elena oftentimes came to visit Edith, but they both stopped visiting Edith thirty years ago because of her husband\'s death and she already had a big family that took care of her. They didn\'t know how big Edith\'s family had become, or how many grandchildren she had.

Mykel and Lyneth stood in front of an apartment building, the tallest and the fanciest building. The apartment was owned by Edith, and her daughters owned dozens of apartments around the world. They might be the richest family in the world and money was the last thing they worried about.

Mykel and Lyneth went to the highest floor and it was where the penthouse was. Mykel rang the bell and someone was running toward the door.

"Hello? Who is this?" A little girl\'s voice came out of the intercom next to the door.

"We are Edith\'s friends," Mykel answered.

"Grandma Edith? Hold on a moment, please! I\'ll call grandma!" The girl replied and ran hurriedly so that both Mykel and Lyneth could hear those little steps.

It didn\'t take long until someone opened the door for them, and they looked at an old woman who opened the door. She looked at Mykel and Lyneth in disbelief, but then she slowly opened her arms and hugged Mykel so tightly.

"It\'s been a while, Merlin," Mykel said as he hugged her gently.

Merlin hummed and then hugged Lyneth since she missed both of them so much. She then let both of them in, and to their surprise, they saw a big family with eight small girls and boys. There were also four teenagers and four adults including Edith\'s daughters and their husbands.

They all looked at Mykel and Lyneth with their eyes and mouths wide open. It looked like they were staring at a famous celebrity in front of them because of how beautiful, dignified, and handsome the two of them were.

"Mother is in her room, is there anything you want? We have plenty of drink and we can prepare you something to eat, as well," Merlin asked as she couldn\'t stop smiling whenever she saw Mykel and Lyneth.

"A bottle of Vodka would be nice," Mykel smiled gently.

Merling chuckled softly as she nodded her head and then went to the small bar to grab a bottle of vodka for Mykel. Mykel and Lyneth went to see Edith since they were there for her, and when they entered the room, they saw how Edith looked so old that her skin wrinkled and her hair turned white. She was resting on the bed as she stared at the balcony where an airplane flew past the apartment.

"Have you lived your life to the fullest, Edith?" Mykel asked as he looked at Edith.

Edith smiled and slowly turned her head to look at Mykel and Lyneth. She asked Mykel to turn herself into a mortal again so she could live normally with her family. The reason Mykel came to visit was that she only had a day left to live and so he came to offer him something.

"Long time no see, Mister Mykel, Miss Lyneth," Edith smiled and she looked so happy to see them again. "I wish I can stand up to greet you, but my body is no longer listening to me anymore," Edith said as she looked at her own body.

"Well, tomorrow you won\'t have to worry about your body anymore," Mykel said as he walked around the bed and sat on the sofa next to the bed.

Lyneth and Edith looked at Mykel with confused looks on their faces, but Edith could tell what it meant by the look in Myke\'s eyes. She then slowly looked at the ceiling and thought if she was ready to die, leaving everything behind.

"Do you want to go back in time and do it again?" Mykel asked.

Edith shook her head and looked at Mykel, "My job here is done and I have lived to the fullest thanks to you. I have experienced everything that I wanted with my family." "Now that I have done it, I think I want to go back and live with everyone again because no matter what, they have been like my second family to me," Edith answered.

"Well then, you should say goodbye to your own family first," Mykel said with a smile.

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